
2011-02-21 4:41 am
The other chick is being hand-raised as it was abandoned at birth. 求中文解釋!!!10marks!!!@-@

回答 (3)

2011-02-21 8:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
The other chick is being hand-raised as it was abandoned at birth.

另外一隻小雞是人手飼養/養大的 (hand-raised),因為它出生時已被遺棄 (abandoned)。

2011-02-21 00:58:11 補充:
樓上話: 威脅= raise one's hand against someone,

但是 hand-raised = 人手飼養

參考: Myself
2011-02-21 5:58 pm
完全同意 002 Àt³Õ¤h 的答案。

001 李∮玲的答案反映了他不明白問題中 "hand raised" 是 "經人手飼養" 的意思", 去回應着上文的 "abandoned at birth" , 而由此去知道 "chick" 是指 "小鷄", 不是人。他更不知道 "chick" 譯作 "寶寶" 時,是帶有侮辱女性成份的。由於答案不但錯,而且不合情理,所以不是一個負責任的答案。
2011-02-21 5:18 am
The other chick is being hand-raised as it was abandoned at birth.另一個小寶寶受著威脅,因為它出生時被棄置。Chick: 小寶寶hand-raised: 威脅as : 因為http://hk.dictionary.yahoo.com/dictionary?p=raise+one%27s+hand+against

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