maybe because of my character...
the problem is my lack of confidence, everyone wanted to play with those who are good at soccer.
but i'm always afraid of expressing (showing) myself... every time i played with those who're good at soccer ( actually they didn't have to be very good, usually i'm not familiar with those guys so they just usually control the ball and seldom giving chances to you...)
so i played in the back all the time, it's hard for me to play in the front if i was playing with those who knows how to play soccer. because they don't really give you the chance, maybe they would but if you miss or make mistake they'll blame on me.. i felt nervous and couldn't feel comfortable to play...
and the other thing is. even if we win at the end let's say we won 10:0 , but i am not gonna feel happy because i didn't contribute anything in the game besides just stay in the back and watching my "good" teammates scored all the goals..
but on the flip side, i enjoy so much when i am on the team with those who're not very good. Maybe i would not feel that much pressure, i can try my best in the game at least i will have the courage to dribble more and more.
i am finished, i hope you give me some opinions^^