為何是 I will COME with u 而不是GO

2011-02-18 5:58 am
Emma: the children are so young….and so ill and weak. But their sprirts are strong. Amy: those kids are brave. Jean, is your friend still in the hospital? Jean: Yes. Maybe you can visit her too, Emma. Emma: Sure! What room is she in? Jean: Room 637. Maybe I will come with you. Emma: Great! Amy: Can I come too? I would like to visit those kids. Emma: sure! I will tell the nurses.

請問各位大大 這裡的 maybe I will come with u 捨GO而用COME呢? 是否有特殊的涵義呢? 本文出自大家說英文雜誌

回答 (2)

2011-02-19 2:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Maybe I will come with you.
Can I come, too?

上述兩句因為指出特定地點,所以用 go會比較適當一些,但是用come 也可以,也沒有絕對的對錯。有些人習慣用 go,有些人習慣用 come,基本上可以視對話內容而定。如果只是和朋友閒聊,只要你的外國朋友了解你的意思就好了。更何況上述用法並沒有絕對的錯,只是在此對話中用 go可能比較適當一些。但是當你有特定方向時,''come" 和 "go'' 就有區分了。例如:

"Go TO the store---"
"Come HERE as soon as possible''

參考: 長年住在美國白人區,在美國唸書和工作,我老公是美國白人
2011-02-20 12:02 am
我認為這裡的"maybe I will come with you" 捨go而用come, 是因為Emma,Amy與 Jean三個人在對話時,三個人都在醫院裡, 所以用come,大家一起"來"醫院探病。

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