
2011-02-23 7:31 am

1. Why do you want to do this job?因為我很喜歡接觸小朋友及青少年,幫助到他們令我有很大滿足感2.How did you learn about this post?我在勞工處網頁得知這份工作3.What do you think we expect of this post?我覺得要成熟和有獨立處事能力4.What are your strengths?我對工作有熱誠、有責任感和有良好溝通技巧5.What are your weaknesses?我做事有責任感容易產生壓力6Why should we employ you?因為我有這方面工作經驗,而且我會很投入工作7. Why are you leaving your present job?因為我報讀了全日制毅進課程,增值自己8. If I employ you, how long are you going to stay here?我會報讀兼職社工課程,期望在公司有長遠發展9. How would you see yourself in five years?我期望五年後會成為一位註冊社工,可以,晉升為社工職位10.How do you think you can contribute to our company?我會盡力為服務對象提供合適服務,為機構建立良好形象

回答 (5)

2011-02-23 11:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Why do you want to do this job?因為我很喜歡接觸小朋友及青少年,幫助到他們令我有很大滿足感
要提醒你一句:喜歡接觸小朋友-由機器翻譯為like to contact...便是喜歡摸小孩子的變態人!小心你的用詞(中/英都是)

I like children and teenagers, it gives me great satisfaction when I can help them grow.

2.How did you learn about this post?我在勞工處網頁得知這份工作
I find this job from the Labour Dept webpage/website.

3.What do you think we expect of this post?我覺得要成熟和有獨立處事能力
I think it needs someone who is mature and can work independently.

4.What are your strengths?我對工作有熱誠、有責任感和有良好溝通技巧
I am passionate, with a sense of responsibility and have good communication skills.

5.What are your weaknesses?我做事有責任感容易產生壓力
My sense of responsibility generates pressure for myself easily.

6Why should we employ you?因為我有這方面工作經驗,而且我會很投入工作
I have this kind of work experience and I will be able to fit in.

7. Why are you leaving your present job?因為我報讀了全日制毅進課程,增值自己
I've registered Project Yi Jin (Springboard) to futher my study.

8. If I employ you, how long are you going to stay here?我會報讀兼職社工課程,期望在公司有長遠發展
I'll take a part-time social work certificate program. I hope to stay in this company for a long time.

9. How would you see yourself in five years?我期望五年後會成為一位註冊社工,可以,晉升為社工職位
I wish to be a Registered Social Worker in 5 years, and become a full-time social worker.

10.How do you think you can contribute to our company?我會盡力為服務對象提供合適服務,為機構建立良好形象

I will try my best to match suitable services for those in need and maintain the good reputation of this orgnaization.
2011-02-27 6:31 am
1. Why do you want to do this job?

Because I like the contact with children and young people, helping them make me a great sense of satisfaction

2.How did you learn about this post?

I know the job the department's website

3.What do you think we expect of this post?

I feel the need to mature and ability to work independently

4.What are your strengths?

My work dedicated, responsible and have good communication skills

5.What are your weaknesses?

I am prone to stress a sense of responsibility to do things

6Why should we employ you?

Because I have experience in this area, and I will be to work

7. Why are you leaving your present job?

I enrolled in a full-time Project Yi Jin, added their own

8. If I employ you, how long are you going to stay here?

I will enroll part-time social work course, expected long-term development in the company

9. How would you see yourself in five years?

I look forward to five years to become a registered social worker can, promotion posts for social workers

10.How do you think you can contribute to our company?

I will try to provide appropriate services to clients, to establish a good image for the organization
2011-02-25 5:25 am


2011-02-23 8:41 am
1. Why do you want to do this job?

Because I like the contact with children and young people, helping them make me a great sense of satisfaction

2.How did you learn about this post?

I know the job the department's website
3.What do you think we expect of this post?

I feel the need to mature and ability to work independently
4.What are your strengths?

My work dedicated, responsible and have good communication skills
5.What are your weaknesses?

I am prone to stress a sense of responsibility to do things

6Why should we employ you?

Because I have experience in this area, and I will be to work

7. Why are you leaving your present job?

I enrolled in a full-time Project Yi Jin, added their own
8. If I employ you, how long are you going to stay here?

I will enroll part-time social work course, expected long-term development in the company

9. How would you see yourself in five years?

I look forward to five years to become a registered social worker can, promotion posts for social workers
10.How do you think you can contribute to our company?

I will try to provide appropriate services to clients, to establish a good image for the organization
參考: ^.^
2011-02-23 8:23 am
1. Why do you want to do this job?It’s because I love to contact childrenand teenagers. I’ll have great satisfaction if I can help them.因為我很喜歡接觸小朋友及青少年,幫助到他們令我有很大滿足感2.How did you learn about this post?I learnt about this post from the website of Labour Department.我在勞工處網頁得知這份工作3.What do you think we expect of this post?I think maturity and independence are expected.我覺得要成熟和有獨立處事能力4.What are your strengths?I have passion to work. I also have good responsibility and communicationskill. 我對工作有熱誠、有責任感和有良好溝通技巧5.What are your weaknesses?I have good responsibility so I have pressure quite easily.我做事有責任感容易產生壓力6Why should we employ you?I have relevant experience and I will throw myself into my work.因為我有這方面工作經驗,而且我會很投入工作7. Why are you leaving your present job?It’s because I have applied for a full-time programme of Yijin to increasemy self-value.因為我報讀了全日制毅進課程,增值自己8. If I employ you, how long are you going to stay here?I will apply for a part-time programme about social work and hope to havea long-term development in this company.我會報讀兼職社工課程,期望在公司有長遠發展9. How would you see yourself in five years?I hope I can become a registered social worker after five years and bepromoted to a social worker.我期望五年後會成為一位註冊社工,可以,晉升為社工職位10.How do you think you can contribute to our company?I’ll try my best to provide suitable service for clients and build up agood image for the organization.我會盡力為服務對象提供合適服務,為機構建立良好形象

2011-02-23 00:24:32 補充:
以下英文幫我翻譯成中文,盡量用些簡單英文,謝謝! <==你是否想中文譯成英文?

2011-02-23 01:25:58 補充:
7.It’s because I applied for a full-time programme of Yijin to increasemy self-value.
參考: myself

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