What is (aq)

2011-02-22 6:12 am
What is (aq) ?

What is aqeous solution ?


What is aqueous. Is it water soluble ?

回答 (2)

2011-02-22 6:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
(aq) is a symbol which occurs frequently in different chemical equation.
It means aqueous solution. The solute inside the solution is water soluble. Since it dissolves in water, it turns into aqueous solution.

2011-02-22 16:17:30 補充:
Silver is not dissolved in the solution.
It is "the solution contains the silver ION."

2011-02-22 16:18:49 補充:
Moreover, precipitate usually means the water-insoluble substances, like silver sulphate. They are not solube in water, so they will not form any AQUEOUS SOLUTION.

2011-02-22 16:20:11 補充:
They are not soluble in water... not solube
參考: Knowledge is power.
2011-02-22 6:16 am
aqeous solution -,-吾知有冇串錯字..

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 17:04:36
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