「When you dream, and then wake up, you think, "Jesus, that was a weird dream. Where did that come from? " Then you poke around at yesterday's events and the teasing of your psyche, and you can piece together whatever it was that caused this Technicolor narrative to feature itself in the drive-in cinema of your bedroom. Usually you get it. You see where it came from, how it fell out that way, why the lamp could speak and your loafers were suddenly wide enough to take a bath in. If you've done a little shrink work, all that stuff comes crystal clear, almost amateur.」
To 小賴, 如果可以的話,我會刪掉你的回答。
To Jerry, 謝謝你!但我不需要整段的翻譯,我想知道的是最後這個字在這裡作何解釋… I know the meaning of the word. I just don't know what it means here in this paragraph!
To Margaret, 一開始我以為妳是在建議我自己想出解答來, 可是愈看愈覺得妳是解答我的問題, 所以還是請問一下(很不好意思的口氣...) … 妳是在建議我還是已經直接回答我了?
To Jay, 對啊,我才讀到第32頁,都一直陷在一次又一次的思考, 雖然有時候想的有點頭痛,可是很喜歡耶~ 尤其是恍然大悟之後…
To Margaret, 因為妳的回答很簡潔啊,原來真的是在回答我哦…^^ 那我覺得妳解釋得很棒! 謝謝妳跟Jay...
To Jerry, 謝謝你的補充回答,^^ 但我並非否定您將 amateur 這個字翻為「業餘」, 誠如我所說的,我知道 amateur 是什麼意思, 我想知道的是這個字在這裡的「邏輯」! 也正因為我了解「一本小說,只節錄一小段,本就不容易」(作出適當的翻譯)… 我才會將我要問的這最後一個字前面的這一大段都po上來, 而非只是po上最後一句。 我可以理解你對這個問題的翻譯, 也很樂意到您的部落格去參觀看看!^^ 感謝…