How do you know when you’re in love?

2011-02-16 7:49 pm
Welcome to Episode 16! Just ONE more episode to go. Valentine’s Day is over so we wanted to ask this question: How do you know when you’re in love? Do you start sweating? Do you get super nervous? Are you clumsy?

Tell us and then watch here for a few responses:

回答 (1169)

2011-02-18 4:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
You know you are in love when every time you start to think about the one you love, butterflies start flying in your stomach.

You know you are in love when you fine yourself shopping with that person and you feel like everything is right in the world.

You know you are in love when you can't stop touching that person.

You know you are in love when you feel miserable when you are away from that person.

You know you are in love when you start planning a future in your head.

You know you are in love when can't stop smiling every time you see that person.

I could go on with more examples. For me being in love is wonderful and yet painful. The man I love doesn't know that I do love him. He is my friend and for now that is all he wants because he is about to be deployed. Because I love him I am going to wait. Love is worth any pain and wait.
When you find yourself ignoring your own feelings and focusing on how someone else is feeling your in love. I find myself now looking at maps, tracing the distance between where he is and where I am. I now pray each and every night for him to come back safely to me.
2011-02-16 7:52 pm
-When you can act totally yourself with that person and not have any secrets with each other.
-When you two completely trust each other
-When you see them, you feel warm and fuzzy inside and wear a great big smile on your face.
-You think about them all the time.
2011-02-16 8:10 pm
There is no point in answering this question. You can't explain it. Some people said some smart things over here, but still, love is a feeling which you cannot explain in words. You don't need anybody to tell you what is love and how does it feel like, you'll just know when it hits you.
參考: Personal experience;)
2011-02-16 7:54 pm
Can you imagine yourself with them forever? Side by side with her when there a wrinkly old prune smiling at you?

Be careful not to get love, lust, and infatuation mixed up. I think you can safely take out lust with these feelings, it's more than a physical attraction. But if it ends with an emotional attraction, it still won't end happily. It needs to be a complete overwhelming force that fills every part of your being. (I think)

I think love is more than just those feelings. Hang with them, be there friend. see if there the one for you and if you're the one for them. Remember a relationship is about two people.
2011-02-16 7:55 pm
When I finally realized I loved my bf I was a mess.. I would tell myself everyday to get up the courage to tell him how I felt but when they time came, Id chicken out and become an emotional wreck! Ill never forget this one time I looked him straight in the eyes, grabbed his hand and opened my mouth to say those words and I just start crying! Like, really crying! He was so confused and concerned hehe.. Who wouldnt be? And of course I couldnt tell him why I was crying so I just went home. Hehehe.. Well, I gave up and decided to let him be the first to take that step and he finally did yesterday on Valentines Day!! Ive been waiting 15 months for that moment :)
2011-02-16 9:07 pm
* They're always on your mind...even if you're thinking about other things, they are always somewhere on your mind.
* You would do anything for them, if you could, you would take away any pain they were feeling, you'd die for them...
* When you miss them, you look at your old texts from that person, or their FB/something else profile.
* You can barely express it in words...being in love is hard to explain (and sometimes you're overwhelmed)
* You know they aren't perfect, but you're willing to look PAST their flaws, and see the beauty in that person.
* One of your favorite places in the world is in their arms..
* You can imagine spending the rest of your life with them, and you know you want to.
* You can't imagine your life without that person..
* You can BE YOURSELF around them, and not have to act or be a certain way.
* You get this feeling in your stomach...a warm feeling, whenever you're around them, or talking to them even.
* You feel safe around them...
* You can completely trust each other, and each one is 150% loyal to the other person..

I tried to explain. But being in love, you can't really explain it? You just...know. :p
2011-02-16 7:55 pm
I knew on our 1 year anniversary when he lenghtened the chain in the kitchen. It allowed me to move from sink to fridge without having to ask.
2011-02-16 8:06 pm
you're thinking about them 24/7, read their messages/texts over and over again, always wondering what they'll be doing right now, when you're reading people answers on this question and you'll have that person you love in your mind and trying to relate them to the answers!!!!!!!!!!!
2011-02-16 8:56 pm
You can't help looking at them, you can't help looking away. You wanna run the other direction and you wanna walk right up to them. Its terrible not to see them and so stressful to see them. You're scared they love you too, and petrified they don't. You watch their eyes and when your eyes meet, frantically look away. you can't think for wanting to be near them, and can't think for their nearness when you are. you feel clumsy around them, yet like the most wonderful person ever...
2011-02-16 7:57 pm
When he leaves a dead pheasant on your bed.
2011-02-16 8:18 pm
My heart beats fast and I smile.
2011-02-19 4:53 am
How do you know when you’re in love? Truthfully it depends on what age you are.

~ As a child I was in love when he gave me a dandelion and told me he loved me.

~As a pre-teen I was in love when he didn’t care that I rode 4-wheelers and preferred playing in the creek to shopping in the mall.

~As a teenager I fell in love with the boy who was my polar opposite. I knew it because I felt butterflies, and I always wanted to be glued to his side. We were high school sweethearts and he broke my heart.

~As an adult I’m not in love with anyone right now, but combining everything I’ve learned here is what I think: It may happen in a day or it may happen over the course of years. Either way I’ll know I’m not just in love, but I have found THE love when I realize that I can live without him, but I don’t want to anymore. When I can accept that I am content even happy with my life, but life with him in it will be richer and fuller.

If that’s too sappy for you, I’ll also know it when I realize that as much as I love sprawling corner to corner on my bed wrapped up like a burrito in the blankets….I’ll be willing to try to change my cover-hogging, bed-spwaling ways, because waking up next to him beats waking up alone any day.
2011-02-22 6:38 pm
It's hard to know for sure, that's the biggest thing. But I think that you really know when you want to make yourself a better person so that you can do your best for the one you love. It's not necessarily all butterflies and daydreams, to me that's infatuation which could be part of knowing you are in love, but you will know for sure when that special someone makes you feel so wonderful that you just want to do everything you ever could do for them. You want to be the perfect version of yourself. When you start wanting to be that person, then you know. It's not changing who you are, but amplifying everything great that you already are!
2011-02-16 8:08 pm
Its Just You Get That Feeling <3
2011-02-16 8:38 pm
I guess you just can't stop thinking about them :)
You get butterflies in your stomache
Uhhhh stare at em'?
Get super nervous.

You feel like there's no one else in the world who you can love <3
You feel bubbly ALL the time, smiling everywhere :))))
2011-02-19 5:06 am
Being in love is more than just a feeling. Sure, there's feeling, too. You feel jittery and butterflies in your stomach. Maybe your palms sweat, or you find it hard to breathe - especially in the beginning. But those are hormones at work, and those feelings may fade over time. That doesn't mean you're not in love anymore! That just means that you are maturing beyond the infatuation phase of young love.

Love is an active verb. Being in love means being an active partner. I do things for him because I love him, and not because it's fun or easy to do. I iron his shirts just right, because it pleases him, even though nobody irons shirts anymore. I pack his lunch every day, even though he's perfectly capable of packing it himself. I send him romantic, slightly suggestive emails during the day, to brighten up his afternoon. In return, he is kind and caring, supporting me in my interests. We are best friends.

I know I'm in love with him, because he is my joy, my life, my world. He is my everything.
參考: thirty years of marriage with the same spouse.
2011-02-16 10:33 pm
I distinctly remember walking on air and thought everyone was wonderful.
2011-02-16 8:19 pm
always when i see the one who i love my heart starts to pump really fast.....then i always look at him and try to catch his eyes and think of him all the time.
2011-02-18 4:57 pm
You know you are in love when:
- You trust each other completely
- You can have them hang out with your friends without being nervous or humiliated or any other feeling of insecurity
- You can be yourself around them and they don't care how you act, they love you for who you are
- You don't want them to change, they are fine just the way they are
- You get butterflies in your stomach every time you see or talk to them
- You can tell your friends about him/her and don't care what they say about her
- You stick up for her no matter if it is a stranger or your friends, if they were really your friends they wouldn't care if she was hanging out with you
- You get majorly nervous and start sweating (this is in the first part of your relationship normally)
- You are clumsy (normally in first part of the relationship)
- You have day/night dreams about you being together for the rest of your life
- You can picture yourself being married to them, having as many babies as you want or can handle, and dieing at an old age with them ( most people don't want to picture death but that's a way you know that you are in love, if you can see that already)
That's some of the ways you can tell you are in love
參考: my brain :P
2011-02-16 8:58 pm
When you are happy, singing songs, care very much about appearance, can't stop thinking and dreaming about them
2011-02-19 5:13 am
Symptoms of Love:

You feel incomplete without him by your side. When your significant other is gone, it feels as if he's carved a piece of your soul out to carry away with him.

No matter how many people are with you, you have an slight, aching loneliness that won't fade entirely away if he isn't near.

Being with him makes you want to be no where else.

You immediately think of him when a love song comes on.

The mornings you brush your teeth together feel just as intimate as the nights in the bedroom.

He's your best friend.

No matter how much you complain or how late you are, you give in and hug him before you go to work.

You find the times when he's asleep on the couch, drooling a little, absolutely adorable.

When he makes a bad joke, you laugh because he made himself smile.

Even if it's the dead of winter - he always makes you feel cherished and warm.
2011-02-16 9:36 pm
i cant stop thinking about her , when ever she is near me i feel like my heart skipped a beat , and i become kinda nervous .
2011-02-17 2:06 am
Because after 35 years of marriage, you still get excited when he comes home from work!
2011-02-16 11:17 pm
When anytime you listen to a love song , you feel like it was written about you 2 .
2011-02-20 3:04 am
You know when you feel like you can't live without the person. It feels like you can't be without them for even a second. When you see them you get excited because you know your going to spend time in your day with the person.

You could start sweating if your a person that gets nervous very easy.

Some people do get super nervous because they feel as though the person is everything and when they come around you feel as though you have to act your best and look your best just for them.

Sometimes I get clumsy but then i just try to play it off. Like sometimes when i trip or fall i get up and change the subject like it never happened.

Hope I could help.
2011-02-21 10:16 pm
I never got nervous, sweaty, or clumsy (perhaps that's because I'm always clumsy!). I just get this great calm whenever I'm with my boyfriend. I just feel like I'm in a place where I truly belong. I only got butterflies once when we first started out, but they've never come back. I think that real, deep true love is not anything like everybody thinks it is.

Sure, we've said "I love you," to each other quite a lot, but I didn't really understand how deep he cared for me until last night. He was driving me home and we almost got into a car accident. He was so shaken up that we had to pull over and the first thing he said to me after I wrapped an arm around him was, "I could have killed you." I can't exactly put my feelings and certainly not his into words, but I now realize that he cares for me so much more than I could have imagined.

My boyfriend and I are still very young (he's 19, I'm 18) but I have a feeling that what we have will last a very long time. We appreciate each other for what we do for each other and we support each other's dreams and goals. I want him to be the best musician he can be because it will make him happy and he wants me to be the best horse back rider I can be because he knows that it will make me happy. Both of us also have similar ideals, both of us want a loving long term relationship that has no boundaries and I'd like to think that we've found that.
2011-02-16 9:21 pm
You just know
I don't believe it has to do with trusting the person, or them trusting you, or anything they do or don't do, because if and when they mistake, and they will, large or small,cause not being God and being human, people make mistakes, and if you base what you call love on a person doing everything you want or like or even respect,( then you are going to be sorely disappointed.) and that is good, but it doesn't work, not 100% of the time. noone can do it right all the time, no matter how hard they try. The human condition. We are fallible creatures. . If you are looking for the perfect person, stop, they don't exist on this earth.
You know, . We can't always trust our children yet still love them unconditionally. They are our children, we love them because we love them. You don't decide certain things, only what you do about them. You don't decide to walk out of your house one day and fall in love with a tall dark stranger.
You don't taste a new food, and decide to like it, you taste buds decide that for you
You don't decide to become ill, that is decided Of course an honest, trustworthy, good looking respectful person will attract us, and hopefully they stay that way, but don't deceive yourself that this is love, or that that person can be perfect. your heart will be broke, and so will theres. If you are using this as a basis for love, remember the other person may expect the same perfection from you. . And never expect more from another person than you do of yourself. carol ann
參考: counselor, minister, life
2011-02-17 1:02 pm
Driving home after the first date I ever had with my wife, I was pulled over for speeding.

As the cop asked for my driver's license and registration, he asked me if I knew why he pulled me over.

Smiling from ear to ear, I told him "Yes, I was speeding, but that's not important right now. I think I am in love!"

He laughed, gave me back my license, and told me to slow down without issuing a ticket.

The smile continued all the way home, and was still on my face the next morning.

After 12 years of marriage, nothing has changed, she still makes me smile every single day.

Oh, that was the only time in my life I ever got out of a ticket.
2011-02-16 7:51 pm
U can't stop thinking of them, u check there Facebook/ myspaxe/ ext.. There so important to u
2011-02-16 9:43 pm
When you are willing to make a sacrifice, just because you love your partner.

It does not have to be anything big, can be small acts of kindness that bring you joy just to see the smile on your partner's face.

Like when I let my wife watch something rather than the Arsenal game. Or the joy when she let me watch it later.
2011-02-16 10:03 pm
-I can't stop think about them.
-I look for/add them on facebook.
-I pair my name with their last name.
-I find it hard to make them on sims. (Close friends, eh who cares, guys I like, his nose is not quite that small! Yeah... wait too big!)
-I try to find out how nice/sensitive they are.
-I feel sick/nervous/scared around them. (Weird.)
2011-02-19 11:28 pm
When you're In Love, is one thing. When you Truly Love someone is another.

Being in love is simply thinking you love someone. (an obsession really)
Truly loving someone is really knowing it.

In Love -
You're heart flutters everytime you're around him/her.
He/she is literally the only thing on your mind all the time.
You would give up your time with friends and family members for him/her.

True Love -
You can be yourself always around him/her.
You're not afraid to hide anything about yourself from him/her.
You would truly give your life for him/her or do anything for him/her.
You trust him/her with everything.
You consider him/her your best friend in the world.
參考: personal experience
2011-02-21 3:04 pm
Hi everybody! When you're in love, you will:

- Feel very nervous when she/he comes around, exited is also the reason but some people just wants to hide themselves ( but only few of them 2 out of 10 ).

- Miss her/him every 24hr.

- Some people when she/he in love with you but you didn't realized she/he will always wondering what you're doing, do you have relationship with somebody else or not and she/ he can also be worried that you would fall in love with somebody else rather than he/her self or someone loving you.

- Some people hurts when they're in love.

- You just wants to be with him/her, that is all you wished.
參考: Experience.
2011-02-16 9:49 pm
When that person begins to occupy your mind 90 percent of the time. when you are thinking of something completely off course, and somehow that person winds up in your mind to do with everything. When you would sacrifice for that person, when there is nothing you would not give for that person, when you think you cannot live without that person. You are definitely falling for them.
2011-02-16 11:52 pm
Your heart just goes crazy over the guy, you can't concentrate on every day things except him.
參考: Self
2011-02-23 5:50 am
I got really happy and wanted to show her stuff that she had never seen before, and take her places that she had never been to before. It felt like I had had all of these awesome experiences that I wished she was around for when I did them...but since we just met, I had to backtrack and re-experience all of those things again with her next to me.
Also, I kept trying to make her laugh (even though I'm not usually like that), and every time she laughed...even giggled, I would feel really warm and fuzzy inside.
And I figured out the whole "be a gentleman" thing too. This whole "be a gentleman" thing is BS. I realized that I wanted to hold her hand because it made her feel safer. I wanted her to walk on the inside of the sidewalk and away from the cars when crossing the street because I didn't want to take any risks with this beautiful, precious gem of a girl. So when she told me that I was being a gentleman, I realized that I wasn't trying to be...I just cared about her and did what I guess girls consider to be "gentlemanly".
Aaaand, I also noticed that I wasn't clumsy at all. Quite the opposite. I felt really strong and confident when she is next to Superman or something.
Well honestly I could go on an on, but most of all, I feel like the luckiest guy on the planet. Like truly I won the lottery or something. She's pretty amazing. So..yeah..
Not sure why you're asking this question but I had fun answering it.
Good luck.
參考: Personal experience.
2011-02-17 12:42 am
When the little annoying things don't matter to me don't matter because I can't picture myself without them.
2011-02-16 10:01 pm
When I just can't stop thinking about the person. They're always on my mind and I can't think of a single bad thing about them. To add to that, whenever I am thinking about them, I can't seem to stop smiling!
2011-02-16 11:16 pm
You know when you look in the persons eyes and start laughing, get butterflies in your stomach, and have nothing to say at first. You also know when you dream about that person and cant stop thinking of that no matter what you do.
2011-02-18 5:08 am
When you're so physically, emotionally, and mentally attached to that person. You're beginning to realize that your life wouldn't be complete without them by your side. You can't bear to be away from them for too long, you start feeling incomplete. You can't wait to see them again, and all you want is to hold them to make sure they never leave, to make sure they always stay yours. You get jealous when other people flirt with them because you don't want there to be any chance of you losing that person. You'll do anything, everything, for that person. You always put them before yourself and never judge then when they have a problem. You console them if they've had a rough day. You assure them that the next day will be better. You want to be their everything, and their only thing. Nothing less.
2011-02-18 4:14 pm
When you move away and you realize you miss his face and everything about him and you wish you told him that you loved him a hundred times over and over again and when you know you're never going to see him smile at you again. When you know you will never see him again and it makes you cry; when you wish you had kissed and hugged him everyday.
You're in love when you ask yourself if you could die of grief and each time you fall into bed you know who you're going to dream about.
You're in love when any other boy doesn't seem worth it.
When everywhere you look you see his face or something that reminds you of him. When you know you could cry anytime you like just thinking about it.
參考: experience :(
2011-02-18 6:13 pm
Some people say that it's impossible to define and while i agree, i think that it's not too hard to give a general feeling.

I am currently in love and I would best describe it as you think about the person all the time, you are happy when ever someone mention's their name, you can't go a day with out talking to them. It is a feeling you have that once you experience you can't live with or without.

When you are in love, you love the person for all of them, even their problems. No matter what they do, you can't stay mad at them. They are your best friend and they are the only person you feel most comfortable around and the person you trust with everything.
2011-02-17 1:15 am
For me I knew at the first sight. I was scanning the room for a friend of mine and the world stopped. I was completely captivated. While a romance did not start that day, I knew in my heart that she was the one. We became friends which last 5 years, then one day we went on a date. On that date we had our first kiss. It was explosive.
參考: Happily Married to that girl.
2011-02-23 1:43 am
You know when you're in love when suddenly you stop having the thought you need to please anyone and you begin to feel comfortable with yourself.
When you start leading a normal life again
and you cant stop thinking about the person (because there will always be a part of them within you)...but it doesn't mean you think about them all day (theres a part within that is sectioned for them)

when you can picture having a long and prosperous future with them
and see yourself with them, through arguments, laughs, bad times and good times

you can picture yourself having children, growing old with each other and sharing a life time with each other.

On the physical side of things, when you're in love you forget all the issues your family and friends have with your beloved and despite all odds choose him over everything. You would fight for him and fight for the love you had for him/her.

When you're in love you would subconciously smile at the thought of them...without noticing and you would remember them for all the good things and less for the bad.

You would just know it when you're in love..

everyone reacts differently

its everyones individual discoveries which makes love that more special, unique and exciting.

It's a beautiful thing to share with someone.

2011-02-23 4:27 am
It's like, you don't even need to ask anyone else if what you're feeling is love, because you just know it deep down, and you feel like the other person knows too. It's this connection between you that you couldn't imagine life without, that you can't exactly describe, and that you never think to doubt.
When you love someone, I think it's that you can accept everything about them, and then you feel accepted by them. You feel comfortable around them, you're able to be yourself, and you are able to do anything with this person and feel happiness. You can do anything, as long as you're with them.
And it's not infatuation, it's so much more. It's comfortable silences, bad days, and real life. It's the perfect blend of prolonged friendship and physical attraction.
參考: i am in love!
2011-02-17 2:34 am
You know your in TRUE love;

1. When you are willing to do or give anything for that person. Like, being willing to go 20 miles on a rainy dark night to go pick up their favorite icecream.. Just because you want to make them happy, and satisfy their wants and needs.

2.When you are able to forgive them of anything that was said or done.

3. When all you want to do is protect them, and be with them to guide them through difficult times.

4. When you can imagine yourself always being with that person for the rest of your life, always doing your best to make them happy.

5. When your willing to give up your own life for them.
參考: Love is not a feeling, its an action, its a sacrifice.
2011-02-16 8:40 pm
When you get a ulcer on your stomach.

參考: experience
2011-02-21 2:30 am
You think about them all the time. You want to know everything about them. Butterflies in stomach. You put their happiness before yours. You want what's best for them even though it might be what you think is best for you. You put them first. Love is not selfish. Is does ot keep account of wrongs done to you by this person. You see beyond their faults and love them anyway. YOu think of that person first thing in the morning and last thing before you go to bed. Of couse, infatuation can also give you the same feelings. But sometimes that is how love begins. If you still feel the same way after you have spent time together. The hard part though is if the other person doesn't feel the same way, they can't help it and you must move on. But never regret loving someone. It is the greatest compliment you can give another human being. Good Luck!
2011-02-20 6:49 am
- When they are always on you mind & in your heart
- You feel emotionally linked to them
- When you think of your life without them, it makes you sad
- The thought that they might not love you too makes you super duper sad
- You are always happy to see them - even if only for a few minutes
- You would go out of your way to do things for them - and they don't even need to ask
- You would be willing to help them whenever and whereever :)
- When you wonder if they love you too...
2011-02-19 5:58 am
When you are in love, you feel a sort of affection toward them, you feel your heart pounding and racing and beating, and you have dreams and fantasize about you guys kissing living together, going out on a date. You may get super nervous, or clumsy, it really depends on the person, but that is more specific toward the person. But generally you would feel your heart racing and you would feel like you guys can live a thousand years in love.
參考: Expert
2011-02-17 3:48 am
You know, when you think about them constantly, and when you look into their eyes and see everything you need, you smile just thinking about them, you cant get to sleep at night because you cant get them off your mind, you would give your life for their happiness, and cry when havent seen them, you want to hug them and never let go.
參考: Humble Christian Guy 20 In Love
2011-02-20 1:15 pm
-When you are constantly asking yourself why all you can see are the clouds when you've clearly got your feet on the ground.
-When you stop thinking about them all day everyday, because you realize that they are an extension of yourself and only conceded people think about themselves all day.
-When you are willing to sacrifice everything you have for that person even though you have nothing.
-When you realize that how ever long or short the rest of your life may be, living it out with them means more to you than however long it may be.
-When your worst of times with them, when you are in the gutter, when life has handed you the short stick and then broke that in half . . . is better than any of the happiest moments you've had without them.
-When you will fight through anything that life throws at you just to defend your right to be with them.
-When nothing in this world matters to you more than just being able to see that smile one last time.
2011-02-17 2:13 am
1. you feel amazingly happy when you're with them
2. you miss him/her whenever he/she is not around
3. you smile whenever you see them
4. you feel like you're 5 again
5. you get a good, comfortable, nervous feeling around him/her
6. you have that person as your best friend
7. you can be yourself
2011-02-18 3:34 am
- I start getting like really nervous around that person
- I'll blush a lot even by the slightest comments like "You look nice today"
- I have a tendency to stare and then when he notices I look away blushing and smiling
- I walk really slow when I'm with him
- I get really excited when someone tells me he's around or when I see him
- I get really sad when he leaves and not even 5 minutes have passed and I already miss him
- Everything feels so perfect when I'm with him and it's like nothing can go wrong.

