ive repeat??

2011-02-23 6:38 pm
我係今年IVE HD YR1 嘅學生,我今年成績真係好差,ATTANDANCE 又唔夠,理應IVE 應該要我冧班,咁我想問下如果我係借左SFAA(即係GRANT同LOAN),佢會唔會俾我借多一年YR 1 嘅學費呢???佢會唔會因為我係REPEATER而唔批俾我架??

回答 (2)

2011-03-04 3:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
佢會唔會因為我係REPEATER而唔批俾我架?? I don't think so. Since Grant and loan can give you money until you are 23 years old. The main thing that they concern is your family economic background.

Hope that it can help you. ^^
參考: myself
2011-02-26 8:24 am
我係電腦公司老板, 之前用過IVE d 畢業生, 宜家都怕怕, 你地d老師都唔知教咩, 以後都唔敢請IVE d 人. 都係去認認真真去d好學校讀書把啦.

真心話, 唔洗 repeat la, repeat IVE 哂時間. find another programme will be better!!

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