
2011-02-24 3:03 am
5年前大學畢業, 因搬屋唔見咗要證書, 請問點可以補領?

回答 (2)

2011-02-25 6:07 am
✔ 最佳答案

2011-02-24 22:14:15 補充:

原本的証書的確不可能再法,但是會有補發証書的。只是補發証書多數會注名是”補發“,但原則上是一張有效的証書。不和你所說的”the university would not issue another certificate“那樣。
2011-02-24 4:56 am

This is a headache problem, as years ago I have a friend who also have the same problem as you.

As I know, the official university honourable certificate can be issued ONCE only without replacement. It means, if it was lost due to any reason, the university has no responsibility and no obligation to issue once more for the applicant who claimed it was lost.

The most important concern is: This certificate does not like our I.D. Card. If we applied for a replacement of the lost HKID, the old one would be automatically void by Immigration Dept. and even you found it, this old ID Card cannot be used elsewhere. But for a university certificate, if someone has intention to claim for one more ( suppose the university permits doing so ) even the original was not lost, it creates a lot of problems for this certificate may be transferred to other people in use. This would result in a lot of creditability problems of this university.

Hence, I can nearly 100% sure the university would not issue another certificate for you. But anyway, you can still write a letter of certification to the University Admin / Registration Office to declare for your lost, and see if it would regard it as a special case. I just want to let you know that it is not optimistic.

Hope I can help you.

參考: Mathematics Teacher Mr. Ip

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