Who can know better of feeling in love than someone who's in love and soon to get married?
2011-02-17 4:00 pm
Well there is a lot of different kinds of love.

You got Puppy Love. Its kinda like, “Wow this is new and Exciting,” but it doesnt really last. You can feel this way about many things not just people. For instance, a Child can feel it for a toy until it finds something else. Also This is the way many “Teenagers” feel about their Boy/Girlfriends. While it IS love it usually fades away.

You have Family love. It’s more of an unspoken bond between people where you know that when the going gets tough, you have some people to fall back on. Even if your fighting with these loved ones, you know if something comes up, they will be there to help you through it. Its a very comfoting feeling that you only feel everytime one of these hard times shows up, so cherish these moments. This can also be called, “Unconditional Love.”

Now “True Love” thats a powerful feeling. It makes your heart beat slower, but faster at the same time. You feel like it could break at any moment. You smile often, and sometimes you get the “tinglies.” they can be isolated, or spread all over your body. You look at that person and all you see is that one person. You feel like your putting everything out there, your hopes, your dreams, your feelings, your heart. And sometimes they get bumped and bruised, and i have heard on occasion broken. But when your in that “True Love” you understand the risks, and your willing to take them. You look in that persons eyes. in to their soul and feel that they will try not to damage your fragile gift of Love.”True Love” is when both parties involved wont give up on each other. As long as you are trying -sincerely trying, not just going through the motions- to make it work it is possible for “True Love” to last.

…Or at least thats how I feel. =]
參考: Time, and experience.
2011-02-17 2:48 pm
You start with an attraction to this person. Something about them "grabbed" you, and left you with the feeling that you really want to get to know this person a lot better.

Attraction leads to the need to get to know this person. What makes them tick, what are their likes/dislikes. How much do we have in common, from whether they like Miracle Whip, or Mayonnaise...

You think about them constantly, and you're walking around with your head in the clouds, and you can't wait to see them, or even hear their voice, and when you do, you have this big ole stupid grin you can't make go away...

Once you've established the small things you've got in common, you start to want to know more, some of the deeper things... Their views on politics, religion, how they treat their parents, their siblings... Do they want to have children? What kind of parenting style does this person have?

How well can we handle disputes? Temperament is key, because you need to know how to have a disagreement without hollering, cussing, and showing any tendency toward violence.

The key to knowing when you're in love is to use both your heart and brain... Don't fall for that "follow your heart" hogwash, because you were given BOTH for a reason, and the heart does have the tendency to lie to you.

Your heart may lead you to your true love, but you've got to also engage your brain, because eventually, it's the engaging of the brain that will make your relationship longer, happier and healthier, when all those warm and fuzzy feelings moves you through the deeper, more meaningful stages of love.
2011-02-17 12:57 am
You know you met the right person and that you're in love when you can look into their eyes and see all of forever in them.

Other symptoms of love include, but are not limited to:

1. Sweating

2. Loss of appetite (in the case of heartbreak)

3. Getting dizzy (nervousness)

4. Fumbling with items in the presence of your lover

5. Stumbling on your own words

6. Somehow managing to accidentally injure your lover at least once a week. Seriously, what is with those romantic movies? They all seem to begin relationships with accidental violence! Dropping books on heads in the library. Hitting them with a door when leaving a building?

7. Smiling like an idiot for long periods of time.

Etc etc....

Falling in love is wonderful, beautiful, and confusing all at the same time. <3
2011-02-17 1:22 pm
Your money starts disappearing.
2011-02-21 5:53 pm
It happenes at different time for different people, but I would say the following:

-You can't stop thinking about that person, and you want to be with them physically, emotionally and spiritually

-You feel a bit nervous, because the person who you are in love with, strikes you as the cutest, most amazing fulfilling person in the world

-Nobody else matter in the same say as this person

- I don't know about body functions, but perhaps sweating could be one of them

Just my take on ti :)
2011-02-17 3:34 am
Yes, all the above,'s a feeling of official completion !

2011-02-22 7:03 pm
Is there a real answer to that? Should this question even be asked? haha well everyone knows that love is unexplainable. You can say love is this love is that, but until you're at that state. You don't even know what love is anymore. It's something amazing that you are able to share with a person. A person who you are able to give them your heart to take care of and a person whose heart you are able to be loyal, caring and loving to. Love is never perfect, it's human nature, no one is perfect. There are always ups and downs but what matters the most is that out of love, a couple is able to talk through it and conclude in still loving each other. Love makes you comfortable and at ease. But this is for people who are both in love. Just realizing the questions that was asked, I'm assuming it's more towards a one person thing. I don't necessarily think that you'd be sweating and super nervous, etc. when you're in love because that should be more at the "liking" stage. When you're still new with the person and still trying to figure each other out. But with love you're able to be free with that person, express yourself to that person and forever have them in your heart.
參考: Inner Soul
2011-02-18 5:44 am
Let's see...
It is true that you feel completely comfortable and yourself around them, but then again you feel totally nervous and you try anything you can to make yourself not look dumb cuz you think that one stupid move will make him think you're weird and he won't like you anymore.
You think about them ALL THE TIME; anytime you zone out or daydream it's them you're thinking of, when you're lying in bed you daydream of them being with you and the wonderful "what if" possibilities.
You start liking the same things as them. For example, lets say they really like cars and you at first have no interest at even knowing what a carburetor is. The next thing you know, you're looking up the fast and furious on the internet and know the difference between a G6 and G4.
Everything you see reminds you of them. You see a billboard for Wendy's and it brings you back to the time when you guys went to eat and he ended up spilling ketchup all over his shirt. Or even actors or actresses start to remind you of them!

No doubt love is confusing. Love is stressful. But in the end it's the most sacred and exciting think you will ever experience.
2011-02-20 7:28 am
I had never been in real love for pretty long, but I think I can tell you now what it feels like....

Firstly, it makes you feel happy and positive in your life. All things around you seem the same, but better somehow. You keep smiling for no reason at all and people notice some good changes in you.

When someone takes your beloved's name, you can't help but blush and feel shy at the same time (but it depends). You can't stop gushing about how great they are, et cetera to yourself or your friends.

Sometimes, you feel like you are being crazy or delusional but you still can't lose the way you feel about them. They might not know how you feel; but you would still be fine because you just know the loving feeling won't stop. It stays there all the time!

You also find yourself fantasizing about a potential relationship with them and it might go as far as marriage and kids. You would think that if only you were together, nothing else would matter anymore and that the world would be the best place still is because you got to feel the way you are doing right now. You will find yourself incapable of ever being annoyed at them or irritated by them. Just seeing them or hearing from them would make your day.

Lastly, but not the least- you know you are in love when you love the person just as they are... and not because of how they appear to be or because of what they could be. You would find that you unconditional and caring towards them. You would want to know what is wrong if they are not okay, or even try to be by their side if it is possible.

Even then, love cannot be explained or defined. I listed some things that I feel while I am in love right now, but the real thing which I feel is so much more greater than I made it sound. I just know it feels fantastic and I have never felt this way about a person before.... :)
參考: A girl in love for the first time! :)
2011-02-17 11:39 pm
When somebody is more important to you than you.
When you feel the utmost admiration and affection towards someone.
When you have unquestionable loyalty to someone.
When you associate that person with happy memories, positive things and experiences.

When you are ready to die for another person if necessary. Pure love can also be platonic (as in soldiers) or maternal (as in a mother's love for her child).
參考: It turns out not that many people are actually in love, at least if you believe the divorce statistics. Most people get together to fulfill their financial and biological needs, without any spiritual connection at all.
2011-02-17 4:06 am
When it literally hurts your heart to not say 'i love you'.

When you consider doing something you would never, ever otherwise do, but somehow that person managaed to influence you into considering it without even trying, and just by being themselves.

When you trust that you can tell them absolutely anything, and they wouldnt judge you for it.

When you can count on them to support you and be there when you need them.

When it makes you ridiculously happy to just see their face.

When you would drop everything to hold their hand when they need you.

When just the thought of them brings a smile to your face.

...and the list continues.
參考: i <3 my bf
2011-02-19 7:46 pm
When the things you may have initially not liked, become things you love. You love the dirty smudge on his/her face, the way they smell even if they just jogged for an hour. You recognize them just by the way they carry themselves. When they smile, you just can't help but smile too. You actually like when they disagree with you, because you get to learn something new about them. You start to think of what is yours as what theirs too, like they are a controlling factor of your life; because when they come near, your heart beats faster and you feel at ease in the world.
2011-02-20 5:44 pm
I'd say this would be different for everyone, but I knew when:
She was the first thing I thought of when I woke up and the last thought in my mind before falling asleep.
I get excited when I get a text message, then somewhat irritated when it's not from her
I save the text messages she's sent that are sweet and make me smile
Her's is the background photo on my phone and all my computers
She's amazingly easy to talk to about anything
I get excited when I go to her house, even though we've been dating for 8 months
I get excited when she's coming to mine
I love buying her flowers more than she loves receiving them
No other woman looks attractive to me anymore... Used to love 'people-watching', checking out beautiful women while I was out in public... yeah, it does nothing now. Her's is the only face I want to see.
I can't picture a future without her in it

Hope this helps
參考: Personal experience
2011-02-21 2:31 am
Well, your mind gets crazy, your tongue gets crazy, your body gets crazy, and you wonder what exactly has changed. You wonder what they are doing every minute and you could feel "a pain" of separation.
You also wonder how you could ever exist without them, and you idolize every little thing about them -even if it's a fault. You start to write poetry and listen to songs more start praying a lot of more and being choosier about your hairstyle, your clothes and start thinking what would be the ultimate date. When she starts to come over, you prepare yourself for four hours, straighten the house or apartment endlessly and rearrange things! You make sure there is her favorite wine in the fridge and her favorite chocolate and maybe you've prepared her favorite food or had it delivered. You think, is it time for roses or perfume or a ring?Those are a few changes. Everybody thinks you're sick and you are "lovesick"..I hope that helps!
參考: I'm a researcher
2011-02-17 3:16 am
You look forward to just being with that person or talking to them, even if you have no idea what you'll be doing or talking about.

You can see yourself having children with that person.

You get this really warm feeling in your chest and you cannot help but smile.
2011-02-17 4:36 am
The funny thing is, everyone else knew that I was in love years before I finally figured it out. And when I finally did, it was just a knowing. It felt like I came home after a long trip and was finally safe and secure because he loves me as much. And no matter where we have lived over the years since we got married, as long as I am with him, I am at home.

edit: oops, didn't answer the whole question. The cool thing with my husband is, when we were dating, I was never nervous, (like with other guys that I had dated). I always felt right at home with him, and could just be myself. Even if I had a bad day and ended up showing my temper...actually, it turned him on, he likes his high spirited girl! Which is exactly what I needed, because I decided a long time ago, if they didn't like me the way I am, then I could find friends and/or a boyfriend elsewhere.
2011-02-16 11:21 pm
hewn i fall in love with kis long blond hair
參考: my longhair fettish
2011-02-19 12:53 am
You know that you are in love when you can't imagine life if that person had not walked into it. That you are always smiling while thinking about them, which is all the time because you can't get them off of your mind. They are the center of all that you live for and do on a daily basis. You can't wait to see them or talk to them and you blush constantly while with them. You are perfectly content just being held, or holding the other person, because you just want to be with them.
參考: My life. Right now ;)
2011-02-18 5:56 pm
Most people say "When I get butterflies (or a knot) in my stomach," or "When I lose all self control," or "When it feels right," or "When we have so much in common," or when we walk on the beach and stare fondly into each others eyes," or "When we go for a coney dog and see the sites." These aren't bad things to say. They are part of love.
I believe that love is a journey and not a destination. I also believe that a couple has to cultivate their love for each other by doing nice things.
Love is not something you fall into. If that were the case we would all be falling down this long dark hole into a pit of despair. True love lifts us. It lifts our spirits and enlightens the mind. You know it's love when the one you love makes you want to be a better person. Whether they say anything or not.
So, how do I know when I am in love? I know that lust, and infatuation are not love and neither is drama. I have heard from some that love is a battle field or like a safari. I looked at them and said, "You have got to be kidding me." I believe that if a couple are truly in love there is no competition. There is no hunt. No constant search. I believe this way because I have always known what I am looking for in a man and I know I need to be myself to get him.
I will know that I am in love when I see that the one I am dating makes me want to be a better person, when I know without a shadow of a doubt that things are right, when I feel it with every fiber of my being, when all my senses and comprehension tell me that it is love and not just heightened emotions then I will know that I am in love. Have I found love. Not at this point, but I feel that it is close by.
Take care.
2011-02-18 6:36 am
After 13 years of marriage i can say that i know what love is..the butterfly feelings and excitement are there in abundance at first..then comes the true love..the commitment and the knowing that you have married your other half..and that you really cant imagine your life without him..he is such a part of best friend,my rock when i need someone to lean on..
Being in love is so much more than physical..its the look on his face when he smiles at me and i know that smile is meant for only me..the love that i give him and he gives me back is beyond magical it is is seeing him with our kids and knowing that they are a part of us..
it is in fact devotion,dedication,and wonderfully breathtaking:)
2011-02-17 5:12 am
You never really know.It all starts with a challenge.Combined with an infatuation of what you actually imagine to be Love. It then develops into a battle royal to win over emotions and compatability. We jump in with both boots on. Generally its good at the begining then all goes pear shaped because most people pput on a false impression of themselves.So confusion of what you really term as love is only basically passion gone wrong. You have to live with someone to know the long term consequences..its a falacy it exist but has to be worked upon via the emotions and senses.Its not a game and or a competition. But we all experience some form of it.Love is unconditional, so no matter how much you love. hate or should at the endo fo the day be very patient and understanding anothers feelings without the selfish needs we got ourselves into in the first place.Love must have a direction.
2011-02-17 5:38 am
I think there are many different responses that can lead people to finally truly believe and know that they are in love. For me, for a long time, I had heard of different things that can happen, seeing fireworks and / or having your breath taken away when kissing or just some unexplained attraction, physical, mental or emotional that leads one to want to take a closer look, but had never really experienced anything. Then, for the first time, I had my breath taken away, along with the ability to speak! And that was it. I was beginning to think that these things that people talked about when experiencing "true love" were just the products of over active imaginations, until experiencing it for the first time. Wow. Just wow...
2011-02-20 3:31 am
“Love is a feeling you feel when you’re feeling a feeling you’ve never felt before”

Just knowing that the person even exists in this world would make you smile. And there’s nothing specific you like about this person because they are perfect to you. They are always special to you no matter what and whenever something happens, they are the first one that pops into your mind. If the person is really in love, they wouldn't ever have to ask if they were in love because they would know. Love is a feeling that two people share and the chemistry between them both is beyond imagination. When sparks fly, both people would feel the instant connection because their hearts would come together to be one. And you would never sweat, get nervous, or clumsy since you know that their love comes from the inside and loves you for who you are. It sounds cliche but it's definitely true.

IF you have felt all these things, ask yourself “would you ever die for this person”.

If your answer is yes, it’s not true love because you would be hurting him/her.
參考: Life, miracles, and my heart.
2011-02-21 5:01 pm
first off there are alot of feelings we associate with love that have nothing to do with it. Love is a mutual connection, but if sex, money, or anything other than trust and communication are the basis for your feelings, it isn't love. You will be able to determine when you are in love when in your heart of hearts and your mind collaboratively can say they are both happy with a person, and no pain, stress, nor worry is involved. When you are in love the connection between you and the person entails open communication, trust on both ends, affection, and the ability to get close to each other (i.e. snuggle and kiss) without having to introduce sex into the equation, intimacy is a big part of love, but most people mistake intimacy for sex, not sex is sex, intimacy is being able to be close to a person and show that the emotional connection you all share can also be translated to a physical connection of closeness and togetherness. Love is the culmination of all these elements.
參考: 91 years of life experience
2011-02-19 6:34 pm
Love? Never once in my lifetime have I found the perfect definition. Love can not be summed up in one word, or even 100. Love is the tingling in your stomach, its the spark that ignites within each kiss. It is in every note, every text, and every word to one another. It is laying in bed thinking about what you could have changed about the day and realizing there is nothing; that it was perfect. It is when you feel their presence hours after they are gone and it is in that smile that never fades. Love is talking to that person from the moment you wake up in the morning to the moment you fall asleep at night and not once running out of things to say. It is when your favorite sound in the world is the heartbeat in their chest pounding against your ear. Love is nothing, yet it is everything. No one can describe love. It is too great for words... but here's a start.
參考: That boy is the reason for these feelings... <3
2011-02-18 8:15 am
When you realize love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own.
2011-02-18 2:25 am
I think no one will reed my answer :-( I'm to far down the list I think .
I you do read this then let me know , I am interested just how many people do read all this .
.....................Katie :-)
2011-02-17 11:35 pm
"love is giving someone a gun, letting them hold it to your head, and trusting that they won't pull the trigger." ahaha. great quote.

in my opinion, love is...
when no matter what, your goal is to make that person as happy as you possibly can make them.
love is caring, trust, respect, and pure happiness -- but it's so much more than that. it's wanting to share your whole life with that person and not being ashamed of who you are because you trust in that person that they'll love you back. love is learning to love EVERY INCH of that person inside and out -- whether it's the pimple on their forehead or their ugly feet, or maybe it's the annoying sounds they make when they eat. :p haha, WHATEVER IT IS, you accept them. you don't want them to change because they're perfectly imperfect. <3
love is being comfortable with each other. you accept each other, you care deeply about each other, and well, you're in love. it's an attraction way beyond looks and materialistic factors. it's a warm, tingly, bubbly feeling all over. it gives you a lump in your throat and makes your heart swell with pride.

it's a really great question by the way. that's just my opinion on what love is. i could write a lot more, but that's just the summary of it. Happy Valentine's Day! <3333
參考: i'm in love for the first time in my life (:
2011-02-17 11:24 am
My symptoms are:

1. Can't stop thinking about that person
2. I melt whenever I see them and even more if they talk to me
3. Start mimicking them or something about them e.g. how they walk (I know, strange!)
4. Go from very happy to very unhappy very quickly
5. Get jealous of anyone they talk to

The list could go on and on.
2011-02-23 4:38 pm
i knew i was in love when for the first time in my life i felt i like me. the 'myself' that i was happiest. i felt joy, warmth, selflessness, uncontrollable smiling, untouchable, grounded yet on cloud 9, unbelievably lucky just to be in his presence, it was all a level of happiness i never thought id even feel. no sweating no nervousness no clumsiness.. just warm and happy. like if i die right then it wouldnt matter, my life was now worth while. but good god i cant wait for the rest of my life! ;)
參考: both my heart and my head
2011-02-21 6:22 pm
You no damnn well when your in love, when you loose that person once and remember you said to yourself I don't ever want to loose this person ever again. If you try to flirt with others or get with someone else but can't do it because of the person you think your in love with, is because of the person YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH. You just can't ask people and expect to get the greatest answer, sometimes you have to experience this feeling yourself. When the time comes hope you can answer anyone else who you asks you this question :)
2011-02-21 3:08 am
I'm 46 and I have to agree with Joel pretty much. I don't think there's one defining thing that happens makes you go "I'm in love". I think it's just really really liking and enjoying someone enough to want to spend your whole life with them. It's always reflecting on how your choices will affect them before you make them and always making sure it's a good choice for the both of you. You will want what's best for her/him. It's communicating your feelings openly and being totally honest. A really important thing is finding someone you can laugh with. That's financially responsible, kind, has integrity and a little rugged is good. I think a guy should be able to at least change his own oil and build you a shelter if you got lost in the woods. Someone you know will defend and want to protect you if necessary and I have someone like this. I've been with him for eight years and I'm lucky I found him.
2011-02-20 4:59 pm
you know you're in love when that person is all you can think about. when someone is more than just a lover, they are your best friend. it's a feeling that is indescrible and it puts you on a natural high. you are in love when you don't see a person for their flaws, but for everything that's good about them. it's love when it feels right.
參考: my heart
2011-02-18 1:05 am
When they help you bury a body.
2011-02-18 7:08 am
I've never been in love :(
2011-02-17 7:57 pm
I am married, and I still dont know that question...haha!! But I know that I love him, that is why I married him...
2011-02-17 5:51 pm
True Love is not a feeling, true love is not how the person makes you feel, for this
is a self love and guaranteed to fail , for feelings alone are very superficial
and will not last the test of time, as we can see in statistics. Our creator tells us
true Love will Never Fail, and then explains the commitment of True Love
True love covers all wrong and weakness in the person True Love puts there
wants aside for the other person True love brings you joy when you do for others
instead of doing for yourself True love is a commitment, regardless of how you feel
And True Love takes time to grow, it is not instant Follow the words of Jesus<selflessness> instead
of the words of our world system<self> and you will find everlasting true love
2011-02-17 4:41 am
When you listen to a song and think about someone
2011-02-17 4:32 am
The endorphins kick in big time <3
2011-02-23 3:42 am
you feel all tingly inside
參考: Every kiss begins with Kay
2011-02-22 12:08 am
You just know :)

Here are some signs you're in love!

