Face to Face answer ??

2011-02-18 9:46 am
Improve this long sentence

Since our business is growing stronger, and stronger, we need more, and
more, manpower to deal with customers face to face, to answer phone
calls, and, reply to emails. so that we can provide a better service, and,
to help our business to run more efficiently.

Since our business is growing stronger. we need more manpower to deal
with customers face to face answer phone calls and reply to emails. By
employing more staff, we can provide a better service and help our business
to run more efficiently.


回答 (3)

2011-02-18 9:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Since ... stronger , we need more manpower to deal with customers face to face, phone calls and emails. .....

It should be a comma instead. In my opinion, the actions "answer" and "reply" are somewhat understood in the context so they need not be repeated again.

2011-02-26 11:38 am
Since the business have been growing rapidly,we need more staff to deal with the business especially our customers service,phone calls and emails. If more staff were employed,we could serve our customers better and promote our business more efficently.
2011-02-18 7:51 pm



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