
2011-02-20 11:54 am

請大家幫幫忙 謝謝.... PS:請不要用翻譯軟體.....

Caregivers are taught to start with 50–100 ml after each loose stool in children less than two years of age and 100–200 ml after each loose stool in children older than two years. Important in cases of vomiting, is to give small quantities of fl uid at a time, to prevent immediate vomiting due to vagal nerve irritation. Table III compares commercially available rehydration solutions with that proposed by the WHO and South African Paediatric Association. The mother can also be taught to mix a home prepared solution with one litre of boiled and cooled down water, eight teaspoons of sugar and half a teaspoon salt. It is however imperative to give written instructions to the mother, because confusion between the quantities of salt and sugar to be added can lead to severe hypernatraemia with devastating neurological consequences. Children who vomit continuously or refuse ORS can be rehydrated via nasogastric tube. Cases of failed oral rehydration, shock, or contra-indications to oral rehydration such as paralytic ileus will need intravenous rehydration. Once children are rehydrated, continued ORS should be given to replace ongoing losses till the diarrhoea has stopped.

回答 (3)

2011-02-22 6:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Caregivers are taught to start with 50–100 ml after each loose stool in children less than two years of age and 100–200 ml after each loose stool in children older than two years. Important in cases of vomiting, is to give small quantities of fluid at a time, to prevent immediate vomiting due to vagal nerve irritation.

照顧者被教導使用口服補液鹽 (ORS)時,小於兩歲的孩童於每次腹瀉後,由50-100毫升的劑量開始給予,大於兩歲的孩童則於每次腹瀉後由100-200毫升的劑量開始給予。給嘔吐個案補充體液時,非常重要的一點是每次只能補充少量液體,以免刺激迷走神造成立即性嘔吐。

loose stool, also called diarrhea。在這裡我用''腹瀉''表達,你也可以翻成''拉肚子''或''解稀便''。
due to means "caused by" 嘔吐原因很多,這裡是指迷走神經受刺激引發的立即性嘔吐。

Table III compares commercially available rehydration solutions with that proposed by the WHO and South African Paediatric Association.


The mother can also be taught to mix a home prepared solution with one litre of boiled and cooled down water, eight teaspoons of sugar and half a teaspoon salt. It is however imperative to give written instructions to the mother, because confusion between the quantities of salt and sugar to be added can lead to severe hypernatraemia with devastating neurological consequences.


Children who vomit continuously or refuse ORS can be rehydrated via nasogastric tube. Cases of failed oral rehydration, shock, or contra-indications to oral rehydration such as paralytic ileus will need intravenous rehydration. Once children are rehydrated, continued ORS should be given to replace ongoing losses till the diarrhoea has stopped.


參考: 醫院臨床經驗15年以上
2011-02-20 11:56 pm
2011-02-20 9:55 pm

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