-Just the thought of them puts a smile on your face.
-They can annoy the crap out of you or do something that you don't like, but you still love them to death
-When they are sad, it BREAKS your heart and you'd do anything to see them smile again
-You can't imagine yourself with anyone else.. it doesn't even cross your mind for a second
-You can't stop talking about them to friends... even after years have gone by
-You may not be with them all the time, but they are always on your mind
-You can spend a day or two.. or three just sitting around in each others company.. maybe not even exchanging any words, but feeling completely happy just being in each other's presence

lots more! but I have a paper to write! :D
2011-02-19 8:50 am
You mean how do you know when you truly love someone?

You know when you can look at someone or simply think of them and see nothing but the good in them. When you can love them, no matter what happens to them, what they do, where they live or if they love you back. When you love them regardless of how they feel about you or what they think about you. That is the definition of unconditional love.

Everything else is superficial, dependency and insecurity.

A great teacher once said, “Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth… You owe me.”

True love expects nothing in return.
參考: Life, Source, Abraham Hicks and Dr. Wayne Dyer
2011-02-18 3:39 pm
If you have to ask, your not in love
2011-02-21 4:08 pm
You know you're in love when you feel calm and comfortable with each other, you can be yourselves around each other and you feel like you can tell each other everything without thinking twice. There are no secrets, no lies and no games. It's when you know each other's every flaw and still think they're perfect, you accept each other wholeheartedly.

When you see them, you can't help but smile and you feel warm inside. You'd try not to smile as big as you're smiling inside but y'know you just can't help it because you feel too happy. It's when they mean the world to you. When they're down, it gets you down too because their happiness has become your happiness.

When you fight, it hurts so much that you feel like the whole world is crushing but then, you try to understand each other and it doesn't matter whose fault it is, you just say sorry and easily forgive because your love for each other will take over your emotions and anger and no matter how many mistakes you've made, you'll always have faith in each other.

When you can imagine yourself with them forever and think about the lovely future that you two will have, it feels great. So great.

If my boyfriend answered this, we'd have the same answer :)
I love him so much and we've been through a lot together.
No matter what happens in the future, I'll always be his.
We've been together for 1 year and 4 months and I'm willing to go on forever.
2011-02-18 5:43 pm
Well i knew i was in love when i first seen her face she was Beautiful and everything i wanted. so i took the time and got to know her it took up until just recently for me to get the courage to ask her out. She said yes and we were together for a while and then had a break up due to some family issue she was having but after she had time to handle that i asked her out again and got turned down. even though i got turned down something in me would not let me go with someone else so i continued to fight for her and i finally got accepted into her arms again. I know that when you are in love you are always thinking of that person and nothing Else everything you do reminds you of that person.
2011-02-18 8:47 am
When you become stupid
2011-02-18 7:54 am
when u dont check out other people besides the person you are with.
when your not with him time goes super slow .
when you see life brighter.
2011-02-19 5:00 am
To know when I'm in love with someone, I usually get wet and cold on the palms of both of my hands. In other words, I get this weird, itchy shiver in my stomach, and at the same time, it feels really overwhelming to bear. It is hard to describe the feelings and emotions I had receive, because everyone in this world has their own indistinctive signs of showing love and admiration for another. For me, I get really nervous and blush to the fullest (red) apple-like color, especially when the love of my life tells me I'm beautiful face to face.
2011-02-18 12:53 am
When your partner stops charging you for sex.
2011-02-17 10:19 pm
If you need to ask, you are
not in love.
2011-02-17 8:05 am
When you are in love you just want to be with the person you are in love with, the reasons do not matter much.
2011-02-17 9:17 am
When the grasshopper in your head tells you you're in love.
2011-02-17 6:32 am
A tough question. The answer is simple but not quite easy to do!
We all seek relationships of sorts.
When the body seeks a physical relationship it is plain sexuality.
When the mind seeks a relationship, it is companionship.
When it is the emotional one, it is time to look at whether if we are in love.
(And if all the three present themselves in a heavy mixture, the problem starts. Emotions do not follow logic. Same is the case with body's cravings. The mind, if it is not serious about a relationship suitable to itself, tries to dissuade us from the other two types.
If a person is sure that the 'feeling' defies all known logic, it is not even seeking a physical pleasure, and it is "unconditional" it is indeed love. Love is a quality of 'being', not exactly trying to match with somebody exclusively, restrictively, but at the same time, definitely ready to adorn, add value, enhance, provide furtherance to the nature's divine purpose and plan! That silver-jubilee, golden-jubilee, platinum, and diamond celebrations are adequate evidence that emotional factor is the ultimate litmus test.
2011-02-22 4:38 pm
when you smile.. and there is no reason behind it it..
2011-02-22 6:55 am
ONE thing people confuse love with is a feeling. Love is an ability. Sacrifice=Love

When you believe that you would sacrifice the most for that person, you are in love. But make sure the person you love would sacrifice his life for you before you go any deeper in relationship.
That is how you know he loves you.

Men know how to make your heart melt and knees buckle so for a guy to say sweet nothings to your ear is not the ability I meant for love.

Love never fails, does not envy it is not proud.... 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 :]
2011-02-22 5:59 am
1.You know, because you have been told by your significant other, that your deep feelings are returned in kind.
2.The object of your affections makes you feel special and good about yourself.
3.If/when you feel jealous it is always fleeting; you trust your partner not to betray you or hurt your relationship.
4.Nothing makes you feel as serene as when you and your partner are together.
5.When you fight with your partner you usually make up within a few hours and you always agree that nothing is more important than you both being able to express your true feelings (even if they sometimes cause conflict).
6.Your partner never asks you to choose between him/her and your loyalties to your family and friends - if you do choose him/her over them you always have a good reason and it is always YOUR decision, and your decision alone.
7.Neither you or your partner feel the need to test the other's loyalties or feelings.
8.You are more yourself when with your partner than you are with anybody else.
9.If sex is part of your relationship it is by mutual desire and agreement without the slightest hint of commitment testing or persuasion.
2011-02-20 11:12 pm
If it is TRUE love it is none of the above.
It is the feeling of peace, happiness, & above all security that someone puts YOU above all else.
Try asking a couple who have been happily married for at least 25 years what the secrets to love & happiness are.

Sounds corny but you will find it to be true.
2011-02-23 4:42 am
When I first saw my man walking in the door I knew he was the one for me. I felt sweaty, I did not want to talk, I felt hot, nervous, I was so embarrassed, and my heart felt like it was about to jump out of my chest. He asked me a question and all I did was look at him... After that I could not even face him. A couple day's later he offered to walk with me. We walked in silence. Then we said bye and went our separate ways. The walking went on and we fell in love. My man felt the same way about me. It has been 18 years and we are still in love. My heart still jumps around him. I love him...
參考: Im N Love
2011-02-22 2:35 am
Love is a feeling that is best described, I think, by poetry and by love songs. More than any rational check-list that you need to go down on is your feeling when you spend time with that person, and it's an indescribable feeling, unless, you've been in it, you feel lighter than you usually do, or just happy and smile for no reason whenever you think of that special person, and you just feel happier all around, and you're excited to spend time with this new person. If you feel all of these things, even then you can not really be sure whether this is infatuation and whether it's truly being in love, or whether you're in lust with somebody. These are distinctions that I think become more clear as time passes because infatuation doesn't last as long as being in love, and if your attraction to a person is purely physical, then soon thee other problems that stem from not seeing eye to eye on other issues, and maybe finding out that this person's personality is perhaps not the best match for your own. These things will...will start coming into the picture, but if you are truly in love, and this is the right person for you, then the feeling of being in love will last much longer.
2011-02-20 4:58 pm
when your in love you have this feeling that can't be described. You feel complete and all you want to do is be with that person even if in reality its impossible. The thought of that person makes you smile and the ache of that person being away from you hurts. Its this great feeling of joy that you have buried inside of you but this feeling is also a source of this heart ache you will feel when your heart bleeds from rejection or separation. The feeling of love is outstanding yet very nerve racking. Its like the feeling you get when the sun rises or when you finally get something you want. Its a feeling that makes you want to be with that person and no one else. Its a feeling that can't be given any description. The butterflies in your stomach, the smile on your face from the thought of that person, and the ache in your heart from the separation from that person can be a sign of love.
參考: my heart
2011-02-19 3:54 am
1) When you can hardly eat anything because of the butterflies in your belly
2) When you trust the person you love won't leave you (and they wont)
3) When you can tell the person anything, and know they won't judge you
4) When you feel incredibly dizzy and light-headed around them
5) When you're so happy...everyone notices!
6) When that person makes you smile...even when you are feeling at your all time lowest
7) When you care deeply for a person to a point that no matter what happens to them, you will always feel the same for them!
2011-02-19 1:00 am
BUTTERFLIES!!!!... yuppie!!!

yeah, it's that certain "je ne sais quoi"... a superfluu state of mind and soul!! -- the most amazing thing ever.

(downside for me being that sometimes i work very hard at ignoring that person (the more i like someone the more indiferent i might appear... and honestly, what else is a girl to do? while the internal struggle is still on??.. while you don't know yet / can't tell for lack of complete information weather the guy is worth your time, palatable enough to make up for the eventuality of future hassle...),

very hard at fighting the emotion (never go down without a good fight, you know, all that..); maybe i just don't like the vulnerability that love provides, the maddening desire of being in eachother's presence!...)

RAGING INSIDES.... then the sound of silence -- a PEACEFUL mind..., the knowledge of deeply caring for the other, of seeing every second you spend together as "eternities within a blink of an eye!"; different eternities brought together, building towards a larger one, more complete, a unique "corner of the world", a very piece of the Universe. Imagine that!!; ownership of a little crumb of Universe! Property. Something infaillible seen as property; the propriety of that statement amazes.

And, my friend, that is the POWER OF LOVE!!... it doesn't conquer everything... but the subtle changes in people's mindset work towards a greater achievement: manipulation of the Universe's energies. Features shining under the rain droplets (with a light of their own, coming from deep inside... what a bounty!, such charm and beauty...), illuminating like the Morning Star in its waking hours, deep within the cover of midnight.

SERENITY at its best!!... this is what LOVE brings alongside exciting new adventures and the bright light of new mid-days!
Being deeply inlove with someone, having someone being deeply inlove with you....! I believe it would be called "Heaven",.... if only there were such a place.


p.s.: the first 3 in caps are basically the 3 stages of love (like i know it to be).

[* i'm a writer, philosopher - as can be seen from the flow of phrases... as soft as breaking skin and bones, as kind as a huge tidal wave...! <<< Let's walk, again, still hand in hand, let's walk the paths of Meru! ;))) What about love, then??..! Love is. >>>]

...should i worry about author's rights in quoting self? :)
infringement of sorts...

參考: "crazy little thing called LOVE!..."
2011-02-18 12:06 pm
Love is when you fall asleep thinking about that person and you wake up and think about them until you fall asleep again.

Love is when you would sacrifice an entire lifetime of happiness just so that person would be happy for just one moment.

You are in love when the other person makes you want to be a better person than you already are.

When reality is better than your dreams then you are probably in love.

You know you love someone when you can't remember the last thing they did to make you angry, since true love doesn't keep score.

If you're always thinking of things you could do that the other person would like then you probably love them.

If your heart skips a beat when you lay eyes upon them for the first time in a while then you probably love them.

If you would get up at 3am, get in your car, and drive 20 miles because they called you saying they needed a friend then you are in love with your friend.
2011-02-19 5:27 pm
When you get jealous.
You can tell the difference between a crush and being in love... with a crush, if you hear he's going out with someone else, you might think, "Damn, oh well, best of luck to them." You might be interested in who he's going out with and planning your first words to say to him as soon as he breaks up with her, but that's it.
When you get jealous, when you get really jealous, when you want to bite off her head or push her off of a cliff,
you've fallen in love.
2011-02-19 4:08 am
I couldn't explain it if I wanted to. Love is so great, so profound, and so unimaginably amazing, that I don't know where to even begin. Sure, it has those butterflies, and the honesty, and physical attraction, and the trust, and all that other stuff, but it's so much more at the same time. It's like imagining what a trillion is like, or counting every star in the sky. It's impossible, but at the same time, it's so real, and so amazing, and so perfect.
參考: Me. I love love. It's the greatest thing ever. Unfortunately, the girl I love...doesn't love me back. And right now she's with someone else. I'm trying so hard to get her back, and to go back to those amazing feelings. Wanna help me out with my problem? Here's my question.;_ylt=AhpsZyCeCUjYSuIkM5AhnqLsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110218195540AAmHHoS
2011-02-18 10:50 pm
this is truely a fact.the fact that a person may not have ever been in love before can be a con,because a young person doesn't know how to decipher true love from just a physical attraction.trying to figure out weather your in love or not at a young age can be very hard to do.first dates sometimes can cause a persons mind to deceive them and make them think their in love when dating is only something that's new to them,sexual pleasure can be mistaken for love.a person that's super nice to them can trigger a false feeling of being in love but if a person would only give themselves a chance in life to experience all these mistaken love events,when they get old enough to know what the word love means and all the qualities a person must have in order to experience true love such as,sacrifice,respect and respect for other peoples feelings,compassion,honesty and sincerity and the ability to love unconditionally,only then will they be able to know for a fact that they are in starts in the heart not on the surface.would you buy a book just because you liked the cover,no it's what's under the cover that tells you what the stories all about.too many youngsters are caught up in physical looks instead of whats underneath the skin.their looking in the wrong place.if they keep looking on the surface all they will find is infatuation. thank you and i hope this helps some of the younger people find what their really looking for in life.
2011-02-18 10:43 am
- Notice how especially hot/sweet they are
- Get butterflies in your stomach even when you see them online
- read their messages over and over and over again until you have basically memorized them
-save all the sweet long text messages they sent you
-think about them ALL the time
- Sleep with them beside you and wake up in the morning with them beside (even though physically they are not present)
- Think about how nice it will be if you could be together forever
- EVery little thing they say seems SO big
- You tell them everything and trust them
- you care ALOT about them
- can't go on a day without them

yes im in love :) <3
參考: My experience. Love is the most beautiful thing :) if you do it right
2011-02-18 7:38 am
When you realize that you can't imagine your life without them...
2011-02-18 5:15 am
I know that I'm in love when I stop feeling those things. When I feel comfortable around them, like I'm not being judged for anything. I can love the person as they are, we don't judge each other. When I know that with them, I am home. Like I just don't have to try so hard to be perfect, because everything I've been working for is right there with me. I know I'm in love when I can't stop thinking about them. When I feel high from endorphins all the time. I look happier. I am more comfortable with myself, because when you truly find love, everything else will fit together. You won't have that gap in your life anymore, like maybe there's something your missing out on. I know I'm in love, when, despite all my other problems and issues, I'll know everything is alright. Love takes the stress off. I know I'm in love when I have that secure feeling of knowing he'll always be here. :)
參考: Oh, my heart.
2011-02-18 2:28 am
I think that every person has his/her own way of knowing when they're in love. Well I get very nervous when that person is around me. I know that many people confuse love with like or attraction, but deep down in my heart I am very sure that what I feel and have been feeling for the last three years really is love. Even though I am not with that person and it didn't work out between us, but I still love him more than anything in the whole world. I think that this is part of being in love, when you don't stop loving him when you're not with him, and you don't start to go out with many guys just to forget him. For me, he's always with me, next to me in every breath that I take. I have a smile on my face right now because I really love him so much. I've been through a lot but I never blamed him in anything. I would rather blame myself than him, I would rather hurt myself than him. I know that I am in love because when he's near me I get all red, I start shaking, I smile just looking at him, and by just looking into my eyes one can tell that I really am in love. I always try to open conversations about him with everybody that I talk to. And whenever someone says something negative about him and tells me that he's not worth it, I just smile and say "you don't know him, please don't say anything negative about him when I'm around, because I get offended". I really can't put it into words what I feel, but it's something beautiful and awesome. Sometimes I cry myself to sleep because I don't talk to him for hours before falling in sleep, but other times I SMILE and thank God that it's him and not anybody else. Sometimes I think that I am crazy, but loving him seems so right. I see my future with him. I see every minute and second of my future life with him! He's my first and last love. It's been 2 years that I am not with him anymore, but I have never dated anybody since than, I swear. It doesn't feel right, deep down something tells me to wait for him, and I am still waiting for him to see that I have changed and regret every little wrong thing that I did to him. I feel that without my love to him, I can't survive. And I am hundred percent sure that I can give my life up for him without even thinking for a second, because if he isn't in this world then I don't want to be here either. Whenever I feel that I need to talk to him, I can easily call him or message him without thinking that it's not right, because when you're in love it doesn't really matter who call whom first, or who messages whom more. It's about listening to your heart.

To be in love is when you stay awake whole night just to think about him...

I know that every person will definitely know when they're in love, because it's a feeling that cannot be ignored. It gives you hope, courage, sadness, happiness - everything, but it's all worth it if you truly love him. You know when you're in love when all you do is think and daydream about him whole day, and you smile for no reason. It's also when you're honest with him and true to him ALWAYS.

I know that everyone will find their true soul mate one day, and if you do, never do anything that you'll regret one day. Always be honest with your other half and yourself. And always ~Listen to your heart~

p.s. it's when you keep all your text messages with the one you love, and read them everyday and smile. or it's when you look at their pictures before you wake up every day, or go to sleep every night. you can't really explain it, but i love being in love - even if it hurts sometimes because I am not with him anymore..

When you know he's with somebody else, and you smile and say "i am very happy for you" and you continue to love HIM not anybody else.
參考: life and love <3 [the worst thing in life is when you love him more than you love yourself, and when his happiness is more important for you than your own, and HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW IT........... (((
2011-02-18 3:17 am
I've never been there. Boo me.
2011-02-18 10:20 am
you want to watch The Lion King and its sequels on repeat while eating a sausage egg and cheese burrito for some odd reason
2011-02-18 12:54 am
most responses you get will probably be from middle schoolers who confuse love with a crush.
參考: just sayin'
2011-02-17 8:16 pm
Love is undefinable and therefore irrational. When you are in Love you will find yourself making ridiculous excuses for your hearts desire, over looking "deal breakers" that would otherwise send you screaming, and choosing to spend time with your future ball and chain rather then attending to responsibilities and hobbies you once prioritized.

As the "honeymoon phase" of Love fades away you find that Love leaves you still swooning but in a very different way. Now equipped with an immunization to your Lovers blinders you will argue and find solace in those activities you once shunned to spend extra moments together. This is okay because when someone asks you, "Why do you Love Him/Her?" you still won't be able to put your finger on it. That is okay because again Love is never rational.

As you grow older together you develop "familiarity". Your passionate lust/love now turns to unconditional caring that rivals the connections of a mother and child. Even at this point Love will not be easy to define but by now you may have developed reasons you enjoy each other company more then others. Trust is also a big part of Love at this level.
2011-02-17 11:39 pm
YOu when you are in love when:

1. You can do simple things like grocery shopping, walking the dog, hanging with friends and still enjoy yourself and your partner's company.

2. If you argue you makeup afterwards.

3. You can do all the crazy things together.

4. Your partner influences you in some way or another. (hopefully good stuff)

5. You don't ask "Am I in love?" because you know.

6. also i believe you can't be "in love" with someone if you have known the person for only a couple of months. Being in love means staying in love. When you are in love you stay in love even when you become very comfortable around that person.
2011-02-17 7:52 pm
When you see him and you feel as if you can't breathe even after a year together . When you can't wait to see him again even when he just left . When he smiles at you your knees shake . When he calls you "baby" you really believe that you are his baby . When he kisses you in the morning and the last thing that you thinking about is his breath . When he introduces you as his girlfriend to his friends you couldn't be more proud . When he talks about his future and you are in it and can't wait to see what may happen.
參考: My boyfriend , the love of my life .
2011-02-18 7:41 pm
when justin bieber isn't on your mind 24/7
2011-02-17 7:11 pm
i started noticing how quickly i kept forgetting things after i fell in love reciently. And , if you keep on thinking of the person and keep smiling when you with them, those are signs that you're in love!! or even without them being infront of you, thinking of them makes your heart pound, right ? :)
2011-02-18 9:46 am
when she sticks it in her own a** and lets you finish inside her.
參考: sunday school
2011-02-17 4:29 pm
This should be a personal answer. I feel comfortable, my palm 's hands are very cold, with a dry lips being with my partner. A bit shy. Her absence leaves inside of me an empty space that only her can fill.
2011-02-17 7:17 pm
i don't mean to act like a real dork, but, i'm so old that i forgot. i'm real sorry.
2011-02-17 2:57 pm
You Know that You're In Love with the person YOU are DATING when you both feel comfortable with one another and you share intimacies that you two are wishing that the situation would never end. So consequently you're discussing marriage and that is love on many levels.
Good luck
Please rate
參考: 72 year old and married for 48 years.we dated for 3 before we got maried.
2011-02-23 5:35 pm
To me, you know youre in love when you cant picture yourself with any other person. You can't stop thinking about that person and when you are with him/her, nothing or no one else matters. Just being with them or talking to them makes you so happy. You are totally yourself when with them and feel comfortable talking to them about anything- you trust eachother to the full extent. Also, anything you two do together is enjoyable. Just thinking about him/her makes you smile. :)
2011-02-23 8:46 am
You realize that you have just laid a brick on the gas pedal of your life.
When you see her/him your heart lights up like a Christmas tree.
When you are near her/him you feel young and alive.
The sound of their voice is like music to your ears
You have a hard time thinking about anything else, but so easy to think about your beloved.
You feel anxious when you have to say goodbye and so relieved when you say hello.
參考: 72 years of life and love.
2011-02-23 3:57 am
1)when in random situations, you picture them there right next to you. you try to shake itt off but you cant.

2)you know your starting to get feelings for the other person when you are constantly wanting to write their name over and over in a journal and trying to find things in common.

