我明戀一個男仔,點先分到佢係5係love 我?

2011-02-22 12:33 am
全級都知我love him (he sit beside me at chin lesson)one time i give a pack of chocolate to him then he borrrow my book ,原來佢write "thx for ur gift" at my book! 有一次,我同佢同我D fd 去左佢屋企玩,佢比左一罐cream soda 我,佢飲左一啖! 同埋佢成日望住我.仲有一次,我係fb 寫左一句 i love another boy(另外一個人) but i'm just kidding the the next day my fd ask him 'do u love her(me)?' then he say i love ernest he is jealous or what??? plz help me !!!!!!!!!!!
1.he love me or not??

ernest is another ppl!!

回答 (3)

2011-02-23 3:53 am
He is love you
2011-02-22 1:00 am
if everyone know that u love him, i guess he knows it too. well, if he loves you, what r u going to do and what about if he doesnt? NO ONE knows about he really loves u or not, EXCEPT HIM, I guess he is interested in u. If u really wanna know, then go to ask him. go for it, gurl! hope u fall in love in time.

P.S studying is more important than falling in love. maybe u guys should graduate sch 1st. GOOD LUCK!
2011-02-22 12:45 am
i think a little bit love you...

2011-02-21 16:47:46 補充:
who is ernest?

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