IQ V Life experience?

2011-02-17 10:24 am
What is it about a degree that seems to give some the "holier than thou" attitude both politically and it seems morally?
In asking, in my experience stupidity doesn't discriminate

Thanks David - that would have been the answer of choice in my teens

回答 (3)

2011-02-17 10:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
Life experience exceeds having a very high I.Q. Life's journeys create wisdom, wisdom will get your *** out of trouble. Having a high I.Q won't in most cases. But having both would do anyone right. As far as politics goes, well that's a whole different animal. Our political system gets worse and worse every year that passes. Either party has not been able to get it right for over 100 yrs. And with that being said, stupidity doesn't discriminate.
2011-02-17 6:53 pm
I have two masters degrees, so I wanted to chime in. Education is a valuable thing, let me say that. In my studies I have experienced great teachers and really lousy teachers, and great students and really lousy students. Anyhow, my point is that education and intelligence are two separate things. You can have degrees and be a dimwit, and you can have no education and be brilliant. So, you are right.
2011-02-17 6:43 pm
if you meet someone like that just beat the c....out of them that will let them know that you are the boss and they will stop that c.....
參考: experience

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