3) You try to picture what would happen if they asked you out or proposed to you and first you feel happy and then your stomach starts to turn

4) If you are not currently in a relationship with them, you try to get your friends to find out if they like you and if you find out they do, you get overwhelmed with happiness, then sadness, then lovestruck, then extreme amounts of stress

5)You admire the small things about them that no one else notices like their hair color

6) if you are not currently in a relationship with them at least 2/3 of your brain convinces itself that you will eather a) date them or b) marry them

7) all day and some nights you are thinking about them and wondering if they ever think about you

8) most nights that you can sleep your dreams feature them in some way

9) every song you hear you can either a) relate to your current relationship with them or b) can relate to your future relationship

10) You spent all your time within 100 yards of them trying to get near them but when you get withing talking distance, all you can say is "hi" and then run away
2011-02-23 12:24 am
"Someday someone will walk into your life and make you realize why it never worked with anyone else."
2011-02-22 11:12 pm
when you put up with so much crap you thought youd never in your life put up with!!!
參考: love stinks
2011-02-22 8:05 pm
You just know. I am in love with my best guy friend. Even though we are not technically together. I know I am in love with him. I can't stop thinking about him. I am actually thinking about him as I am writing this. Sometimes it is hard for me to focus because he takes up most of my thinking. I get butterflies all the time when I am with him. I get a warm fuzzy type feeling when i see him. I start to miss him the second i say goodbye. When I think of my future and marriage, he is what i see....every single time. My friends would tell me that i was in love with him at first, but i would deny it because it was hard for me to believe because i have never had a boyfriend. Then one day I just came out and said that i was in love with him to my girl best friend. The hardest part for me right now is telling him how i feel because i chicken out every time i attempt to.
2011-02-22 12:59 pm
- thinking of that person every minute
- really care about that person's best interest
- proud of who he really is and not planning to change him
- only have eyes for that person
- dreaming about your future with that person
- becoming a better person subliminally for the one you love
- ability to hold back or let go if you believe it's not best for that person

If you got a tick for all the above then you are in love... Please have a look at my question if you have a moment, thanks
參考: My experience
2011-02-22 5:17 am
x Every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every month of every year [Ect.] they're on your mind. No matter what. Whether you're on Yahoo! Answers or in the swimming pool.
x The second they leave you, you start missing them. Even if you saw them for a whole day.
x When they're with you... Nothing can bring you down. Unless, of course, they get hit by a train or something.
x You can have hour-long comfortable silences just cuddling and staring up at the sky.
x When you look at them, your face lights up and you grin like an idiot.
x Even if they don't have a cell phone, every text you heart gets faster cuz you think that somehow they texted you
x Every time the phone rings you get excited.
I think you get the picture.
2011-02-21 6:29 am
You know you are in love when all the imperfections of the world matter a little less, because you finally found the person that makes whatever direction the world is tilting a better experience. You know you're in love when you can spend countless hours doing absolutely nothing but love every moment of it because you're together. You know you are in love when the stupidest of moments can send you into a whirlwind of laughter and happiness. You know you are in love when the thought of anything happening to said person becomes your own demise, the greatest tragedy you can imagine. And when you'd give anything in the world to make sure that the other person is happy, loved, and safe.

When you finally understand how to unconditionally care for a person for every moment whether it be bad or good, whether the sun is shining or the storm is screaming, that's love.
2011-02-20 5:04 pm
you will know when you're in love, your heart will race as fast as the sports car thats wining a race when you see him. Your tummy will become a home for millions of butterflies. You feel like you are flying when he is around. When he talks to you time freezes, no one else matters. Your lips will not be able to stop smiling. At his single touch you will melt. You'll feel special when he says your name. You would throe yourself in front of a bullet to save his life. He is the one you think about before you sleep, and the first thing that jumps into your head when you wake up. You will feel like you're a goddess if he gives you a compliment. You will constantly want to impress him, want him to notice you. You want to be around him.
Thats how you know when you're in love ))) <3 <3
2011-02-20 4:23 pm
They are always on your mind.
2011-02-20 3:57 pm
You know when you're in love when you can talk to a person all day. When you can share anything with that person. When you want their happiness over your own. When you're riding on clouds from merely being in their presence. When you can't get enough of a person. When you want nothing more than to be with that person. When you would do anything for that person. When even seeing their name on your phone makes you smile, and seeing them in person makes you giddy beyond belief. When the feel of their hand on yours, or their breath on your neck, is something that you can't get out of your head. THAT is when you're in love. At least, that's what I think.
2011-02-19 5:27 pm
when you feel like they have known you all your life, but have only known your for maybe a couple of years :3.
when you feel like you know them better than you know some of your own family
when you feel like your biggest fear is disappointing them
When they can say I love you too when they are around all their friends :3
when they can be with you on the days you feel your ugliest and not be embarrassed by you, but tell you that you look beautiful
when you smile just when you hear their voice
you get that feeling under your ribcage when you think of the good times you've spent with them :3
but most importantly when you know you can be yourself, around anyone and you know they will still love you the next day :33
2011-02-19 5:07 pm
True love is when you don't have to be anything but yourself around that significant other. They love you just the way you are, and you love them just the way they are.
You're always comfortable around them and you never have to worry about making a fool of yourself. Why? Because they love every aspect of you.
True love is about understanding each other and trusting each other. It's about going through hell and back together, only to find that your relationship is stronger than ever.

True love is when you are absent one from another and you both find yourself more fond of your significant other.
參考: Military wife with husband gone away for training.
2011-02-19 11:52 am
How I knew I was in love ?

He has always accepted me for what I am. And, adores me anyway.

OK - This is how I knew (not everyone experiences that "moment" of ah - I am in love the very same way, of course). It is different for all of us. I KNEW I loved my husband to be when:

I thought about him almost every waking moment - and when I say this, I mean I thought about every part of him (if you know what I mean);

I could not wait for his phone calls (I was actually breathless). We had a long distance relationship for a while;

When he wanted something from the store or something (like a favorite candy or burger or shake or anything) I went out of my way to get it for him;

I was driving my car and kept getting lost because I kept thinking about him all of the time - especially on the way to and from work (I was forever - and still do - getting lost);

I just blurted out those three little words - I love you - one day unexpectedly - without warning - they just popped out of my lips;

Anytime he left to go back to the West Coast (I lived in Virginia, he lived in California), a part of me actually withered - not actually died - but just felt less whole. Does that even make sense ?

When he was sick, I stayed with him until he was better (taking care of him, making sure he took his medicine, kept his appointments, cooking and cleaning for him, etc.);

When I held him in my arms, I could dream of a future with him and growing old with him;

Feeling his heartbeat against my ear - it was like music to me;

I worried about him when he was not with me - was he warm, safe, happy, sad, hungry, etc.;

I realized I did not want anyone else to be with him. I guess what I mean is - I did not want him to EVER have another lover or significant other;

His crazy family did not scare me away (and I mean they are actually certifiably crazy - like diagnosed and on SSI (government support) for being insane and not capable of taking care of themselves;

I put his dreams, aspirations and happiness above my own;

I wanted to learn to make his favorite foods;

He is the first person I want to see in the morning, and the last person I want to see at night;

I tell him all my secrets;

For the first time in my life, I have NEVER (not once) faked it with him - I don't have to;

I wanted to help him become a better person, and I want to be a better person because of him;

and the number one reason:

I said yes when he asked me to marry him (I had been asked before many times - I said yes to him).

We control our own destiny.

...Only love is real...

2011-02-19 3:47 am
There is a different definition of love for everyone. I've never been in love, but I imagine it's being able to completely be yourself with the other person, and having that feeling that you just know you are right for each other. <3
2011-02-19 1:12 am
When you feel like nothing else matters, except seeing them and you don't care if you have to walk or drive insanely far just to see them for 5 minutes. They're everything to you. But personally, I don't think you really know the extent of the love you had with someone until you lose them.
2011-02-19 12:33 am
You never know, it's different with every person.
You could get little shocks when you touch, or when you see them you could be nervous, get butterflys.
You could melt when you see thier eyes, or get lost in them.
You could see no flaws, be blinded by love.
You could be overprotective, needy, have all your walls completly down.
You could be head over heels and not evn know it.
You can try to ignore it, but It'll be there, and you would should know that the more you ignore it the stronger it gets.
You know your in love when your reaction to this person is different than any other person in the while entire world.
2011-02-18 9:53 pm
Wow! I think its when after u make love with that person u catch a glimpse of yourself in a mirror and u realize u are glowing and smiling! Also i think when your heart races when u even see their name pop up on the caller ID and then even more so when u hear their voice!! When u find yourself thinking of him/her 100 times a day! When u start looking forward to doing things together and cant imagine doing them alone! And finally i think its when you would rather do nothing with him -than something with anybody else!!!
2011-02-18 9:34 pm
when you feel like you could look into their eyes forever, and just be comfortable with silence or noise
2011-02-18 8:57 pm
*You don't want to spend time away from each other, 3 days feels likes 3 months!
*The arguments and little annoying things don't matter anymore
*You're best friends
*You can hang out all day doing absolutely nothing and still have fun
*You take care of each other when sick or injured
*Always there for one another when times are rough with family or friends
*You can laugh together about all the embarrassing mistakes made in the beginning of the relationship

I'm so lucky. I'm in my mid 20's and with my soul-mate. We've been together 8 short years, and i still count the hours down everyday for him to come home from work.
2011-02-18 6:08 pm
-They are all you think about all day
-1st thought in the morning and last thought at night
-your time togather is never enough
-you can stare at them for the longest
-never get tire of kissing him-all you want to do is be with him
-you stop looking at other guys
-you are in his arms and everything dissaperes, problems, worries, people
-when you think of him you in a different world
-your world starts revolving around him
-only person you want to be with
-love songs remind you of him
-a txt or call makes you smile and makes your day
-always wanting to know about them, from them
And way way more.....but at the moment thats all I remember from my 1st inlove expirience
2011-02-20 8:47 pm
1. When all you can think about is them.

2. When you can imagine them perfectly.

3. When you can't stop looking at them.

4. When they smile, you smile too.

5. You have to think over the things you want to say to them.

6. When everything you do requires thought about how the person you love would react to it.

7. When you think they are the most beautiful thing you have ever seen when they smile at you.
參考: experience :)
2011-02-20 8:17 pm
Many of these answers are good. But it is something you can't explain. You can try, but it is one of the most difficult things to do.
They make you smile and laugh all the time. You feel safe around them and can trust them with anything. It's when something as simple as a hug fixes everything. You can feel it between the two of you. You want to stand by their side, even if they are wrong. You want to encourage them and help them in any way possible. They make you want to become a better person. You really can see yourself being with that person forever. You really can see yourself growing old together.
You can take the time to try to write out and explain everything on how it feels, but in the end, there are simply just not enough words. It is a feeling. It is a connection. It is something that cannot be explained and put into words. It is like asking why does the sun shine, the wind blow, or the river run. It is a beautiful thing that is natural and cherished between two people. A thing where the person is your best friend, your best teammate, the one you want to always be by your side, the one who makes you laugh when all you want to do is cry, the one who makes you smile when you are mad, the one who frustrates you the most but you can never stay mad at them for long, the one you run to when something is wrong, the one you ask for advice, the one who makes you feel safest, the one who truly, deeply cares about you, and the one who makes you happy, they are the one who you want to spend the rest of your life with.
That is why they are called "The one."
2011-02-20 7:53 pm
When you don't get jealous of them talking to the opposite sex and knowing you have nothing to worry about

When you they help you keep your priorities straight and don't have to have every second of your attention

when you are able to solve the problems you have between each other and don't just ignore the problem

when you try and help the other ones dreams come true

being able to trust them

realizing you don't have to talk to them every single day and still knowing they love you

there's a lot more reasons, but I can't remember them at the moment
2011-02-20 7:01 pm
The feeling is different for everyone. For me, everything just seems to click with the person. Her personality makes me laugh. Every time our eyes meet we smile at each other and we can have a conversation for hours because the vibe between us feels so good. The person is like a drug and you want more of them. When apart, that person is usually always on my mind. I wonder what they are doing at any particular moment.

Some would argue that love is more of a spiritual thing; others would say that it is brain chemicals telling to produce offspring with the person we love. Who really knows for sure? Love is a mysterious thing. It's kind of like asking someone "what happens when you die?” No one can give you a 100% "right" answer ...
2011-02-20 6:18 pm
When the other person's happiness is yours. When he calls and you get off the phone and jump up and down with joy, and you are over thirty.
Love is happy, joyous, makes so many minor irritations even more minor.
Love is giddy, serious, a little too intense, but never hurtful.

When you love someone its all an outflow from your heart. When you are loved in return you feel it from him and it renews and refreshes your supply to give to him. It really doesn't end or fade out. Even in the hard times we all have.

You know you are in love when you feel happier and more secure than you ever have before.
2011-02-20 5:50 pm
I answered this because there was 666 answers and it freaked me out >:P
2011-02-20 5:11 pm
You know you're in love when:
-All you think about is your significant other
-You think about the next time you will spend time together
-You think about the previous time you spent together
-You think about your first kiss with them
-You think about them you often smile to yourself
-You think about your first date
-You text them just to say I miss you.
-When you hear there voice on the phone and you just smile
參考: Previous Relationship
2011-02-20 4:43 pm
when you start to think about him/her all the time
2011-02-20 2:35 pm
When the first thing you think about the second you wake up is them. When you are so mad at them you don't want to talk them but you still want them to stay on the line. When you think about them to stop being mad at them. When you literally can't imagine yourself with anybody else other than that person. When they tell you that they want to be with you forever you actually trust them without a doubt. When the whole world could disappear and you would be happy with just them.
2011-02-20 7:00 am
There are 3 stages:

1 - the physical stage. After you notice someone, you develop a crush-like state. You may have butterflies, your temperature is raised, you may blush, you may feel nervous all-around. That's a crush.

2 - The emotional stage: the person you like becomes your main thought process in your daily activity. You may even daydream about him or her.

3 - During the dating period, you are in love when you 2 begin emotional intimacy (not physical intimacy) and emotional sharing with a sense of fulfilment
2011-02-20 6:22 am
Love means you would never want to be away from that person, that your lives are now braided together, one life, one goes the other does as well. Knowing you would never want to be away from them, when it hurts to be away from them even though their only in the next room, or down the street picking up dinner. That you would rather die then lose them, that your life would have no purpose, that it would be over, if you did. That you would walk a thousand miles just to see their face, to see them smile at you. That you would give your last breath to protect them, give your life for them. Love them every second of the day. When you close your eyes all you see is them. They are always on your mind. That if every minute of your life has been a living h*ll or mundane it's all worth it because you found them....That's love
2011-02-20 5:42 am
Love is almost impossible to define but I'll try;
- When your feelings NEVER change for them
- Even when your soo pissed at them, you still never want to loose them
- When no matter how long you date, you still have thta warm fuzzy feeling
- when you get nervous
- When you try you hardest to be good enough for them
- when no matter how long you go with out seeing eachother or talking, you still think about them 24/7
- When even if you cry for them, you never think of them badly
- When you sit here reading these answers and have that special someone on your mind the whole time
- when you want to be with them and talk to them forever
- When even in the worst times, you stay possitive for that special someone because you dont want anything bad to happen to them.
- When you do the dumbest things ever because you're trying to hard to make them happy

That's what love feels like to me.
2011-02-20 5:28 am
- When you can't look at other people.
- When you think about them all the time.
- When you keep wishing to be with them when you're not.
- When they are attractive to you even when they're not attractive to your friends/family.
- When you defend them.
- When even after they break up with you, you can't be mad at them.
- When you fight and the next day you pretend like nothing ever happened.
- When you get butterflies when you're about to see them.
- When you miss them like crazy.
- When you listen to music that reminds you of them.
- When you feel like the happiest person on Earth even though everything else is going wrong.
- When you accept them for who they are.
- When you include them if your future.
- When you find a million reasons to walk away from them, you find that one reason to stay.
- When you have that feeling in your heart, knowing they're the right guy/girl.
參考: I'm in love. <3
2011-02-20 4:35 am
Ok, try eating a lot of chocolate at one time (but not to the point of being sick). If the feeling you have when eating chocolate is similar to the feeling you have for him, then you know you are in love :)
參考: Biochemistry Love is the biological equivalent of eating chocolate.
2011-02-19 4:04 pm
1. when you miss the person just a few hours after they left you know you are in love.
2 you are very nervous all the time you are in love
3. your eating habits change
4. you would rather be around that person instead of eating
5.nothing else matters in your life start doing things that you would never normally do.
7. you sit by the phone waiting just for that person to call (hanging up on everyone else)
8 you start wearing the same clothes (oh my)
9 your eyes start to twinkle
10. Your in love when your heart beats faster than your brain cells.
參考: me/myself/and I :D
2011-02-19 1:27 am
When you don't have to ask.
2011-02-18 11:15 pm
When i trip over my own shoe while staring at him...
2011-02-18 11:22 am
you start believing that the person you love is different than all others
2011-02-18 11:05 am
never been in love so i don't know......... I'll have to be report back when i am in love.
2011-02-18 8:42 am
When your in love,your anger grows uncontrollable for no reason and you start bashing everyone around you.

Hope that helps!
2011-02-18 8:23 am
I know i'm in love when I feel,do, and notice these things.
1- I feel that no one else in the world is more important then the person I love
2- I would do anything for this person even if it was my life or theirs I would pick theirs
3-Every little flaw in that person is beautiful to me
4-I just want to be with them, forever<3
I have only been in love once. And it's the best feeling in the world.
But it gave me the worst sadness when it ended.
2011-02-18 6:32 am
Plain and simple, I would give my life to her...

498 days left till I see her... When you know everyday it gets easier to miss her. When you know 498 days is worth every wait and when you realize 498 days doesn't compare to the days I would spend my life with her...
2011-02-18 3:33 am
You'll get a notice in the mail with 3 days to respond.
2011-02-18 2:41 am
when you can talk to them about LITERALY EVERYTHING!!
and when you think of your future you dont see your self with anyone else
2011-02-18 2:38 am
My heart feels heavy. I want to talk to her. To tell her I love her. To protect her. To hold on to her. To support her, and to make her feel loved. That is when I know that I am in love with her.
2011-02-18 1:21 am
Love is unique to each person, though the abstract concept of it covers the same feelings. It's in the way you feel when you look at the person, how they can make you smile when you don't feel like it and how you feel when you're close to them.

Physically speaking, of course. Mentally, you want to be the best person that you can be for them. They may inspire you or be your muse. They give you strength.

You cannot go a day without thinking about them, and you think of them often. Seeing them or hearing their voice is the greatest blessing, may make you weak in the knees. Simple things may remind you of them, or you'll get excited and want to tell them something that they would find interesting.

And you want to do all of this to them, make them feel happy and loved, wanted and adored.

You cannot be without them- you want them by your side.

And it's so much more, each part unique and lovely. For example, the first sign that popped up when I was falling for my boyfriend was that I would come home from seeing him, and I'd randomly be smiling. I still look at a picture of him that I take with me where ever I go, and it makes me smile. Any song that reminds me of him has the same effect. He makes me intensely, clumsily, dreamily happy.
2011-02-20 6:03 am
the following is a desperate attempt to explain something we are born with, something evolution has chosen to ensure the continuation of the species

love is like the wind, its something you feel but can't see
anyway there is this awesome feeling near the heart that one will feel

there is a fine line between seduction and love, when you see someone and you like them does not mean you love them
you need to know each other

and hey, you are never in love if you think Shakespeare is an idiot
you are never in love if you wouldn't want to hear romantic songs now and then, unless love is based on friendship

love has so many unfair rules, if someone doesn't want you, you will want them more
and if someone is insanely in love with you, unless your love is based on friendship, you will end up not loving them
sadly, these rules are true

"love which is not based on friendship is like building a castle on the clouds"
it's an illusion that will end terribly

you know if you have been in love if you have been broken heart, being broken heart doesn't kill you, you just wish you did
I don't know why they call it "broken heart", its feels like all other body parts are broken too
google "broken heart symptoms"

I would like to spread the word, for guys who play with girls' emotions just to get what they want, there are places you pay and get what you want, unless you really want a girl you should make sure she is not falling in love with you, "don't let her fall in love with you unless you want to catch her"

also you know you are in love when you make Freudian slips when talking to/about them, when you feel bad if they don't want you, and what kills you and is evil, if they act like they want you when you are with them, and then not respond to your phone calls, you will find out how much you can tolerate, these are called "love games", being angry becomes love

for me, after the experience I've had, I am preventing myself from trusting people, I wish I don't fall in love again, I would rather fall in chocolate :)
what's wrong with "too much friendship"? except for time of marriage

to sum it all:
"Love is just love, it can never be explained"
2011-02-20 3:48 am
When you only want the best for the other person.... lucky me! I am the best lol
參考: Love it self going hard since 1997 :D
2011-02-20 2:54 am
When you do not have to ask
2011-02-18 10:30 am
When you can't picture your life without them and wouldn't want to.
2011-02-18 5:19 am
LOVE!!!! cannot be described.
2011-02-18 1:02 am
I think when you don't have to ask if you're in love.
2011-02-18 5:59 pm
This is lame.
2011-02-18 7:03 am
You just know
2011-02-17 8:45 pm
you're in love when: you imagine if they get in a terrible debilitating accident that leaves them handicaped or deformed, you'll want to take care of them and love them anyway... regardless of what they look like or are unable to do after their accident.
2011-02-20 5:15 pm
Love doesn't exist...(:
2011-02-17 10:43 pm
You can't stop thinking of them, want to be around them even when your mad, sad, etc. (love is a choice).
參考: Myself
2011-02-17 11:24 pm
For me, I can't stop smiling! Whenever I think of the person, see the person, or even hear their name mentioned, I smile uncontrollably :) I also can't think of what to say! When they talk to me, I just sit there, still with a huge goofy grin on my face!
2011-02-17 9:57 pm
When you both talk, you blush all the time and you don't act the way you would with your friends, for example. Like, you're just not the "smartypants" or the jock anymore - you might seem stupid and lost, but all you're really trying to do is concentrate on remembering all the things he/she says, every move he does, every smile... And when you go back home, you spend hours and hours awake in your bed thinking and smiling and wishing every single day of your life could be that beautiful. :)
2011-02-17 7:19 pm
It's just something that you know :)
2011-02-17 7:24 pm
When you start to feel all tingly in your shorts.
2011-02-17 9:04 pm

How do I know when I am in love?

Well, I know when I'm in love with someone when I watch or listen or look at the one I love over and over again. Obsessed.

I feel a feeling in my heart which fills me with some sort of pride and happiness when being with the one whom I love.

I feel a satisfaction that lights up my soul from my heart to my extremities.

