Q1) Given 5 integers: 45,47,48,49,x. If the standard deviation is 1.6, find the value of x and the mean of all these integers.
ans:45,46.8Q2) A factory produces a machine components with an average length of 3.5cm and a standard deviation of 0.01cm. The tolerance limit for the lengths of the machine components is 3.5+or-0.02cm. Assuming that the lengths of the machine components are normally distributed.a) find the % of machine components whose lengths lie
i)between 3.48cm and 3.51cm,
ii)outside the tolerance limit.b) If a worker make a mistake so that machine components with an average length of 3.51cm and a standard deviation of 0.01cm are produced, find the % of machine components whose lengths lie outside the tolerance limit.
ans: 81.5%,5%,16.25%