
2011-02-20 11:55 pm




跟住剪d文章出黎,做newspaper cutting,吾識既字查字典,跟住寫落隔離.

跟住亦都會自己開一本生字薄,分開曬v,adj,adv,n ,得閒就拎黎溫一溫,望一望.

睇英文news report,盡量吾望字幕,聽吾到就望一眼.

跟住睇反我呀哥去補習個d notes, 溫作文,自己亦都會作文俾老師睇.


同埋有無其他方法可以建議俾我,去improve好我d英文?因為本人既目標係想係hkdse既英文拎到level4以上= =''(由於我係第二階,所以無past paper可以做...)

回答 (4)

2011-02-21 3:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
( i want to say that i'm just S.2. i can do that, that is impossible you cannot do that:))
you should working on your reading, writing, listening and also speaking.

Reading-- it is good that you used to reading eng. newspaper and jot down vocab. but on the other side, your speed of reading is also important. use a stopwatch to count your time of reading next time!

Writing-- 'write down sentences that you think is good'...frankly it is a really good methods. but what i want to ask is Do you really can use it on? not just copy and look at it. use them in your writing, Not one time two time, your target is use it as many times as you can. try to explain the same meaning in the different ways. good for writing compo. to your teacher!

Listening-- good job watch eng. programmes. but add something on it: write down what you have heard in the programme. see whether you really can hear it. if you think it is difficult, why don't you start with the most basic and clearest one-- news reports and weather reports?

Speaking-- actually i think this is the most difficult part for the english-foreigners. READ and SPEAK english to yourself everytime. if you are not shy, ask your classmates or your brother to speak english together!
參考: myself( i want to say that i'm just S.2)
2011-02-25 6:46 am


2011-02-21 8:32 am
http://www.334edu.tk is professional and helpful
2011-02-21 2:10 am
I see you in the newspaper 還是 I see you on the newspaper?

It will be good if you really can work as stated above.

Besides what you have said, you should also read an article aloud daily for 15-20 minutes.

Whenever you make mistakes in essay writing (composition)or any exercises, please do correction as well.

You can also listen to the English channel on radio and sing English songs. Yu can also do the HKCEE old task papers as it helps to better your English standard.

Do work diligently and your English will be improved gradually.

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