
2011-02-17 10:58 pm
Once you do it the first time,you're hooked --- until you're assembled your own collection of happy snappy sticker photos,that is.
that is 的用法和意思是?

For a smoother spoonful, smother it in evqporated milk first.

We love becoming frenzied shopaholics when the sales are on
when the sales are on的意思是?

The Hong Kong versions of a quick donut and coffee for breakfast are peanut buffer toast or hot rice flour rolls smothered in peanut,sweet chili
and soy sauce
smothered in peanut,sweet chili and soy sauce的意思是?

Yes, they stink and,yes,they stock packets of some of the weirdest forms of animal and plant life, including seahorses and frog's ovaries.

People love this beautiful stretch of white sand which is so tranquil they forget they're in Hong Kong.
為何tranquil 後 可直接連接they ? 這是什麼文法

回答 (2)

2011-02-18 1:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Once you do it the first time,you're hooked --- until you're assembled your own collection of happy snappy sticker photos,that is.

that is 的意思應該是"也就是說"、"換句話說",等於"in other words"。
Once you do it the first time,you're hooked --- that is, you're hooked until you're assembled your own collection of happy snappy sticker photos.
你給的句子是把you're hooked省略掉之後,再把that is放到最後面的變形,這麼做的目的是讀起來比較精簡。

EX1 He is a New Yorker, that is, he lives in New York.
EX2 The fare is reduced for children, that is, anyone under 15 years old.

2. For a smoother spoonful, smother it in evqporated milk first.

3. We love becoming frenzied shopaholics when the sales are on
when the sales are on的意思是"大拍賣開始時"。

4. The Hong Kong versions of a quick donut and coffee for breakfast are peanut buffer toast or hot rice flour rolls smothered in peanut,sweet chili and soy sauce.
smothered in peanut,sweet chili and soy sauce的意思是"被花生、甜辣椒和醬油醬汁覆滿",也就是塗滿這些東西混合物(醬汁)的意思。

5. Yes, they stink and,yes,they stock packets of some of the weirdest forms of animal and plant life, including seahorses and frog's ovaries.

6. People love this beautiful stretch of white sand which is so tranquil they forget they're in Hong Kong.
為何tranquil 後 可直接連接they ? 這是什麼文法

People love this beautiful stretch of white sand which is so tranquil that they forget they're in Hong Kong.


希望對你有點幫助囉 :)
參考: 自己、朗文字典
2011-02-18 1:33 am
Once you do it the first time,you're hooked --- until you're assembled your own collection of happy snappy sticker photos,that is.
that is 的用法和意思是?

that is 還是 "那是" 的意思

For a smoother spoonful, smother it in evqporated milk first.

是evaporated 而不是evqporated喔

We love becoming frenzied shopaholics when the sales are on
when the sales are on的意思是?
when the sells are on還是原本的意思就是 在開店的時候 或 開始賣的時候

The Hong Kong versions of a quick donut and coffee for breakfast are peanut buffer toast or hot rice flour rolls smothered in peanut,sweet chili
and soy sauce
smothered in peanut,sweet chili and soy sauce的意思是?

Yes, they stink and,yes,they stock packets of some of the weirdest forms of animal and plant life, including seahorses and frog's ovaries.

People love this beautiful stretch of white sand which is so tranquil they forget they're in Hong Kong.
為何tranquil 後 可直接連接they ? 這是什麼文法

參考: 自己知道

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