message not clear ??

2011-02-21 8:10 am
Staff member :

" First, we can through this course to learn about writing with customer and colleague ; The Second, will help to us reduce misunderstanding with customer and oversea, will better to consideration for each other, appreciated if you could prove me this,"

Manger : Can you explain to me what exactly you want to say ?

Staff member : Is my message not clear ?

請問 not clear 在那??

事先聲明..以上對話不是我作的.我亦沒能力作.我是在作業裡面抄回來,..我的課程標明是 Writing and Reading ..可能是要學生懂不懂看出, 有什麼不對...還要學生更改句子..,這段落老師也沒有叫我們做的.只是我在温習途中看到.更混亂非常,所以拿來問一問,..如有什麼不對請多多包含,,


還謝謝咁多位回答者..Thank you so much..

回答 (6)

2011-02-21 7:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
" First, we can through this course to learn about writing with customer and colleague ; The Second, will help to us reduce misunderstanding with customer and oversea, will better to consideration for each other, appreciated if you could prove me this,"

Staff : First of all, we can learn how to write a letter or memo to the customer and colleague from this course; Second, the communication between customer and overseas will be improved. I am seeking your approval for the course.
2011-02-22 1:20 am
message not clear ??Staff member :

" First, we can through this course to learn about writing with customer and colleague ; The Second, will help to us reduce misunderstanding with customer and oversea, will better to consideration for each other, appreciated if you could prove me this,"

1) You have not told your manager what the course is.
2) Do you want the company to pay for the course ?

2011-02-22 12:56 am
不單你的經理不明白, 任誰也不明白, 怎猜也猜不到, 簡直不知所謂!

" First, we can through this course to learn about writing with customer and colleague (寫信給客戶和同事? 還是同事和客戶的書信來往?) ; The Second, will help to us reduce misunderstanding with customer and oversea (減少與客戶的誤會, 這意義是清楚的, 但減少與海外的誤會便莫名其妙了) will better to consideration for each other (有利於相互考慮因素???), appreciated if you could prove me this (希望你能夠証明這件事?) - 真神奇, 比翻譯軟件更不堪呀!,"

2011-02-21 9:32 pm
it's very not clear. i would say the same as manager. what exactly you want to say? may be in chinese please.
2011-02-21 9:03 pm
Here is my perception about the sentences given

1. The message "seeking approval" is weak
It should be highlighted to the listener (boss).

2. The second sentence "The second.... oversea," doesn't tell the key element. "what make you reduce the misunderstanding", the "overseas" can nnot stand by itself as a noun. So "customer and overseas" is incomplete in meaning.

3. The grammatical mistakes - quite a few mistakes made

Here is my suggested one for your consideration
This course provides training on letter writting through which we can improve our communication with colleagues and our customers. Moreover, it would certainly help reduce misunderstanding with our clients and overseas partners. Considering that it is beneficial to our company, I would appreciate if you could approve the training course.
2011-02-21 5:58 pm
i think the place that isn't clear is :
"First, we can through this course to learn about writing with customer and colleague..."

what course is it? You didn't say anything about it at first.

And basically the Manger said :
"Can you explain to me what exactly you want to say ?"

Can mean like he doesn't want to hear any crap so want to listen the main idea of the staff member.
參考: myself~

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