幫幫手 幫我翻譯下英文.........唔要翻譯網翻譯

2011-02-19 5:14 am
我做個2份工作,2份工作是飲食業和SALEO,在2份工作學會了團體精神和責任,在工作期間更獲得傑出員工,, 我有信心可以為你公司作出貢獻

錯唔多意思都OK .....(唔要用翻譯網翻譯)...........


回答 (8)

2011-02-19 6:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
我亦希望能夠使用我的所長之處 為本公司服務和學習新事物
我有工作經驗 這兩份工作是飲食業和SALEO 在這兩份工作學會了團體精神和責任 我曾經在期間獲得傑出員工
所以 我有信心 能夠為公司作出貢獻
I know this is a bigger company
I hopy i can join your big family
I hopy i can use my good point in your company and serve to your company I have to already work two jobs It's catering trade and SALEO When i work i have learn to unite and duty and i have to acquire Outstanding Staff Award
SO i believe i can serve for your company to get contribution
2011-02-21 2:02 pm
Your company is well-known for being a large one and I really appreciate the opportunity of joining it. I had two previous jobs which were in the food and drink industry and SALEO respectively. I had gained a strong sense of responsibility and teamwork spirit through these two jobs, I had even been awarded with the outstanding employee prize. I have full confidence that I will be a great contribution and become a valuable asset to your company.
2011-02-20 10:20 pm
I know that your company are a large company that i want to study,
I had done two jobs before. These two jobs are about catering industry and SALEO. I have learned responsibilities of team spirit also I have won the outstanding staff.I have confident that i can contribute for the company.
2011-02-20 7:29 pm
Having learned that your company is the renowned one in the business sector and hence I would like to apply to the post and believe that I will fullfil the requirement. Previously, I had been working on two different jobs, one was in the food business while the other was in the sales department. As the result, I have gained the abilities in both team work and accountability and hence I had been awarded the outstanding performance by my previous employers. To the best of my belief, I will accomplish the task with all my might as required by the post. And your consideration in my application for the post will be heartily appreciated.
2011-02-20 2:43 am
Your company being a large organisation, I am very eager to learn from you and to gain useful work experience.
I have held dual positions before, one being in the food/catering industry and one in Sales. From my previous roles I have developed important skills as a good team player and ownership of responsibily. At work I was awarded the title of 'Outstanding Employee' / ' Employee of the Month' etc.. I am confident that I can make substantial contributions to your company.
參考: English teacher
2011-02-20 12:48 am


2011-02-19 5:27 am
I know that your company are a large company that i want to study,
I had done two jobs before. These two jobs are about catering industry and SALEO. I have learned responsibilities of team spirit also I have won the outstanding staff.I have confident that i can contribute for the company.
參考: me
2011-02-19 5:22 am
I know your company is a big firm and I want to learn from here,

I had worked on 2 jobs, one is food industry and one is sale industry,

I had learned about teamwork and responsibility from the past 2 jobs,

I also be awarded as a outstanding worker during the working time.

I am confident to contribute to your company.

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 13:25:01
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