" First, we can through this course to learn about writing with customer and colleague ; The Second, will help to us reduce misunderstanding with customer and oversea, will better to consideration for each other, appreciated if you could prove me this,"
Manger : Can you explain to me what exactly you want to say ?
Staff member : Is my message not clear ?
請問 not clear 在那??
事先聲明..以上對話不是我作的.我亦沒能力作.我是在作業裡面抄回來,..我的課程標明是 Writing and Reading ..可能是要學生懂不懂看出, 有什麼不對...還要學生更改句子..,這段落老師也沒有叫我們做的.只是我在温習途中看到.更混亂非常,所以拿來問一問,..如有什麼不對請多多包含,,
還謝謝咁多位回答者..Thank you so much..