I would give up anything, even if it's my one million dollar house or my body just to be with and "embrace" the one I love.

I would listen to every word my one true love says to me and do everything he wants me to do.

I would sing to my love because he's a source of joy and love for me for the rest of my life...

Happy belated Valentine's day!!

參考: My soul.
2011-02-17 7:09 pm
When you're stalking them on fb and reading their messages over and over and always thinking about them ... and ... oh i could go on and on !
2011-02-17 9:16 am
You stop thinking about what life without them would be like because it's too painful, and you spend more time working at making life with them a more joyful experience for BOTH of you.
參考: WNL
2011-02-17 6:50 am
Well, you can't just go out and try to find love. Love as explained in the bible is different then what your typical love would be here. For example, a love here could be characterized as Justin Beiber love saying something like "I believe you should wait to have sex until you find love". I mean the guy is still a young teen. Now compare that to a love between a couple that may want to follow the ways of God and being faithful to each other ect.
Some of what I do know is that love does not boast, hate, envy, lust, hurt in case you did not know that.
Now as far as to what your talking about, I think that for me, personally since I am close to God, I can rest assured that he can protect me in many or all situations. I also believe, that if you actually have a relationship with God which is needed just as any other relationship but better, he will guide you into your needs and wants.
參考: My knowledge
2011-02-17 7:11 am
When I stop overeating and I have more energy than I know what to do with
2015-10-08 9:04 pm
i feel warm and protected near the one person
2011-02-23 1:58 pm
I think you can tell when your in love with somebody if all you do is think about them. You defend them, and you just want them to be happy even if it isn't with you.
2011-02-23 5:00 am
1) You can be yourself and show who you truly are.
2) You are willing to do anything for that person
3) When you make time to go see them no matter what
4) You can see yourself with that person in the future
5) You and the one you love feel special when you are together
........many more reasons but those our my top 5
參考: Be who you truly are!!!
2011-02-23 4:59 am
When I know I am in Love, My heart and my soul lose control. I know that may sound childish, but once you know that your in Love, you have not a care in the world what other people might think. You love him, and you know he loves you. Now if you know he's in Love, he sings, and dances like no one is looking... He is just having fun, and he loves being in Love. That is how I know I'm in Love.
2011-02-23 2:43 am
You know when your in love when:
1. You can be honest with each other.
2. You can say anything and they wont make fun of you.
3. When you can talk for hours about random things.
4. You can definitely tell your in love when they kiss you or vice versus

I can tell when im in love when i cant speak, shy, or nervous.
2011-02-23 12:02 am
You know your in love when these things happen
-You don't think you can live with out him/her
-Your heart starts beating like a drum around him/her
-He/She always puts a smile on your face no matter what they do
-He/She makes you laugh even when something isn't funny
-You can talk to each other for hours on end on about any subject
-They get you something for valentines every year (not the most for sure way but it is a sweet thing for him/her to do)
-No matter what yours or their friends say they always are in your heart (unless its about him/her cheating on you then that's a different matter)
So no matter if its different or similar feeling to one of these you will just know it in your gut that you love him/her
2011-02-22 11:31 pm
When you know the person could break you completely, but you trust them not to.
2011-02-22 11:14 pm
Love? the most amazing and exciting feeling in the whole world.
- Have you ever had a moment when you were in the crowd and you thought of that one person and suddenly smiled? and all the person around you are staring at you like you are a fool?
- Just seeing that special person looking you once, made your whole day with smile.
- Once being ignored by that person made your whole day worst.
- Just to see that person you do anything.
- Forget about the rest of the world and just look at that person
- Thought you could spent your whole like by just staring at that person
- Got nervous or scared to talk to that person
- Heart beats faster when you see them
- Pray at night to god about them
- Deing to see their smile
- When they are sad, you are not happy either
-have done so many things just their attention
- Thought of them every moment
- 11:11 wish?

All these?? i know right. Love is most amazing and saddest feeling in the world.IF someone you love doesn't love you, don't worry when you were born, god made someone already for you.. It just takes time for you to find who it is..
2011-02-22 11:00 pm
When their name makes you take a breath in and when you breath out it brings a huge smile on your face!
When having a conversation all you can think about id the fact your with that person.
When You can be a fool in front of them, and know they're totally cool with it.
When you hug and it feels right, and not awkward. <3
When they hold you and you skip out of reality and flick into your own world.
When you can't go 10 minutes without thinking about them, and thinking about how you want to be with them.
That's how i know when i'm in love. :)

Pippy x
2011-02-22 9:13 pm
Well...this is a question i once myself asked about 3 years ago. i was in love with the idea of being in love. i thought it was such a beautiful experience, and yet i didn't know what it felt like. i was young, and curious. it wasn't until now that i am almost positive. you will most definitely know when your in love. but, in case you want to check this is what i feel:

When im with him its like nothing else matters in the world. its just me and him. and i don't care who sees us because i feel like hes perfect. the way he talks, the way he moves, the way he says im beautiful. and on the inside you feel as if your heart is climbing your way up into your throat and trying to escape your body. and it feels like you have butterflies in your stomach whenever3 you think about them. and when you touch, your heart races. and it just takes your breath away. and your just yourself with him. although you may act rather goofy and joke around, but that's just some of the fun in it. you can be yourself and more.

You will learn to love, love.
I hope you find it, and are as happy as i am,
2011-02-22 8:28 pm
when the first an last thing you think about in the day is him/her.
2011-02-22 8:18 pm
when you do what ever you can to hold his or her hand
you look into each others eyes and cant help but smile
when you get butterflies in your stomach when he calls you
And lastly when you least expect it he or she will do whatever he can for you no matter what it is.
2011-02-22 8:05 pm
When you want to wake up to that person every day for the rest of your life.
2011-02-22 7:27 pm
Song writers and poets have been asking that question for centuries.

The consensus is: you will know when you are in love.
2011-02-22 6:51 pm
When nothing else seems to matter and you cant stop thinking about that person
2011-02-22 6:30 pm
when you can do anything in front of that person without them judging you as a PERSON. WHEN YOUR TUMMY DROPS AND YOU ALWAYS HAVE A FEELING GOOD INSIDE OF YOU FOR THAT PERSON.
2011-02-22 6:19 pm
when you think about that person more than anybody else, and you would do anything for them
參考: life
2011-02-22 4:32 pm
When you don't have to ask or think about it because you just know. There is no logic at all but its great!♥
2011-02-22 8:07 am
Well, i'm in love right now! You can just feel it, it's different than any other relationship you've experienced in your life. You think about being with them constantly, you hear their voice when they're not around, songs sound different, situations/desires change. EVERYTHING changes. You start realizing that they way you live your daily life is for them. For me, I finally stopped being scared. I knew that things would be alright. I finally found peace because well, i'm in love. He changed my world for the better and he's a blessing.
2011-02-22 7:51 am
When you feel safe being around that special someone, you can imagine you future with that person. They're your support system, they have your back though the good times and the bad, when they respect you and understand you, when they don't judge you and don't listen to others, when they introduce you to his family, when you and him have fun together, when they give you their coat off their back when you need it, when they show interest in things each other do, when that person makes you laugh, when that person is trustworthy, when you have eye contact, when you're outgoing, when he cares about you and when they say "I LOVE YOU" and mean it.
2011-02-22 7:22 am
When you stare into their eyes and your heart begins to flutter. Like a million butterflies are trying to escape from your chest. And you can't help but smile every time you see or think or talk to them.
Or when you can't get them out of your head, especially when you are about to go to sleep. And when you can just be yourself, you don't have to change, you don't have to play it cool. You can mess up and just be able to laugh it off. You can cuddle and kiss, hug and relax into their arms. And you can laugh together and joke together and you just know in your heart that this feels right.

That is when you know you are in love.
參考: Experience
2011-02-22 5:49 am
You'll know it when you feel it. You'll put them before yourself. You get butterflies when you see their face, or hear their name. You get intoxicated by their smell (kind of creepy, but you know you get the point). You smile whenever you think about them. You will do anything for them. You'll dream about them. Nothing will feel better then being with that person. You KNOW that you can trust them. If ever you fight, you can't stay mad at them. Stare at them (stalkerish, but we all know we do it!). Daydream about that person. Can't get them off your mind. You can imagine each other together forever. You can't describe what it feels like in your heart. You feel safe around them. You can tell each other ANYTHING. You can't help but to be happy. Nervous, even though they love you for who you are.

And you know, that when you were reading this. That you had one person that you were thinking about. And comparing to see if you two had that.

參考: My Heart, and my Brain
2011-02-22 5:37 am
there is no such thing as true love. there is just LOVE. all love is true and when it IS love you know. like you may wonder now "how will i know?" but when it comes you will know. love isnt something you need to figure out. its something that just hits you. ♥
2011-02-22 5:04 am
You know you're in love when your heart starts to palpate at a faster rate, you begin to sweat around the person, and the words that come out start to stutter. You want to make the mood as perfect as you can, but when you're in love, it becomes a moment of either glory or shame.

That's how you know you're in love. :)
2011-02-22 4:22 am
Its when you meet someone attractive and after learning there personality you feel like there is no one on Earth you can be around or be with.
2011-02-22 3:57 am
Love is that feeling that makes you feel strong and weak at the same time. It is caring and respect for the other person. It is that companionship that you want all your life. When you love someone, you love because that feeling is reciprocal. It is something that makes you want to have a life with that person, make a family, make a home. You know that you are willing to give anything for that person because you care for them, not because they give you something in return. Love is a feeling that can overcome anything when you know that person is the one who matters the most in your life. Love is not selfish, it is not doubtful, it is not putting that other person down or hurting them in any way. Most of all, love is a sign of maturity. It is the time when you feel that you have accomplished the things in life to make the other person feel cared for, nurtured, and stabled. It is the time when you know you can share not only your life or your body, but everything else that comes in a marriage. When you love someone you know you are ready to stop being selfish. You know that you will share everything with that person. Love is that feeling that makes you give everything and anything not only for that person, but for everything that comes after.
參考: wisdom
2011-02-22 3:31 am
It's a feeling, both of you the interest automatically born to meet , to live, to go outside with the's a feeling that you like he or her most and wants to meet her or he inspite of bieng's nothing but love
2011-02-22 3:27 am
Its so simple - please take what I am about to tell you ssooo seriously because, honestly, I know its cliche but sweetheart it is how you know. When you sit back, and realize that you would let them go. That even though the pain of you losing them would be unbearable...... that you would let them go.
參考: The one person I love more than anything on this earth told me that he needed to go...... because I loved him, I let him.
2011-02-22 2:50 am
When that person is all you can think about... You don't know where you would be if you didn't have them in your life... All you want is to be next to them and never be apart... You share everything with them and you try your hardest to act right and not screw up but in the long run it doesn't matter because they love you and you love them and that's all that matters... :)
2011-02-22 1:58 am
trust me youll know. love is something thats not just a word to say.
參考: experience
2011-02-22 1:50 am
you know you're in love when

-you would give up everything to make that person happy
-you can tell them everything without the slightest worry of being judged
-it hurts to be away from them for any length of time, no matter how short
-when they hurt, you hurt
-you fight for them,in every sense- emotionally,physically....
-the world seems to stop when you see them
-you love them no matter there imperfections
-you feel accepted
-you cannot image a life without them
-you aren't afraid to admit the love you have for them

I dont know- that's just how I feel about my girlfriend. I love her its hard to explain how much I care for her..
2011-02-21 10:57 pm
When you feel and know in your mind, body and soul that you would do anything for this person. You would go through hell and back just for them. You would Travel to the ends of the earth, just to see them smile. To hear that laugh. To feel that same appreciation back. You would warm them in the cold and cool them in the summer. Make time for them and cherish them like your most prized possession. Love is Love but Love is eternally true.
2011-02-21 7:13 pm
when you're in love you don't give up on them. You look past what's going on and feel their pain. It feels as if your in perfect sync with them. You can just be there together happy. Moments with them feel like hours of happiness and you truly feel blessed. And when you have them all the little things don't matter because when your with them everything is perfect. There are differences but that just makes you feel closer. When you enjoy being together and just like being there with him/her. There's this feeling of comfort near them you have butterflies but not from being nervous. The butterflies are from not knowing what you did to be this lucky. The feeling just blows your mind. It is truly hard to describe.
2011-02-21 4:57 pm
i get a tingle in my body and my heart pumps really fast that how i tell
2011-02-21 4:41 pm
you can smell the sex in the air
2011-02-21 4:18 pm
when you fall in love you'll know. you get nervous around them and you can feel your heart skip a beat. if you have a class with them, you'll find yourself turning to stare at that person or will find yourself seated in your chair towards them. when you talk to them, your head gets all foggy and you don't wanna say anything, but you wanna say everything. they show up in your dreams and fantasies and you can't stop thinking about them. you'll look through your papers and realize you doodled their initials in hearts. you'll notice you talk to them in a different tone and you'll defend them if someone else insults them. <3
2011-02-21 2:54 pm
When you dream of them every night and those dreams don't scare you. When you think of them all the time and wonder if they are thinking of you as much as you are thinking of them. When the little annoying things that they do to bother someone else, doesn't bother you as much. When you laugh at the corny jokes they say. When someone comments to you how you are "glowing," and you know it is because of the person you love.
2011-02-21 12:37 pm
When one is simply overjoyed in the simple delights of LIFE like sharing an ice cream on the beach holding hand with your beloved and playing in the waves of sea zooms one into ecstasy of HAPPINESS that is boundless. LOGIC doesn't appeal to u, and one goes not only crazy but also goes head over heals to fulfil the desire of his/her beloved. In short,existence is PARADISE.on earth.What more to say? these are the clear cut indications of LOVE.
參考: experience
2011-02-21 3:58 am
1- When seeing them becomes your high
2- When 5 minutes away from them is uncomfortable
3- When you try not to think about them but can't
4- When you fight you make up fast
5- When you would give your life for the person
6- When nothing could break your bond
7- When your in their arms nothing matters
8- When you see them you can't stop smiling
9- When they say it and you almost pass out
參考: Personal Experience
2011-02-21 3:31 am
I know when I'm in love is when I feel more accepting of that person and their flaws and their mistakes... and still see them as perfect. I don't feel any kind of anxiety when I'm around them, I feel super comfortable and confident, like I'm ready to take on the world with them. I feel like my heart's gonna explode from my chest whenever I look him, and at the same time, I feel mellow and super chill. It's a very entrancing feeling. :)
2011-02-21 2:54 am
you don't really know when you're in love
when you think you're in love that's infactuation which means it's just physical love or maybe you're in a state of depression or maybe your gf or bf just broke up with you and you are vulnerable for any circumstances. love doesn't have to be that [over reacting] feeling. but one thing is for sure, the only thing you feel when you're REALLY IN LOVE is that you are happy and no one can ruined that moment with you and that someone special.
2011-02-19 9:46 am
heart beats
2011-02-19 6:53 am
You know when you're in love when being with that one person makes you genuinely happy. Nothing else matters except for that particular moment when you're in their arms. They provide you with this feeling of satisfaction and joy. You can be your true self without feeling afraid and they accept you for it. You feel on top of the world and that you could conquer anything with them by your side. But most importantly, that person compliments you in ways no one else ever could.
參考: I'm in love.
2011-02-19 6:26 am
When you realize it is going to be painful and a loss to even part and go separate ways from each other, so the effort to express feelings and work on that bond increase between each other. It might be just one of you knowing it, but it is wonderful when both of you see it coming and tell each other in that special intimate way........
參考: experience
2011-02-23 2:39 pm
$>if he can take away all the dis-eases and dis-comforts in my life, treats them with ease and i am comfortable.
$>if i don't hesitate to tell him what he's done right but hesitates to tell him what he's done wrong cos i don't want to hurt his feelings.
$>if i don't hesitate to seek his help and advice when i need them.
$>if i always long to see his face, even just a glimpse.
$>if i can't seem to stop talking about him.
$>if i can't find a place i want to be without him.
$>if i can appreciate him just the way he is and not wish for something extra.
$>if i am proud to call him mine.
$>if i want him with me wherever and whenever.
$>if you find i am moping and the first thing i say when you call me sounds like his name
2011-02-23 5:12 am
You know... you just know.
2011-02-22 5:11 am
When the magic 8 ball says you are.
2011-02-22 2:03 am
haha oh, YOULL KNOW when ur in love<3!!!!!
參考: ;)
2011-02-21 8:16 pm
You never do
2011-02-21 5:23 pm
Wish I knew the answer to that!
2011-02-21 7:37 am
For me I knew i was in love because every minute of everyday that was the only person on my mind from the time i woke up to the time i went to bed and he was also in my dreams. I wanted to spend every minute of everyday with him even if we were doing nothing but just sitting alone in a room not even talking I was perfectly happy just being with him. I see myself having a family with one day and growing old togthere. Not much in my life makes sense sometimes but no matter what is going on in my world when ever iam with him nothing bothers me. And when he is not around I feel like Iam missing my other half like part of me is gone. Everyone feels love in a different way but when you are in love you will know it thats for sure.
2011-02-21 6:55 am
I know when I'm in love when I find that the girl I like is the sexiest angel in the world. One I'd die for in a heart beat. One that I'd love forever to death. One that I'd never ditch or divorce. One that I'd live forever with till we die. I never get nervous around her, but I'm clumsy when I'm around her. One time we were walking together and I was looking at her and banged into a pole...but I guess that was ok, I did earn her sympathy...
2011-02-21 6:24 am
You dream about him/her every night...
You want to tell him/her but won't
You find yourself looking at him/her

When you're in love, you'll know it.

When all you want to do is be with the person you're in love.
When you'd give up everything you have to protect them you're in love.
When you picture them old and wrinkly, and you can't help but get the stupidest smile across your face, you're in love.
When you have feelings for someone that you don't have for anyone else, you're in love.
參考: Me
2011-02-21 6:12 am
when you can look at that person and honestly say if she was hit by a train gained 500 lbs and got her arms and legs cut off you would still be atracted to her because her personality never changed. When you see her cry and all you wanna do is cry yourself, but you dont because she needs someone to be strong for her. When you think of all of her flaws and things most people dont like about her and it makes you love her even more! when you melt everytime she is merely in your prescence!
2011-02-21 4:29 am
You know you’re in love when you can say anything to the person and you know they won’t laugh at you. When you can see their face when you close your eyes. When you can still feel their arms around you holding you tight long after they are gone. When you can still taste their kiss after you have said goodbye. You can tell you’re in love when you miss them before they are gone. When their voice lingers in your ears. When their presence eases any pain. When their name sends chills down your spine. When they are the only thing you can think about. You know you are in love when you can see all their hopes and dreams and their soul when you look into their eyes. When they call you at four in the morning to say, “I love you” and mean it. When your tears stain not only their shirt, but also their heart. When they are hurt just because of these tears. When even a simple chore done with them can become a lasting memory. Ultimately, you know you are in love when you can’t imagine living without them, and can’t figure how did you live before you knew them. When they fulfill every need and without them you are incomplete. The love of someone else completes the heart, and sound and mind all at once.
參考: personal experience,&& from the heart<3
2011-02-21 1:09 am
How does she know you love her?
How does she know she's yours?

How does she know that you love her?

How do you show her you love her?

How does she know that you really, really, truely love her?
How does she know that you love her?
How do you show her you love her?
How does she know that you really, really, truely love her?

It's not enough to take the one you love for granted
You must remind her, or she'll be inclined to say...
"How do I know he loves me?"
(How does she know that you love her?
How do you show her you love her?)
"How do I know he's mine?"
(How does she know that you really, really, truely love her?)

Well does he leave a little note to tell you you are on his mind?
Send you yellow flowers when the sky is grey? Heyy!
He'll find a new way to show you, a little bit everyday
That's how you know, that's how you know!
He's your love...

You've got to show her you need her
Don't treat her like a mind reader
Each day do something to need her
To believe you love her

Everybody wants to live happily ever after
Everybody wants to know their true love is true...
How do you know he loves you?
(How does she know that you love her?
How do you show her you need her?)
How do you know he's yours?
(How does she know that you really, really, truely-)

Well does he take you out dancin' just so he can hold you close?
Dedicate a song with words in
Just for you? Ohhh!

He'll find his own way to tell you
With the little things he'll do
That's how you know
That's how you know!

He's your love
He's your love...

That's how you know
(la la la la la la la la)
He loves you
(la la la la la la la la)
That's how you know
(la la la la la la la la)
It's true
(la la la la la)

Because he'll wear your favorite color
Just so he can match your eyes
Rent a private picnic
By the fires glow-oohh!

His heart will be yours forever
Something everyday will show
That's how you know
(That's how you know)
That's how you know
(That's how you know)
That's how you know
(That's how you know)
That's how you know
(That's how you know)
That's how you know
(That's how you know)
That's how you know
(That's how you know)
That's how you know!

He's your love...

That's how she knows that you love her
That's how you show her you love her

That's how you know...
That's how you know...
He's your love...

