Dishes 包唔包碟頭飯?

2011-02-23 7:31 am

事緣係咁, 我地做緊個學校project, 徘徊係用cuisine好定dishes好, dishes似乎好d, 但係又唔知碟頭飯(一定要有)算唔算dishes..
請問, dishes 包唔包碟頭飯?

請賜教! 萬分感激!

回答 (1)

2011-02-23 11:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
they both work. but cuisine is more about everything that is on the table. like chinese cuisine, japanese cuisine. the whole meal is a cuisine.
dishes mean individual dish! whatever its on the dish then thats a dish. so even 碟頭飯 is a dish.

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