Should I use Come or Go?

2011-02-18 9:11 pm
Should I use Come or Go for below sentences???

"I will GO with you" or "I will Come with you" ???

"Can I Go, too" or "Can I Come, too" ???

I don't know when I should use Go when I should use Come. Please help!!!

回答 (3)

2011-02-18 9:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I will come with you. Can I come too?

Both are legitimate. You can use the "go" as well, but I prefer "come". The intonation when you are speaking can influence the meaning, as well.
2011-02-19 7:44 am
In your sentences either works.
2011-02-19 5:34 am
If the statement applies to accompanying a person who is going somewhere , then go would be more apt.

Comparing "Go" and "Come" in a 'directional " sense we have "Go TO the store---" , "Come HERE as soon as possible

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