參考: enchanted
2011-02-21 1:02 am
If your truely in love with the person your with yes you will be nervous at times but over all you will feel like you want to stay with the person your with forever.I am currently in a realationship and i love the person i am with. Even if shes 2000 miles away nothing will get in the way of our love.
參考: The fact i am in love
2011-02-20 4:34 pm
messenger:[email protected]
Gente, mi adciona ai!
por favor!!!
Soy del Brasil!!!
2011-02-20 4:31 pm
when we doesnt know any thing.

love u all.
2011-02-20 4:30 pm
That person becomes your universe,your gravity!!!You don't want him to die,you know deep down in your heart that you want to die before him,so you never have to live without him!!!Heart beat reaches the speed of light!!!;)
2011-02-20 4:29 pm
when u cant stop smiling around them... wish if would never leave... can set for hours talk about anything and never get bored.... remember their favorite stuff always whenever you see it anywhere!!
2011-02-20 4:11 pm
When you're calling just to hear their voice, hoping when the phone rings it's them, wishing they were just around the corner, feeling nervous about how they're feeling about you, what they're thinking about things starts to influence you, and finally: when you don't even realize you're doing these things until you're in the middle of it, and you can't wait around for an answer anymore, so you just go for it.
2011-02-20 3:51 pm
all of the above the butterflies and the little smiles and you are in love
2011-02-20 3:47 pm
Butterflies, tingly palms, not knowing why u r so lucky in life.
2011-02-20 3:08 pm
You dream about them.
2011-02-20 2:41 am
*when you can't sleep and thinking about that person most of the time
*when your heart beats fast whenever you're with him
*when you can't get enough of him
*you smile with that GENUINE SWEET smile when you're with him
*you always talk about him
*you always looking forward to see him
參考: inlove
2011-02-19 11:49 pm
The feeling where that bottomless pit in your chest is filled with excitement and wonder. That one person that you would take a bullet for, or use every last penny on them just to make them happy. The one who makes you cry when your day isnt going to well.. The one who you know is there for you and will always be there by your side going through the worst to make it to the best. Its like a roller coaster with a bunch of loops and twists.. your with each other the whole time but it feels great when you get of and say "As scary as that was, im glad we got through it" :)
參考: 2 year relationship, love her to death
2011-02-19 8:11 pm
butterflies in your stomach
2011-02-19 7:29 pm
you know when you are best friends with the person you're with
2011-02-19 6:44 pm
You know that you're in love when You have butterflies and start blushing and smiling when you see them.You want to know everything about them and their ways from all angles.You talk to them continually, share your ideas and your enjoyable times and events together.You want to introduce them to everyone and to show them what you have found and are developing together.You have understanding for one another and know when something is wrong, like something pressing on the mind of the other.You spend as much time as possible with each other, and don't want to be apart.You want to do anything to make them happy.You feel like you're in heaven when he/she kisses you.You think to yourself "If no one is perfect, I'd like to know what his/her imperfections are!"You think about them and dream about them but can't explain to anyone how badly you feel about them.You're confident around them and not scared to talk to them.You feel empty when they don't talk to you.You'll desperately look around for him or her.You'll treasure gift that he or her gave to you, even a very small gift. There are many ways to know that you're in love.Some people think that their meant for each other. Love contains many things. Once you found it you get happy and try your best to stay with that person no matter what. You'll always try to make things right no matter what, that's how you know you're in love.
2011-02-19 6:12 pm
Your in love when you no longer have to ask. You just know that this is the one for you and you anything for her/him. thats the main way to know:)

other common side effects are:

- You are happy with that person. layin around in sweats or going out to a movie doesnt matter. as lone as your with him/her. BIG one for teen girls, you'd rather miss prom/just chill with your man if he didnt want to rather than force him to go..
-You see that he is NOT perfect. HOWEVER, you do know his flaws and they grow on you/you accept them instead of trying to change him/her
-You dont care if s/hes out with the friends, because u trust this person completely
-Just thinking of this person can sometimes put a goofy smile on your face at the most random moments
-Even if things go south, you work to change them. My bf broke up with me.. friends tell me to move on but i honestally love him and im willing to try to recover this relationship/risk getting more hurt.

SOOO, yeah! haha if you have any of those common symptoms than you may be in love... if the first statment applys to you then you ARE in love and i wish you all the happiness in the world:)
參考: My brain and personal experiances. d:
2011-02-19 5:45 pm
cuando uno se enamora, Esa mujer es el deseo de vivir, la alegría y la felicidad juntas, al oir su bos la pasión se apodera de uno al tocar su piel erosiones y emociones forman fuego en la piel, el corazón se acelera cundo ella se acerca, la mente vuela y susurra pensamientos y poemas para ella, el deseo de volverla a ver en cada despedida incrementa los nervios, porque se sienten sus labios en los labios de uno y su calor y aroma lo asen a uno quererla ver de nuevo. mirar sus ojos su cara su pelo abrasarla fuerte y sentir su cuerpo porque en ese momento se siente que el tiempo no termina porque cada ves se sueña con los ojos abiertos y todo lo que se puede ver es ella completita y se escucha su bos y nada mas, se huele su aroma y todo es una pasión de pasiones es un amor de amores y si toda la vida es así la vida nunca termina, cuando uno se enamora de ella el amor es eterno
參考: amar y amar sin olvidar que la amo a pesar de cualquier cosa porque no hay nada ni nadie que pueda parar o segar mi amor por ella.por eso es que la amo.
2011-02-19 5:24 pm
when my heart tells me i am
2011-02-19 4:26 pm
I think it depends on the love! I met my boyfriend 4 years ago and it was literally love at first sight for both of us. We just talked for one night and we were absolutely in love with each other. By the second night we told each other how we felt... We have been together for 4 years since that night, and sure every relationship has it's up's and down's, but as a whole we are extremely happy together!

How to tell if you're in 'love at first sight': Something draws you to the person immediately. You may not be in love with them, but you find them just amazingly cool and want to talk to them. After a few hours of talking, you realize that there are butterflies in your belly, a big smile on your face, and you just can't take your eyes off that person. Either way, by the end of the night you will feel like this is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, and if the other person feels the exact same way, you know you are meant to be!

This also happened with my grandparents. My grandpa saw my grandmother across the room at a party, and said to himself: "That's the girl I'm gonna marry!" He didn't tell anyone, but kept it at the forefront of his mind. Less than a week later, his friends set him up on a blind date. Sure enough, she was his blind date! They fell in love that night.... They were married for 49 years until my grandma passed away at age 69. However, my grandpa who was in perfect health passed away only 3 weeks later! Soulmates in life, and in heaven!
參考: Me and my family.
2011-02-19 11:16 am
When I imagine my future, I imagine it with him.
When I smile, he is pretty much always the reason behind it all.
When I cry, he is he the one who never fails to hold me close until i'm all cried out.
When I look my worst, he still never forgets to tell me how good looking I am.
When I am angry, he never fails to take all my anger away and gets me back to my normal self.
When I can't see sense, he keeps my feet on the ground.
When I am in pain, all he wants to do is make it better.
When I can't do something for myself, he is always the first to do it.
When I argue with him, we argue like an old married couple.
That's love :)
2011-02-19 10:43 am
Being in love feels wonderful, but it is often fleeting. You might think you're in love, but you're really in lust or infatuated. It's best to be learn how to know you're in love so you won't make any foolish mistakes.
1.Realize that being in love creates chemicals in your body that make you feel high. Because of this, you may not care about what's going on in the world around you. To others, you may appear absent-minded.

2.Know that the world may seem brighter and more beautiful when you're in love. Don't be surprised if almost nothing can upset you.

3.Recognize that you will want to know everything there is to know about your lover--his likes, dislikes, what makes them laugh and his goals.

4.Notice that you may try to cheer up your lover when she's sad. When she's sad, it makes you feel sad.

5.Note that you can't remember what you ever saw in your ex-lover and you can't stand being near him. If you are near him, you feel like you're betraying your new love.

6.Be aware that you may be unable to perform even the simplest of tasks when you're in love--this is because you are often distracted thinking about the other person. Because of this, the physical safety of you and those around you may be at risk.

7.Acknowledge you can't concentrate on anything for any length of time when you're in love. Whenever you're away from your lover, you can't stop thinking about her.

8.Admit you're able to ignore the negative things you see in your lover. No one's perfect, and sometimes imperfections make your lover more endearing.

9.Answer "yes" to the following questions to know if your love will last: Can you be yourself with him? Does he still love you when you're at your worst? Does he make you feel good about yourself? Would you feel the same way if he got fat or was broke?
2011-02-19 4:51 am
when you cant stop thinking about them
2011-02-19 3:51 am
When you feel a deep connection with their soul. You feel that you're one, you have found the other half of your heart. You don't see physical nor mental attributes, just the person the way they are. Once you've found true love, it's very tough to get out of it.
參考: My opinion :)
2011-02-19 2:48 am
Love is when you can't explain how you feel;
because when your with them/see them/hear them they take your breath away along with all your words.

So basically; love is when your left speechless, and the wind knocked out of you, and yet somehow you always feel your best when your with them.
2011-02-19 2:36 am
Stalking someone and losing weight rapidly.
2011-02-19 2:22 am
when your In Love with some one Your heart starts pounding when you see them you know deep inside you would be totally destroyed if you ever lost them you know that that's the person you want to be with forever and you don't ever want to loose that feeling and you just feel safe when your with them like nothing can break you as long as you have that person its just Truly wonderful feeling and i think every one should experience it at least once in their life time.
參考: The Heart
2011-02-19 1:56 am
you can tell you're in love whenever you see the person your heart beats really fast when you see them and you probably have a hard time trying to talk to that person and look them in the eye (even though it already is hard) you may also blush whenever the subject of that person comes up or when they are near you. sometimes it may feel awkward to walk behind them. you'll probably be really jealous if you know someone who is close friends with them. you can also feel it in your stomach or whatever
2011-02-18 10:47 pm
"When you can't fall asleep because reality is better than a dream"
2011-02-18 10:19 pm
You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” - Dr Suess
2011-02-18 10:14 pm
it's when ur ready to sacrifices 4 the people u love.
when u love them more than anything else.
when they're the only thing that matters.
when you're always worried about them.
when u feel safe when ur with them.
when u can't imagine ur life without them.
when u can be only yourself around them.
when they make u laugh when u don't even want to smile.
when they understands you even if u don't speak a word.
when they're the only ones u want to be with .
when u r ready to step away if that's what will make them happy.
when u feel their sadness.
when u cry if u saw their tears.
When u want them have everything they wish for.
參考: me & myself ;P
2011-02-18 10:02 pm
When you see another person of opposite gender talking to the person you like, you wanna kill the person who they're talking to.
2011-02-18 9:52 pm
Love is very hard to explain, and can be hard to tame too.

(My expirience being in love..)
You can trust that person with your secrets, your words, your everything, and you know that they trust you back. You smile whenever you see them or think about them. You can't stop thinking about them, and they are always on your mind no matter what. You would do anything for them, you would do anything to make them happy. You love to be around them. You feel completley comfortable around them and you don't have to put on a mask to impress them. You can talk to them about anything, and I mean ANYTHING. To me love is just an unexplainable feeling that swells inside your entire body, it takes over and there isn't a whole lot you can do about it.
2011-02-18 9:41 pm
when you feel happy whenever your lover smiles =]
2011-02-18 9:27 pm
- You know when you're in love when you can't keep that person out of your mind.
- When you feel comfortable around that person. That you feel that you can be yourself.
- When every little thing reminds you of that special someone.
- When you want to give that person everything that you have and what to do anything to make him/her happy.
- When you check your messages to see if him/her has replied or to get your phone to text with him/her.
- Whenever you think of that person and you can't help but to smile as him/her is in your mind.
- When after knowing that person for a long time you still feel a little nervous whenever you are next to him/her.
- When you like if your being clumsy whenever you're trying to do something nice for him/her.
- How you feel that you will do anything just to be next to him/her and never leave his/her side.
- When you say "I Love You" without thinking about it and it comes from the heart.
- When you pass next to a palce where you guys have been there before, it brings you flasbacks of what you guyus were doing.
- When you give him/her something without expecting anything in return.
And there's so many things more that can tell you if you're in love. Each one of us are different so we all feel it in different ways. The only way to be sure is to trust your feelings.
參考: Personal
2011-02-18 9:16 pm
when you heart beats fast.
2011-02-18 8:25 pm
There really is no answer to that question. You cannot define love as this or that. Love is just something you feel, something that all the words in the world could never even begin to describe. Love. It shouldn't be something you have to question, in other words, you shouldn't have to think "am I in love?" Love should be natural. Love should be something that once you have it you think, "this is it. This is what love is."
2011-02-18 8:14 pm
You just...know. There's no one else you'd rather be with than that certain person. They love you and you love them no matter what...faults, flaws and all. You can be comfortable enough to tell each other anything. You can see your whole future with that person. There's so much more than just is everything. Love conquers every single obstacle, every single task in front of you.

I'm in love with an amazing my opinion, he's perfect. I know nobodies perfect but he's the closest to it, I'm sure. He saved me from so much. He changed me from an awful person to somebody I never thought I could be. He's made me who I am. He's my everything; my idol, my "partner-in-crime", my best friend, my lover. He's my whole world.

If I had nothing in the world but him, I would still have everything.
2011-02-18 7:48 pm
When you love that person more than yourself. When you love that person unconditionally.
2011-02-18 6:53 pm
When I was in Grace school and HS, I had several crushes, I actually went out to a movie to one of them. I never dated in HS. The guy I went out once with (drive-in movie did everything but . . . ), was kissing a girl in front of my locker. Three days after HS grad, I found a real job. He was the most handsomest guy @ work. I knew then he was the guy I want to marry! It seems like I was shooting Cupid's arrow right @ him, and him to me. On the 3rd day, he asked my phone #, 6 months later he proposed to me. We got married 2 years after. The guy? Married her, had two children, got divorced. She took the kids far, far away from him. He's still single and a loser!
Me? Still married 36 years.
2011-02-18 6:38 pm
you just cant explain it. its that feeling deep in your stomach and in your heart and when you think of the person, your heart beats so much faster and you feel as if you could fly. You feel like no matter what you go through as long as you have that other person, you will be fine. I find that when im around the guy i love, who is my husband, that i cant stop smiling and just touching him makes me so happy.. There is like a switch in your head that says this is the only person i want to spend my life with
2011-02-18 6:21 pm
How do i know i'm in love:

-When i'm talking to a woman i feel i may like, i'm more animated around her than other women. i engage in more conversation with that particular woman.

-i get nervous around the woman. My heart starts racing and pounding more. i start thinking about her frequently and my stomach even starts feeling tight.

-i always look forward to seeing her again and try to go out of my way to talk to her privately if i'm with a group of friends. / i'll try as best i can to obtain and maintain her attention, and i try as best i can to let her know that i'm interested in her.

-i start thinking that she would be perfect for me. That she fits what i'm looking for and that she would make me happy. i then ask myself if i can see myself with her, and if the answer is yes, then i continue to attempt to pursue a relationship with her.
2011-02-18 5:53 pm
you get a stong feeling!
2011-02-18 5:35 pm
Well from a science perspective:
When you have found an individual with good (in your perspective) health, drive to succeed, and good interactions with others; you wish to mate with that individual to pass on your genetic traits.
Love is when the traits mentioned above are felt by two individuals of opposite sex (please keep reading same sex love will be described later on)....thus they create a good feeling which we classify as love.
We wish to be protected, visa vi food and shelter, thus a drive to succeed is needed. Good iterations are parallel to success. We also wish for our offspring and ourselves to be protected.
To reproduce is to pass on our genetic traits, so health is a factor as well. We wish for our offspring to be successful and to do so we want to give them the gift of good health.
Health is visible from things we classify as good looks, so whenever someone complements your looks they complement your health. (mate selection)

So we know we are in love when we voice the fact that we wish to live with the individual and it is met with the other. We tend to put the words in a facade; however, and instead say "I love you"

Extra: I know many will have questions about how the above pertains to Gays and Lesbians. With the new option of adoption, we can now provide a good environment for success without the need to pass on genetic traits so the will to mate is void; however, the need for shelter (more so than just a house, emotional shelter as well) is still there. I wont get to much in depth to my Gay and Lesbian theory but it isn't biased off of "gender confusion" theory.
....please note before you rant, I was adopted and my parents are XX, XY (male and female).
2011-02-18 4:46 pm
I knew because when i first saw her I looked at her differently than I have any other girl before. By no means was she all dressed up or even the most attractive girl ive ever seen but when i first looked at her it was almost like seeing something you havent seen in years and you forgot it exhisted.. sounds corny but thats about the best way i can describe it
2011-02-18 2:29 pm
hmm ..

well , you know when you are in love when you ...

- think about just them all the time
- when you see them , its like you and them are the only two people in the world
- if you kiss them , you see fireworks
- and , last , but not least , you doodle their name , or , make their name as your password on Yahoo ! , Twitter , Facebook , OR Myspace . lol
2011-02-18 12:46 pm
When I'm in love...

She's the first thing I think about in the morning when I wake up, and the last thing I think about before I fall asleep.

I want to be her support, her confidence, and her strength. I want to be her protector, her lover, her sanctuary from the world, and her friend. I want to be with her, share things with her, make love to her for hours. I want to fight for her, struggle with her, shed tears and reminisce about good times.

When these feelings are there, I know that I'm in love.
2011-02-18 2:31 am
I believe when you're truly in love is when you don't have to wonder anymore if you are! You just KNOW you are because of the feeling of unconditional love takes over & you know he/she IS "the one". You KNOW you want to share your life with this person. Gone is the feeling of "guess work" & it's all replaced with that of "knowing" without a shadow of a doubt...:)
2011-02-23 2:52 am
when you stat humping your bed. lol
2011-02-22 4:24 pm
When it's over.
2011-02-21 12:12 am
when reality is better than your dreams
2011-02-21 12:06 am
I feel.......weird like.....uhhhh I have to be close to them XD
2011-02-20 11:05 pm
- You always think of them.
-They make you FEEL loved
-You trust them with all of your heart
-You fall asleep thinking of them.
-You're heart skips a beat when you see them.
-When you're phone rings, you hope it's them.
Love is giving someone the power to ruin your live and make you feel miserable,
yet they don't.
2011-02-20 10:57 pm
You know you're in love when you wake up in the morning and that person is the first thing that pops into your mind. When you can be your self in front of this person ,when you completely and 100% trust the person. when you know that nothing or no one can keep you guys apart. When this person smiles, it gives you butterflies and all you want to do is spend every moment with this person. when you look at this person and you know you want to be with them and spend the rest of your life with them . True love, the greatest feeling in the world.
參考: expirence. </3
2011-02-20 10:22 pm
You know your in love when...

- you're completely yourself around him/her
- you feel an almost physical pull towards them
- when you see him/her you feel good, they give you this extra feeling
- you might see someone else your attracted to, but you always come back to that one person
- you would be willing to give up a part of yourself for their sake
- :]
- physically attracted to them
-you want to make them happy and he/she makes you happy
so happy...

haha you can't even explain it
參考: i love adam
2011-02-20 9:43 pm
When you're in love, it's like a feeling you've known someone forever, even if you have just met them.
You'll feel happy whenever you see them smile, sad if you see them cry. It's like sharing a mind.
There would never be a dull time between you and your special someone, just them being in your presence makes it an exciting and fun time.
You could NEVER see any flaw in them, regardless of what others say!
You may get butterflies in your stomach around them, but it's those happy ones, not the scared ones
There's no secrets between you two
You can always act yourself around them and never feel the need to change yourself
You'll just have that feeling in you where you know "This is meant to be"[:
No matter what else you think, they're ALWAYS on your mind and in your dreams
A saying is we have two of everything, but only one heart because the other is in someone else and we need to find it.
:]<3 Love
參考: Just some thoughts[:
2011-02-20 9:41 pm
For everyone its different and when you know, you know... for me i just cant stop thinking about that person and i always want to be around them and the thought of never seeing them again is soo scary its untrue. Then the cant eat cant sleep stuff comes. Lack of concentration and so on. When your in love all you want to do is spend time with that person. Butterflys when you think or talk to them and so on. Love feels alot different then just liking some one or puppy love....When its real, you just know and nothing else matters and everything thats bad in your life slowley dissapears.....then you get with them, enjoy the honeymoon period and then everything goes **** up..... woo, then the hardtimes start and so does the arguin but in the end it dosent matter because you rather spend every day arguing with that person then never see them again.....thats just what love is.....
參考: 3 years long term relationship and still going......
2011-02-20 9:01 pm
When you realize thatyou would die for that person, and decide you want to spend the rest of your life with them.
2011-02-20 8:43 pm
-You smile every time you see them
-If you are down when you talk to them they make you really happy
-You don't get nervous start sweating or clumsy if you feel comfertable then you wouldn't
-You feel that you can't live without them
-You can't go a day without talking about them
-You know it in your heart!
Gosh, I am in love! :)
2011-02-20 7:36 pm
wen i fell in love i couldnt sleep..reality was better than my dreams i didnt want to do anything but talk to him and be with him i didnt even notice if he was hot because to me his heart was the most beautiful thing id ever seen
2011-02-20 7:27 pm
1. When you hide no secrets from each other .
2. When you're a mess and he still says you're beautiful.
3. When you still get butterflies in your stomach around them.
4. Yet, you feel totally comfortable with them.
5. When you ask him if a shirt makes you look fat, and he says, "No, babe, you look stunning."
6. When they come over just seconds after you text them that you're sad, mad, or angry.
7. When they stay on the phone with you even though you fell asleep.
8. When you hug them tight and they say, "Babe, I can feel you're heartbeat." and you blush.
9. When you never get sick of them.
10. When they would still love you when you're 80 and wrinkly.
11. When you blow a kiss goodbye, and they grab it and put it in their pocket.
12. When you are at a restaurant, and the little old couple comes up and tells you that he's a keeper, and you can tell he's in love by the way he looks at you.
參考: My boyfriend since February 14, 2002. We're 16. Yes, we have dated since we were 7.
2011-02-20 7:16 pm
you can completely be yourself with them. you can tell them everything and anything and trust them with it. they would NEVER hurt you intentionally. same for you
2011-02-20 7:15 pm
I knew I was going to fall in love when he first spoke to me. I knew I was in love when he kissed me.
2011-02-20 7:00 pm
When you have a crush, or at least when I did, I get really nervous, I can't talk (literally), I can barely think, and when I could, the only thing I could think of was how amazing he was.
When you have a really good friend that's a crush - when I did - I would say the most stupid things around him, and he didn't care. I spent some nights thinking about him. Especially when he broke my heart. The same feelings came as mentioned in the first paragraph. I also got feelings of wanting to touch his hand.
When you really fall in love, you feel so comfortable around this person, you can laugh with him, he can laugh with you, and you won't feel embarrassed. You'll comfort him when he cries - he'll feel comfortable enough to cry in front of you. You'll feel comfortable enough to cry in front of him.
2011-02-20 6:52 pm
It's the feeling of wholeness. you feel complete when your with that certain person. It is when you are willing to do anything for the person you love. You will sacrifice, adjust, commit,and compromise.
2011-02-20 6:51 pm
Its when you experience something like this; You're sitting down at work (in yahoo answers ha) and you think about your love. You take a deep breath and feel how your heart is ready to burst, it feels like it doesn't fit inside your chest, you're overwhelmed with a feeling of greatness and you figure out how even when you're so descriptive you don't come close to describing how love feels.
參考: My own experience
2011-02-20 6:47 pm
Love is when you can see the good and bad about somebody and accept BOTH! You know that those things that may drive you nuts are also the things that would make you miss that person even more. It's about being comfortable with who that person is and loving everything about them.
2011-02-20 6:36 pm
•You can act totally yourself no matter how weird you may be acting
•You laugh at all their jokes
•You can't stop thinking about them no matte how hard you try
•The nervousness goes away and you just feel on top of the world when you're with them
2011-02-20 6:06 pm
its when you feel like you can be your self by that person, and know that they'll be there for you forever and always! <3
2011-02-20 5:55 pm
When you can't stop thinking about the person and you feel completely comfortable around them yet still get butterflies any time you're with them.
參考: Loving my boyfriend :)
2011-02-20 5:40 pm
- When you feel like your floating in air
- When you can tell each other EVERYTHING
- When you feel happy all the time
- When you feel that you can take on the world and everything in it with that special someone by your side
- When nothing can spoil your mood
- When you feel giddy all the time
- When you feel that everything is just right
2011-02-20 5:23 pm
You can feel something in your heart.
2011-02-20 5:22 pm
i knew i loved my boyfriend almost immediately after we met. although i am a very prideful girl, he has a way with me; the way no guy ever has. i know we'll be together forever.
2011-02-20 5:11 pm
they become like the air that you breath you can't imagine your life without them
they make you feel happy and around them you feel safe and loved
you feel your heart beating so fast when u are around them
they become everything in ur life and you dont care about anything else and u just want to be with them forever
2011-02-20 4:05 pm
Não penso em outra coisa.. mas já faz tempo que isso naum acontece.
2011-02-20 2:56 pm
It can only be happened when Im really in love-
I can never hide who I really or pretend something to him,
I can not stop thinking about him wherever I am and whatever I am doing,
And what I feel when thinking about him is only one word- Happiness.

