
2011-02-18 6:46 am

I begged for Mary ____________ for another week.

正解:to stay

請問能否寫to let her stay?

回cat 可是那句英文題目 確實就是那樣耶@@ 我當時左思右想 我一開始也以為I begged後面一定要直接加受詞 可是beg後面加for也沒有錯阿@@ 而且這是文法書上寫的耶◎_◎? 呆子的解釋感覺好像比較合理(?)

回答 (3)

2011-02-18 7:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
I begged for Mary to stay for another week.
不定詞記得有邏輯的主詞,to stay 邏輯的主詞是Mary,還原本句為I begged for Mary that Mary stayed for another week.

而I begged for Mary to let her stay for another week.還原本句為I begged for Mary that Mary let her stay for another week.請問 her 是誰?語意不明-----

2011-02-19 5:40 pm
I begged Mary to stay for another week.

請問 Cat 下句通嗎?
I begged for Mary to let her stay for another week.

2011-02-19 23:02:58 補充:

I will tell you what I prayed every moment of the last 48 hours as I listened to his little heart beat strong on the monitor. I prayed for each new day that God will grant us for this little one to grow inside me.

2011-02-19 23:03:17 補充:
為了兒子, 向上帝求情:
I begged for my son to have a fair chance at life, a healthy life filled with all of the things you would want for your child - a mind, body and spirit fully cultivated and ready for this world.

I begged for Mary to let her stay for another week.

2011-02-19 23:12:36 補充:
I begged for Mary to let her stay for another week. 這一句裡的 her 很明確的是指 Mary ,並無語意不明-----
2011-02-18 5:51 pm

I begged Mary to stay for another week.


如果是要描述 ''替瑪莉求情'',那麼應該指出 "對誰求情" 才是完整且正確的句子。有時候英文不能直接從中文翻譯,否則就成了所謂的 ''台灣英文''。

I begged Mary's father to let her stay for another week.

I begged Mary's father to allow her stay for another week.


參考: 長年住在美國白人區,在美國唸書和工作,我老公是美國白人

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