When is the last flame show outside the Crown Casino/Yarra River?

2011-02-19 11:25 am
There are flame shows every hour from the evening outside the Crown Casino/Yarra River, when is the first one and when is the last?

回答 (3)

2011-02-19 11:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
During summer months-
SUN-THURS 9pm-12am.
FRI & SAT- 9pm-1am.
For operating hours during other seasons and a few interesting fact about them here is the official website: crowncasino.com.au/gas-brigades
2016-10-19 5:24 pm
Crown Fire Show
2016-03-21 11:08 am
I want to join, babe ;). I promise you won't regret it after I give you a blowj... err, after I give you a hug *wink wink*. Name: Alotta Fagina. Gender: Female. Name says it all. Gimmick: A whore desperately trying to get to the top of the business. Status (heel/face): Heel, but I can be a sweet little ho ;). Hometown: Hollywood. Signature moves (3-10): The Stinkface, Low-Blow, Kiss of Death, Armlock [which will put my opponent in the Doggy Style] and/or any move involving a Kamasutra position ;). Finishing moves (1-3): The Tickle Worth A Nickle [I tickle my opponents until they submit], and the 69 [Use your imagination for that one.]. Theme song (optional): "I Am Not A Whore" by LMFAO. WQ: I was too busy last night blowing balloons so I didn't have time to watch SD!.

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