(Btw, I love you my captain!)
參考: My real experience
2011-02-20 2:18 pm
Love is different for everyone.
2011-02-20 2:05 pm
i get an over whelming sense of inner peace and the feeling that all is right . there's a sense of security knowing that another person cares for you just as much. i think when you can read the others mind without saying anything is key to the relationship.
參考: btdt
2011-02-20 1:39 pm
When the welfare of the other person means more to you than your own. Like her life means more to you than your own.
2011-02-20 12:51 pm
When ever there the first thing you think of when you wake up and the last thing you think of when you go to sleep, When ever you check your phone to see if she texted or called you back. When ever seeing the person you love make you happy really happy.
2011-02-20 6:38 am
How can you actually describe if you know your in love. First comes lust, then intense lust, who knows what to call what comes after
2011-02-20 6:36 am
haha this is a good question i believe when your truly in love you start to put that persons priorities before you owns, when you feel you can tell that person anything without any regret or remorse, and when you can completely be yourself around that person.
參考: hope this hepls
2011-02-20 6:35 am
you just know...its a great know your in love when it doesn't matter what you say or dont need to impress them anymore you get to be just feel happy whenever your around then...or if your having a bad day and if they walk into the room you forget what mad the day so bad because they are there. LOVE is such a great thing but dont fall too fast enjoy it and be happy. love is so much more than what was just said it's such a great thing!!
2011-02-20 6:32 am
you get this good feeling inside and know that this is someone you really care about.
2011-02-20 6:21 am
When i get in love i have butterfly's but everyone is different and some get clumsy i also get clumsy and super nervous
參考: ME!!!
2011-02-20 6:13 am
you see no one but that one person
you stare them down randomly
you try to get noticed by them
whenever you see them your thoughts fade away
like the Wendy's saying; WHEN ITS REAL.. YOU KNOW IT
2011-02-20 6:13 am
I guess when you're able to show unconditional affection and love to that person.
2011-02-20 6:13 am
yes all of the above
2011-02-20 5:50 am
love comes so naturally, you just feel it...
2011-02-20 5:37 am
You know you are in love when you are intelligent enough to know what it means to be in love, by being willing to sacrifice yourself for another person.
All too often, we think we are in love, when in reality we just enjoy someone caring about us. We become infatuated with that person who thinks they 'love' us. Being in love is being able to control your own desires (drive for sex) because you don't want to rush the relationship further then it should go. It's enjoying the company and conversation, more then the making out and flirting. It's being able to rely, trust, be commited, and faithful towards one another.
The idea that you can love someone without even knowing them isn't love but it's infatuation with the expectations you have already placed on the person for which you want to love someday but have settled for the person standing in front of you.
2011-02-20 5:35 am
you get excited when you know he is on his way. you want to spend all your time with only him. when you can smile, joke and not get your feelings hurt. When it comes down to it ,its not who you can or can't live with its who you can't live without!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
參考: Life's sweet journey....
2011-02-20 5:13 am
Don't think I have ever been in love. But when I do fall in love, I want it to be so evident in my smile, my everday activities, my attitude, that there will be no guessing. I want people to look at me and say, now that girl is in love. I want something that knocks me off my feet.
參考: My heart.
2011-02-20 5:12 am
-When you find yourself caring & standing up for him
-thinking about him a lot
-when your texting him everyday
-when he complements you & you do the same back
-getting him something special, and making him happy

Right now im in love :) What i think about when im around him is just to act normal, and be myself! Talk to him like you would with any other person, and try not to make things awkward
2011-02-20 5:07 am
You feel butterflies and your stomach, you dream about them and you have fun and feel really happy around them.
2011-02-20 5:05 am
when someone is in your thoughts all the time, when they mean a lot to you, when you're happy just to see or hear or feel them. And when you smile when you're with them when there's no logical reason why :)
2011-02-20 5:03 am
When you realize that you want to share your life with that person.
When love is not just a word but shown through actions.
When your head tells your one thing but your heart overrules.
When you sacrifice and trust for this person.
When you are drawn to them like a magnet.
When you will want to work it out no matter what after fights and wont give up on each other.
When Sex is not just sex but its something spiritual between two souls that love each other.

Love is unconditional, like a parent loves their child.
I feel this way for my husband. Although times aren't always perfect, I know I will always care for him, love him as a best friend and a soul mate.
參考: Personal experience. Happily Married on 02-06-11
2011-02-20 5:01 am
-You cant live without them
-You cant go to sleep because for once reality is better than your dreams<3
-You get butterflies when you hold hands.
-The only person on your mind is him/her.
-When its hard to let them go.
-When all the love songs you listen to only remind you of him<3
-When all the love quotes you read only remind you of him<3
-Your Happy
Dont worry you will know what love is when you feel it (:
2011-02-20 5:01 am
I don't know but usually I space out in class. Whenever I eat with friends I imagine I'm on a date with him. But I definitely know that I'm in love when I'm denying it completely or pushing the accusation to one of my friends... like I pretend to be a matchmaker when the truth is I AM the one who loves him. GAH.
2011-02-20 4:59 am
Love is an ACTION. Not a feeling.
參考: Bible.
2011-02-20 4:51 am
Simple. How do you know if you're in love? When you don't have to ask yourself this question.

He makes me smile more than ever before.
hen we fight he just makes that face and we both burst out laughing,
When I would sacrifice everything to be with him for 5 minutes.
He makes me feel like everything in the whole world could be going completely wrong and as long as he's beside me it doesn't even matter.
I miss him whenever we've been apart for more than maybe an hour.
When even before we got together we were in love and dreamed of each other every night for 2 years and 7 months of not speaking to each other.

That's how I know.
2011-02-20 4:33 am

1. if you think him/her all day
2. you get excited to see him/her.
3. you do your best to make him/her proud of you.
4. you can change your self just for him/her
5. you get a bit jealous when you see him/her having fun or talking to another cute girl or hot guy.
2011-02-20 3:39 am
- when you wake up thinking about them.
- when the best memory you have with them is just laying down talking.
- when you suddenly forgot how to have a conversation when they talk to you.
- when they look beautiful to you no matter how early it is or what they are wearing.
- and when you go to bed and are still thinking about them.
2011-02-19 9:31 pm
I've only fallen in love once. It was instant attraction for this person at first sight. When we had a change to meet it was an air of familiarity, like we had know each other for years. Its easy to be with this person and you can completely be yourself around them. When I was with this person I felt like there is nothing I wouldn't do for him and he felt the same.It was an odd feeling because our relationship only lasted a summer but it was my first brush with love. It was selfless and all consuming...

I've currently experienced this brush again with a guy I met recently and it seems to have taken a life of its own. And its crazy to know this person feel the same way and energy...I can not deny the passion in both these situations and I can say this is what love feels like for me..
2011-02-19 9:09 pm
When they are the only person who is on your mind, and when you're with them you wish the moment would last forever. You can't imagine your life without them. They are your all day, every day, favorite thing. When you're not with them, the world feels dark and gray. The words they said mean more than anything said by anyone else could ever possibly effect you. It's just a flat out amazing feeling.
參考: self experience.
2011-02-19 4:19 pm
You don't see anything except them when they're near, you feel kinda nervous at first, you plan out what you are going to tell them next day, you think about them all the time, you remember them when u think of the word "love", u keep a goofy smile on ur face when u realize that, u talk about them all the time to ur cloeset friend till they're bored, u picture urself with them ten years later, u dance around the room cuz u both did something great together, u still love them if u pictured them fat/without makeup etc., u feel u really care about them, u may write songs about them, u feel an everlasting bond with them, u feel that ur meant to be together, u wanna be with them forever and always.
2011-02-19 3:08 pm
You never stop thinking about that special person and wish u could be with them all the time.
2011-02-19 2:08 pm
When your in love with you get super nervous, you get sweaty, everytime you kiss them it feels as though you've just gone over a bump in the car really fast, it gives you butterflies. When you see them you can't take your eyes off them, they make you happy no matter what, you can't help but smile and laugh when your with them, if your a girl you go all girly giggle bubbly and try to be super cute. You obviously go out of your way to look super nice.

Answer mine, please?
2011-02-19 4:46 am
you will know when you are in it, without a doubt
2011-02-19 4:01 am
When you hold your fart for the entire date but you think she is cute when she farts. When you wont let yourself eat anything spicy or gassy the day before the date.
2011-02-19 3:59 am
I get a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. Like when your about to give a speech in front of 1000 people and there is enormous pressure. But it happens every time you think about them.
2011-02-19 3:47 am
Really i don't know what love is yet, a lot of people don't, it just depends on the person. No one can tell you what love feels like it comes from your soul. Also everyone knows how to love, what they don't know is how to be "in" love, just realize if someone says that love is "this" and "that" that's not specifically true You feel what you want to feel.
2011-02-19 3:19 am
Usually my penis stiffens up a little bit. I sometimes get a bit flushed too and my sense of reasoning decreases. If the girl that I am in love with touches me (sexually), then my penis becomes very hard and my heart beats very fast. When the girl that I am in love with allows me to enter her (sexually), then I have an extremely intense feeling of euphoria for approximately 5 seconds. When I exit the girl (again, sexually), I feel very calm and relaxed and usually feel a craving for cigarettes.
2011-02-18 9:12 pm
If you're in love, you just know, without a doubt.
2011-02-18 7:46 pm
You just know. If you have to ask, you aren't.
2011-02-18 6:24 am
When you can't stop thinking about someone and your heartbeat beats faster and feel like your soul is on fire
2011-02-18 6:18 am
We know when we're in love after we feel such things that
*Without them your world will end
*They're our first and last
*You can't do without them even for a micro second
*You can give up anything in life for them and even your life
*You compromise for them
*You can wait for them your entire life
*No one can ever replace their place because they are your world and they're the best for you.
*When you need to share your happiness you know you have them and they wont be jealous but happy when you share your stuff with them and when you're sad they will always be there for you and their shoulder to cry on...
*And that there is a person who loves you they way you're with your all your flaws and can do anything for you... <3
2011-02-18 5:47 am
When their happiness is essential to your happiness.
2011-02-18 5:26 am
You know you're in love when no matter how far away that person is or how long you've been apart, you still wake up everyday and they're the only person that's on your mind.
2011-02-18 5:03 am
I'm newly separated and forgive me for being the scrooge, but I felt a lot of these things. We had all the beautiful things and somehow it faded away. Right now I'm trying not to gag, ready these answers.

I can say that Love means having the grace of letting go of the little imperfections in your partner. That you should treat them with more sweetness and respect than your boss, your friends, or even the president. That despite how busy your lives get, that you make time for one another. I hope some of you all find that.
參考: Been there, done that.
2011-02-18 4:49 am
Sweating, nervous and clumsy is lust.

Love is kindness, gentleness, can't wait to see that person, and O' how that person makes you feel when you are around him/her. Wanting to explore things together, helping one another, can't live without that person. That's Love!
參考: personal opinion..
2011-02-18 4:42 am
Because I want to be with him every moment of every day for the rest of my life, and i have for a very, very long time.

Because when I'm not with him, my heart physically hurts, and i scream inside my head, wishing i was with him. But when i see him my heart melts, and i completely forget about how upset i was without him, and forget everything bad in the world. The world becomes fair and peaceful when i'm with him.

Because when i look into his eyes, i see pure love.

Because when he's happy, I'm happy. My goal in life is to make him happy.

Because i know i would sacrifice anything and everything for him.

Because he's constantly on my mind. I must say his name 1,000,000 times a day in my head. Even when i'm not concentrating on him, he's still in the back of my mind.

Because i love him more than i ever thought i could love anyone.

But most of all, because I know he feels the same way about me.
2011-02-18 4:42 am
When you're in love... It's as if no other person could matter in that way. You see past their imperfections and realize that that is what makes them who they are. When they look into your eyes, you get lost and instead of getting butterflies in your stomach... It is more like giant bats flying around and swooping down and through your entire stomach. Your heart races and any "normal" moment with them is turned into some extraordinary moment simply because you are with them and they make everything better. When you're in love... that person is and will be the best thing that has happened to you and you wouldn't change a thing... you wouldn't change who they were... for a thing.
參考: myself
2011-02-18 4:39 am
When the thought of a certain person always pops into your head. You know you're in love when you cannot see their flaws, because you love everything about them. Every time you see them, you can't help but smile. Every word and action they say or do have an affect on you. Your heart beats faster and you forget all your troubles by just seeing them smile.
2011-02-18 4:26 am
you just know
參考: me:) <3
2011-02-18 3:30 am
It's something you just have to feel, when that person is someone you can't live without, then you're in love.
2011-02-18 3:29 am
When you daydream about a person. If you have a physical reaction to their presence. When you find yourself wondering what that person would think of you before doing things. That's love.

They say that the people you hate, not jerks who annoy you but rather those people who you really hate, you hate because you see things in them that you hate about yourself. Their existence really bothers you because they advertise what you see as flaws in yourself to the world. You don't really care about them, the person you're hating is yourself, which is why hate is such a destructive attitude.

I say that the very opposite is true of who you love. If you see a person and they make you want to be a better person, then you're in love. If you look at them and see what you love about yourself, or what you wish you were, then you're in love. Which is why we cherish love, it's the possibility of change. If you cherish a person, and if you see the good in yourself in them, then you're in love.
2011-02-18 3:18 am
I knew I was in love when I felt it pleasured me more than her while I did things for her.
2011-02-18 3:14 am
You will know when you don't feel like you have to hide anything from that person. When you can see each other having the best and worst experiences of your life. When you can't stop smiling around them. Or when you have a big fight and can't stay mad at each other. When you see that person your feelings never change, that you know you will always truly love them. When that person takes you for you and doesn't care about what you wear, or what you look like but only care about your personality.
2011-02-18 3:11 am
Your heart and time seem to slow down.
You don’t realize it but you are smiling.
You cannot get her (or him I guess if you are a girl…) off your mind.
All you want to do is make her smile and to be there for her when she needs you.
You will do anything for her.
It is caring about someone in such a deep way that you see beauty in what she considers her flaws.
You want to trust her even though you are afraid to.
You just want to be with her
2011-02-18 1:00 am
Well *I* smile more and feel a little dizzy and I LOVE the smell of them, every love song reminds me of them, I love to see them, I find myself thinking of them all the time, I love to see them smile, I feel really jealous when they're with other girls, I'm really depressed when they say something even slightly negative but elated the whole day if they touch me or compliment me
參考: my first <3 lol
2011-02-18 12:53 am
I get nervous when I'm around them. I never know what to say. I try not to act really stupid, but I end up doing it anyway. I try to be myself, but I doubt I am. And I always think about the person. ALWAYS
2011-02-21 12:07 am
You get the heebie geebies ?
2011-02-20 9:18 pm
When you don't know how it would feel not be in love, then you are in love.

Personally, I sweat, blush, am supoer nervous, clumsy and have butterflies flying over my head.. most of all i am the happiest girl in the world, don't even have to have him, just that I can feel such makes me feel forever young. I always try to enjoy when I fall in love, because everything else after it is just more difficult and reality can strick you bad if you sing out to loud. Nevertheless it is a enjoyable feeling that everyone should cherish. I don't fall in love often so.. that is how you know when you are in love, when you no longer now know how it goes without it... no matter where two of you are, it's there.. years after, it is still there, the same old feeling as yesterday was just the first day looking him and heart stop a brief and then a totally new beat hits it, just like a lightning.
2011-02-20 8:55 pm
My God. you have enough answers, shouldnt you know already?
2011-02-20 8:29 pm
when you cant stop thinking about her
2011-02-20 7:52 pm
You eat Cheese.
2011-02-20 7:21 pm
When I can't wait til next Monday to go to school and see my crush, also I hate weekends...
2011-02-20 7:12 pm
youll know
2011-02-20 7:08 pm
I can just say you can tell your in love for a few reasons but all combined not just 1 trust your partner and they trust you, if its questionable then you still gotta work on it and i mean full trust. that means you're not thinking things even in the back of your head. Thats how i am with my girlfriend right now.
2.You ask yourself seriously, Would i be with this person forever even if they told me we can never have sex? and the answer is yes but that you know it in your heart its true. Thats why i believe its a good idea to wait till marriage if you want to get to know someone for real.
3.You love the person even when you're mad for example me and my girlfriend get mad but make up very quick because we don't like to be mad at each other it doesn't feel good.and thats more important then taking out your anger on your partner. talk it out instead in a relaxing manner.
4.You don't enjoy to say rude jokes when you're partners not around for example married men saying they feel like prisoners, how do you think their wife would feel if they heard that. if you're in love you always wanna respect you're partner even when they're not around.
5.You always try to work arguments out because you want the relationship to work no matter who's fault it is.
6.You will forgive you're partner for anything as long as you can tell it was a mistake, because they do happen. When i say forgive i don't mean say its ok but always bring it back up i mean full forgiveness like you understand your partner wasn't thinking right it was a mistake and will never happen again, and you trust they will never do it again.
7.You and your partner have built a strong communication for example my partner is not just that she's also my best friend my everything with her i don't need no one else. that means when you're upset you don't go cry to someone else you tell your partner because you want the relationship to work out.
8.that spark that you guys have when you first got together if you want it to stay that way you have to work for it things aren't that way by themselves you got to keep that chemistry fun, enjoy life with your partner, relax, i want my relationship to always be fun with my girl thats why i try to not be in bad moods because that ruins it and she trys to and it works.
9.when your partner needs you you are always there for them, for example some romances die because some people are to focused on work trying to give their partner the good life, nice car, house, jewelry, cellphone, etc. when all you really need is enough to eat everyday.
10. would you be with your partner even if you both wore not financially stable, but both always trying, what if you two lost everything and had to live on the streets would you stay with them even if someone with money started trying to split you two apart.
11.You understand that when you are with that person it is about what both of you want not just one and how you're going to make it work, then you see that you need to really care about you're partner
12. you can admit you love them even in the eyes of god, and you always treat them nice.
this answer was brought to you by [[[Lil Flaco]]] I'm very serious about my answer.
2011-02-20 5:53 pm
when you know your in love your not asking this question -.-
2011-02-20 4:37 pm
2011-02-20 4:02 pm
When you KNOW you have unlocked the secrets of scientology, then you shall find love.
參考: I'm Captain Gay Cruise!
2011-02-20 3:12 pm
You're confident around them and not scared to talk to them.You're not scared to admit you love them.You smile every time you hear their name.You get really excited when you talk to them and maybe you wouldn't dare to look into their eyes.You feel empty when they don't talk to you.You'll desperately look around for him or her.You'll do anything for them even if it takes your life away.You become very happy when you found something similar with him or her.You'll treasure gift that he or her gave to you, even a very small gift.You can take a trip together and wish it would never end.You constantly want to be with him or her.You have understanding for one another and know when something is wrong, like something pressing on the mind of the other.You spend as much time as possible with each other, and don't want to be apart.You want to do anything to make them happy You get butterflies just hearing their name.You feel like you're flying when he/she holds your hand.You feel like you're in heaven when he/she kisses you.You think to yourself "If no one is perfect, I'd like to know what his/her imperfections are!"You don't care about the bad stuff about them.You think about them and dream about them but can't explain to anyone how badly you feel about them.You can't help but smile when you see him/her.You don't feel embarrassed around them.
2011-02-20 2:51 pm
you have a permanent bonar ololol
2011-02-20 2:43 pm
butterflies in my tummy!
i surely act in a clumsy way as well!
but the best part is when you feel that you want to share all your experience with that other half of yours, when you feel that something is missing when he's not around.. when you suddenly feel that you can't remember how your life was before you met him.... and that's the way i felt when i met my husband back in 2004, i was 17 and he was 22 and now we're happily married for almost 4 years now
2011-02-20 2:42 pm
I understood when he was praising a girl too much and i felt jealously;he did a mistake wid her and i felt bad;i wanted to give him everything of mine and didn't want anything from him;i wanted to see him happy and satisfied wid his life.
2011-02-20 2:18 pm
When u can be ur selph around them
u always think about them
u cant live with out them
u will die for them
2011-02-20 1:04 pm
Um... I'm confused, I watched episode 16 and this never happened.
參考: TV.
2011-02-20 4:53 am
All of the above.
2011-02-20 4:13 am
When she is the first thing you think when you wake up and the last thing you think before falling asleep
2011-02-20 4:05 am
your willing to do anything for them. even stand up to your parents.
2011-02-19 4:09 am
My thingy grows bigger.
2011-02-18 4:11 am
You know when your in love when...
You read their texts over and over again
You randomly smile when thinking about them
You start blushing and messing up your words
You stalk their Facebook:)
Laugh at everything they say
Thats when you know you're in love! <3 <3 <3
2011-02-18 3:47 am
When your heart beats fast
2011-02-18 3:14 am
when you would do anything for that person and cant stop thinking about them.
2011-02-18 3:10 am
you just know :)
2011-02-18 3:02 am
love isn't an emotion. it's a commitment.
2011-02-18 2:42 am
I don't believe that people are actually in love. I recently read a book called "Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand and I agreed that being in love is both wanting to live for that person and not being able to live without them. There is a difference between being in love and loving someone.
參考: The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand
2011-02-18 12:59 am
You know when you're in love when someone asks that question your response is simply:
'You just know.'
There is no other way to describe it.
2011-02-20 8:00 pm
When it's over.
2011-02-20 7:14 pm
you just know.
2011-02-20 3:38 am
when you get a *****
2011-02-20 2:30 am
If you have to ask, you aren't.
2011-02-18 9:09 pm
when u get a bonner
2011-02-18 8:14 am
Well, I already found the one I fell for in my business class back in college. It was a love at first sight, but thought he didn't feel the same way about me. He totally made me feel how it is to be in love. First three months although we were in the same group I didn't dare to talk to him. But finally I gathered some courage and asked him what was his major. Thats when his mouth really opened. The entire conversation went for 3 hours. I felt very shaky. I could not stand properly. But once the conversation was over, the love effect went in extreme.
-I couldn't drive. At the signal, the cars horned at me. It seemed I was not in my car, but floating in the air.
- For a while, I turned into a brainless creature and ended up hanging out in a Japanese store for no reason.
- I found myself smiling.
- I could not sleep. I felt as if I was injected some sort of drug in my veins. It just felt great.
- I also felt a rebirth kind of experience. It was simply telling me my waiting days were over and soon I was going to enter the heaven.

