英文Grammar 一問=0=

2011-02-19 3:26 am
1.The lights are quite attractive and very unusual,but some people think they are not very ___________. (Christmas)

2. I wanted to invoke the ________(child) of Christmas.

改成 Verbs, Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives and Adverbs



第一個岩左=0= 第2個唔岩=.= 唔係childishness


咦-.- 原來2個都岩@@ THX


你英文咁勁既0.0 我有其他英文問題可以問你嗎0.0?

回答 (2)

2011-02-19 3:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.The lights are quite attractive and very unusual,but some people think they are not very Christmassy 有耶誕氣氛的 (adj)

2. I wanted to invoke the childishness of Christmas.孩子氣;幼稚 (noun)
參考: me
2011-02-19 6:55 am
Have you learnt {Part of speech}?
In question1,we can determine the part of speech of missing word easily,it is

2011-02-18 22:55:39 補充:
n question 2,we can determine the part of speech of missing word easily too.For example,{King of forest}(森林之王),The word {King} is a noun.
The part of speech of missing word is noun.Finally,checking the word by dictionary which includes all types of part of speech.(Such as Google....)

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