But suddenly this awkward thing happened in the class next day. We were told to sit together to work to do an activity which included building an enterprise. One group member became the manager while we all were turned into workers. I had to sit next to him for the first time in my life. His foot ended up touching mine by accident. That is where suddenly I chocked on my breath.

When finally we confessed our love to each other he said he felt all those love feelings for me also.
Now we are heading towards marriage.

This relationship taught me a lot. The true love equals to sacrifice, friendship, romance and healthy amount of forgiveness.
2011-02-18 12:50 am
You can't stop thinking about them you think about the last time you saw them the next time you see them. You think about what life would be if you were together forever you make plans with them. They become your number 1 ! . You hope they text or ring you or message you on facebook or even "like" your status. You want them with you most the time ... love is a wonderful thing if its right at the time :)
2011-02-18 1:15 am
what a gay question,
2011-02-18 12:50 am
You will know. You won't know how, but you'll know. xx <3
2011-02-17 11:42 pm
When all you care about is their well-being and you'll do anything to see them live a genuinely happy life - no matter the cost. You won't abandon them in times of need, and will always remain faithfully and loyally at their side.
2011-02-17 9:24 pm
when you picture there smile every second of everyday when you cant stop laughing or smiling or crying because you miss them or because your thinking about a memory you has with them the other day or when you picture life ahead and all you can see is their face. when your holding them and their holding you, and you just start to cry because you don't wanna let go. when you cry tears of joy. when you ask them out on the top of a roller coaster full of anxiety and hold their hand and wanna cry so bad on the way down not because your scared but because they said yes. when you look into their eyes and never wanna look away. when you can do nothing but wanna please them and make them happy. when you look at them for the first time and wanna tell them "i love you" right there, because before even speaking the first words you just know its love, when you didn't like them before but when you realized how much they care about you and just know that it's too perfect to be real. when you run as fast as you can to jump up and give them the biggest hug, but you seen them and hour ago. when your being dropped off and you both count the kisses and just keep kissing but neither of you wanna stop cause what if tomorrow never comes? when you'll go to any risk to make them happy, to see them smile such a beautiful smile, to see them, to love them, when you'll go to any risk just to spend 5 seconds together. when you skip out important things because nothings more important than seeing them. love is any warm feeling you get inside for a special person. love is talking, spending time with each other, sharing, faithfulness, being BEST friends! that's one of the best ones! love is looking in the same direction, love is getting along, seeing things through each others eyes. love is that special person. LOVE is what I HAVE =)
參考: feeling so in love so much more to say non expressable in words. my love is unconditional.
2011-02-19 4:58 am
shut up nobody cares
2011-02-18 7:04 am
When she tells me.
2011-02-17 9:43 pm
i havent experienced it yet but i think you dont notice it exactly when you fell in love .
you come to know about it when someone asks you if you are in love or not with anyone then you think for a while and then find out that something has changed in you .
參考: my idea .
2011-02-17 9:50 pm
You first start to get really nervous to be around that person, but you know that you have to be with him/her. There really isn't much to it; fate will decide for you. You'll definitely know when you are
2011-02-17 10:29 pm
It's when I blush uncontrollably, smile crazily. I always fall for people who don't know who I am. . .
2011-02-18 9:13 am
London all dayyy eryyyy dayyyyy
參考: Bra
2011-02-17 11:15 pm
My shirt has no writing on it.
2011-02-17 9:47 pm
You just feel it down there. (You know what I mean)
2011-02-17 9:59 am
love is sort of a feeling, a good feeling, that one feels and its a feeling that you wouldn't want to go away. for me, personally, i know when I'm in love when i cannot wait to see the person and theres this glowy hazy feeling I get, kind of like gettng out of a hot steamy shower; you feel refreshed and revived.
參考: my opinion/experience
2017-02-10 9:09 pm
2016-01-27 5:03 pm
When u do things u wouldn't normally do for anyone else & when the only person u can think of is them I've been in love once & I miss it
2016-01-26 11:14 am
Steps Toget Ex Back Guaranteed -
2016-01-11 4:21 pm
only Allah know very well
2016-01-08 2:27 am
when you're with the person you want to:
*touch/kiss them
*hold them
*sing to them
*make them smile
*feel such joy/happiness
*nothing gets you down
*tell others about them
*whisper how much you love them
*compliment them
*give them little gifts
*feel alive even when you're suppose to be tired
*feel comfortable with them and attracted to them at the same time
*feel safe with them
*feel protected and can open your heart
*feel on top of the world
2015-10-28 2:12 pm
And I figured out the whole "be a gentleman" thing too. This whole "be a gentleman" thing is BS. I realized that I wanted to hold her hand because it made her feel safer. I wanted her to walk on the inside of the sidewalk and away from the cars when crossing the street because I didn't want to take any risks with this beautiful, precious gem of a girl. So when she told me that I was being a gentleman, I realized that I wasn't trying to be...I just cared about her and did what I guess girls consider to be "gentlemanly".
Aaaand, I also noticed that I wasn't clumsy at all. Quite the opposite. I felt really strong and confident when she is next to Superman or something.
2015-10-12 1:42 pm
you know when you are in love when you always blush around him
you know when you are in love when you feel different around him
2015-10-08 7:00 pm
Well love is a strong word. You know when you love someone when they are on your mind 24/7
2015-07-19 5:48 am
You feel it
2015-07-02 10:36 pm
You let that person hurt you over and over again
2015-06-16 8:04 pm
When you're in love everything in the world seems in place. The sky seems more blue and the sun seems brighter. When you look into their eyes you get lost and feel what they feel, you feel their pain, their love, and their hope.

When you see them your whole life lights up, you feel your heart pound and your skin tingle.

You may not think every part of them is perfect but you except their flaws, you embrace their flaws.
2015-06-09 11:28 pm
I get super protective and want to live w that person. I never plan to let them go even if they said something wrong. I pull back for awhile but i want to make sure he will know its not forever if i leave?
2015-05-11 5:17 am
you get butterflies you dont sleep you dont focus well you think of him 24/7 and every romantic song you here makes you think of him
2015-04-25 6:25 am
You know when you know
2015-04-24 7:45 pm
You know you are in love when you look forward to being with that person and only with that person forever. :)
2015-04-23 5:25 pm
It just happen .... everything will change day by day .
2015-04-19 6:59 pm
crying at nights
2015-04-12 2:39 am
Just dance in the air.
2015-04-03 1:18 pm
What Jenny said! :p
2015-04-01 11:24 am
When you started to care about him or her, when u feel nervous when u talk to him or her, when you feel a bit jealous when other people stays with him or her
2015-03-10 5:07 pm
Falling in Love is a very special thing. And there are a lot of symptoms if you are truly in Love. 1.whenever you see that person you barely speak or talk gibberish. can't wait to that to that person. can't resist staring at them. these are a few symptoms
2015-03-04 11:06 pm
you are always panicked, trying to be with that person as much as posible
2015-02-18 3:44 pm
2014-10-26 12:15 am
I always thought I was love before but I truly know what it feels like now..totally blissful and euphoric
2014-09-28 3:48 pm
When you really care about this person and your committed to each other
2014-09-27 10:25 pm
She lets you stick it in the rear, and fire one off
2014-08-19 9:21 pm
You know when you are in love with someone if whenever you are near them, you get nervous or you start to feel sweaty. Usually when you are in love with someone, you stare into there eyes when they talk. When your in love, then you feel different around them if you are around regular people, such as your mom and dad. I hope I helped!
2014-08-12 6:31 am
You know your in love when there in your mind at all time and you even dream about them and you.
Plus you can only put a name on love, you cant tell what love is but instead can tell who love is.
2014-07-19 11:11 pm
Sometimes you wouldn't even know your in love till you loose that person (happened to Many people). Thinking that your in love is not always true- you may be in love with another and not know. Love is very different and difficult love may not always show at first sight and sometimes when you are in love you may not have butterflies as in some loves there are jealousies or you just look at then and freeze and forget about yourself
2014-07-08 8:22 pm
if youre asking this question then you are probably not in love. you will know. love is unconditional not to be confused with infatuation
2014-06-10 11:30 am
I hope we stay together forever n forever !!!!!
2014-05-29 12:46 am
ur insides say so
answerm ine
2014-05-10 5:21 pm
Isn't it when you can't stop thing about a person
參考: Me
2014-05-09 6:11 am
it just happens
answerm ine
2014-05-08 5:39 am
u just do
answerm ine
2014-05-08 4:10 am
u just do
anwerm ine
2014-05-01 4:45 pm
when you continuously spend a lot of time with the person and get to know very well. :)
2014-03-12 7:22 am
Feeling, when I leave him, when I trust him.
2014-02-11 9:05 am
Love is something you FEEL with no other explanation :)
2014-02-05 7:44 am
The pain you feel
When it&#x27;s over
參考: Experience
2014-01-15 8:58 am
love love love ...
參考: is just love and more love...
2013-12-17 3:02 am
hahaha lol swagbro
2013-12-13 2:07 am
You only have eyes and the desire for one person
2011-02-24 12:20 am
Goodness the response is enormous. I don't know. Love is tricky or whatever it is.
2011-02-23 11:04 pm
I get that funny feeling in my stomach, im thinking about them 24/7, i dream about them every night?
參考: ME
2011-02-23 8:49 pm
When you see them, you start smiling like an idiot
You can't sleep at night thinking of them
You wait for their calls
urge to see their smile [:

Yea, you're in love
2011-02-23 4:37 am
your heart flips (: i love that feeling...
also if you go completely head over heels... ;P
2011-02-23 4:32 am
When all the songs make sense. I feel like every time I turn on the radio now I can relate to every love song =) Its nice.
2011-02-23 4:30 am
-when he/she is all you think about
-when all you wanna do is be with them
-when you see them, your heart races and you feel like you're on a roller coaster
-if you are in love and are reading this, you're thinking about them right now... and are smiling :)
參考: I feel like that... <3
2011-02-23 4:20 am
when no matter what you're doing or who you are with, if you think it would be better if that certain person was there you are in love. Also when your favorite thing to do is just to be with that person, no matter what you are doing.
2011-02-23 4:17 am
To me, being in love isn't butterflies and heart racing...that is infatuation. Being in love means
- You want them and nobody else
- You love them and their imperfections don't matter, you just love all of them
- You care intensely about their feelings and how they are
- You feel at ease when you're with them: hugging, cuddling
- You trust them and can talk about anything with them
- You love being with them.
2011-02-23 4:10 am
when u cant see youreself with anyother person, when u get those butterflys, when ur life is an open book to them and they still love u, when youre willing to swim a mile change whatever u need to to be able to make succsesful relationship with them
2011-02-23 3:59 am
-When just the thought of that person makes you smile(:
2011-02-23 3:36 am
you think first of him, in other words, you don't expect anything in return. For instance, the guy I like (well, love) is in love with another girl. I'm not jealous, but rather overjoyed for him because I know he deserves it.
參考: life
2011-02-23 3:33 am
You can feel it "straight through your heart"-easy as that.
2011-02-23 3:23 am
i daydream all the time. and want to talk to him for hours. i get childish for the likeness to be sweet baby-talked :))
參考: LDR
2011-02-23 3:05 am
Simple (:.
No matter what gender, you feel like kicking some SERIOUS *** when your beloved comes crying, because of someone.
You always want to be there for them.
Your heart takes a bungee jump when you see her/him.
You can't stop smiling when she/his hand is in yours and you are walking around the school/downtown/etc.
You feel like you can drop anything in this world for her or him.
參考: I was in love too (:
2011-02-23 3:00 am
When you knew what you had before you lost her, even if 11 months have gone by.. its been a beautiful 2 years woopzie
2011-02-23 2:45 am
you know when you're in love when the person you're in love with isn't around, it's like the whole world is empty, and you're just missing and missing and missing that person . it's like you just can't be without them . and when you are with that person it's just like your heart smiles (: and you're so happy . you blush, you get butterflies, and when you kiss, it probably feels like you fell in love all over again . love is so beautiful , but soon my day will come to feel what actual lovers feel .

Happy Belated Valentine's Day ! (:
參考: smarticles
2011-02-23 2:43 am
I don't know I think love is afraid me because I've never had it!
2011-02-23 2:39 am
- You think about them all the time
- You get butterflies even when their not their
-You started smiling when someone says their name
-You're heart beat 1000x a sec when they walk towards you
2011-02-23 2:35 am
You get the feeling in your stomach, you always think about the person and when you do they put a smile to your face.
2011-02-23 2:22 am
i reely like a girl name mishell every time i see her i keep smiling at her and she turned away
2011-02-23 2:14 am
do you start sweating - yes
do you get super nervous - yes
are you clumsy - yes
2011-02-23 1:56 am
in my opinion you know youre in love when someone can ask you if you are in love and you dont even have to think about it you just respond yes:)
2011-02-23 1:52 am
if you are i love you go to that person often for many things afterwards right when you sit close to him you will experience an extermly confusing feeling in often talk to him ,blush when he touches you somewhere,sweating,breathing quickly in his presence are all facts tay show that you are in love with the want to dress so hot etc just for that individua
2011-02-23 1:22 am
I know I'm in love when the person really GETS me. When they won't reject anything that I have to say. When they aren't afraid to be seen with crazy, clumsy, 'out there', me.
2011-02-23 1:21 am
- you can be yourself around them
- just thinking about them makes you smile
-missing them even if you just saw them
-when you hold hands
-by kissing them and you dont wanna stop
- not wanting to ever leave their side
參考: me
2011-02-23 1:08 am
I light up like a Christmas tree when he looks at me.
His eyes can see my soul.
And he gets excited about everything I do.
He respects/supports me
We calm each other when life throws rocks.
He appreciates all my gifts.
We laugh together.
We admire & understand each other.
He forgives my stupidity and I can't stay mad at him.
When I say "don't call me again", he says, "stop that!"

And lastly:

His Perfect Kiss.

I miss you, Michael ♥
2011-02-23 12:58 am
YOur always thinking about the person.
You stuck when you are talking to them.
Your always trying to make them laugh/without doing anything stupid of course!
And you got that feeling every time you approach them.
You just like every thing about him/her :))
2011-02-23 12:54 am
When you know that you can be yourself around that person and know they are the one for you
2011-02-23 12:53 am
You know you're in love when...
-You can act YOURSELF around them and not have to change how you act
-You can't go a minute without thinking of them
-You go out of your way to make them happy
-You miss them the second they leave
-When you are with them they are all that matters
2011-02-23 12:49 am
When i can feel relaxed and like a little kid again, like no one else is there, like the only thing that maters is what your doing right then and that you dont want the moment to end.
2011-02-23 12:24 am
It's different for everyone!
I think that's why no-one can speak for everyone with their personal definition.
It's just that indescribable something (without sounding too cheesy!).
For me? It's the feeling of looking at that one person and not being able to imagine life without them.

That's just me! :)
2011-02-23 12:01 am
When you automatically care for the person you like and you have this feeling in your heart that you can only feel when your with that person after 2 weeks of just hanging out as friends or maybe a week.YOu should feel really different and good for this person that you actually want to do stuff for this person like you want to help your partner with studies or help him or her clean the house because you want to spend more time with them because you can love them with out knowing you do. Follow your hear .It will lend you to whats right which can lend you to happinesss.
參考: good experince with love
2011-02-22 11:44 pm
when the relationship isn't consisting of meaningless sex and kissing.
2011-02-22 11:25 pm
when I am inlove, I think about that person everyday at night. When I am around him, I got a little nervous and happy at the same time.
2011-02-22 11:08 pm
I think when ur in love u can't describe what u love about ur guy.. U just love everything about him!
2011-02-22 10:31 pm
Its when if you do something stupid with that person, you know you won't regret the risk that you took, no matter the outcome. When they mean the world to you, always on your mind and that little smile creeps onto your face once you think about the other person. Its nervous and excitement and the butterflies in your tummy all jumbled up. When you're with them you cherish every moment, feel comfortable around them and wish the moment would last forever. Its difficult to explain but theres no other feeling like it :)
2011-02-22 10:07 pm
basically when it just feels right and you rather fight and argue w them instead of being w someone else. when they say on ur mind,
2011-02-22 9:58 pm
all you think about is that one special person, the only place you want to be is where they are. they become your world...
2011-02-22 9:53 pm
When all you ever think about is HIM/HER. You wish you can see him/her every minute of the day. When you give someone the ability to hurt you, but trusting them not to.. When you're happy, and there's trust, and communication... Love is wishing that you can just push away his/her problems and let them be happy..
2011-02-22 9:43 pm
when you know it could last forever and you can be your complete self and are always happy with that person
2011-02-22 9:24 pm
•When you can trust them and imagine yourself with them forever.
•When you stand up for them.
•You are clumsy and don't seem to notice anything when you are with them.
•When you guys kiss, you feel tingly and never want to pull away.
•& if you really love that person you would die for them.
Thats what I think love is:)
2011-02-22 8:57 pm
You can't miss it! It's a feeling you've never felt before & may not be able to explain.
2011-02-22 8:54 pm
when i wake up his the first person i think of and the last when i go to sleep. during the day i can't wait to hear from him i look at my phone a thousand times and i would just start day dreaming of him so how do i know when im in love with a guy is when we kiss and that kiss makes me get butterflies in my tummy, makes my toes curl and makes me smile until i see him again and there is nothing that can make me angry at that time that's when i know im in love!
2011-02-22 8:42 pm
Unconditional love.
caring for a person even if they treat you like crap sometimes.
there is a girl I love and no matter how she is to me I will never be cruel back.
Just wish she felt the same way!
2011-02-22 8:29 pm
If you're a guy, it's when you pop a bonar.

If you're a girl, its when you get moist/wet.
2011-02-22 8:16 pm
In love.. That's when the heart hurts. When one would do anything for that significant other while the latter wouldn't even care because he's too busy with someone else. That's being in love. It hurts.
2011-02-22 8:09 pm
You'd in love with someone if you would die if you couldn't have the girl/boy.
2011-02-22 7:27 pm
All your friends tell you she isn't right for you! Love is blind, only when it's you feeling it.
Love is a 4 letter word.
You don't do anything for yourself anymore.
It's more of an animal instinct causing you not to think.
2011-02-22 7:18 pm
just in plain text you get the butterflies lol and you always think of each other
2011-02-22 7:12 pm
I know i'm in love when..
~I start texting him a lot.
~I can't help but laugh at his jokes.
~I made a dork of myself around him.
~I'm more comfortable around him.
~I get excited to go to school to see him.
~I start imagining me with him.
2011-02-22 6:49 pm
When you stare at them when ever you see them. And sometimes even get caught staring at him. When you dress nicely just for him,or put makeup on to empress him.
2011-02-22 6:42 pm
"Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it a meaning"

Love is a feeling and no amount of words can describe it. :), when your in Love you will know because you wont be able to describe your feelings<3
2011-02-22 6:39 pm
When food tastes diferent, when the air you breathe smells foreign, when your outlook on life has completely turned around and your more open to different things, when you can't sleep and you don't care, when your stomach does all kinds of things that only an olympist can do, when you suddenly want to make yourself look better, and when your life is turned completely upside down and suddenly it's no longer about you..its about him/her. That's when you're in love.
2011-02-22 6:05 pm
You can't really know when you're in love. It's just a feeling. You can't explain how you feel. Butterflies are common, and you're always thinking about that person.
2011-02-22 6:04 pm
-when you cant stop thinking about that person
-when every love song you hear you see that persons face in your mind
-you know Absolutely everything there is to know about them
-you want to be around them 24/7
- when they say they'll call you later you're always checking your phone every minute
-your stomach drops when they look at you and you can't seem to breath
-every moment with them seems like forever
2011-02-22 5:45 pm
Loving their flaws as much as you love their virtues. I tell my boyfriend all the time to pick up his shoes lying around everywhere, but when they're not there, I miss them.
2011-02-22 5:14 pm
Well for me it's: I cant remember my life without them. He is a huge part of my present. And all future plans include him. That for me is love :)
2011-02-22 5:09 pm
When you don't feel guilty after cumming thrice and being obsessed with someone all the time.
2011-02-22 5:06 pm
When all you can think about is that person and vice versa. When all you can think about is being with that person for the rest of your life...
2011-02-22 5:02 pm
When you can't see anyone else except that person. Your life revolves around them & you're happy at that.
2011-02-22 4:41 pm
It has nothing to do with how u feel on the outside! Its ur acttions tht count! LOVE = SACRIFICE. . .you would be willing to do any thing for you TRUE LOVE. . .You would want HIM happy. . .it would be all about his happiness and vise verca for him <3
2011-02-22 4:30 pm
Ive only been in love once.
I knew I was in love because I never wanted to let him go, coudlnt imagine my life without him.
Gave him my mind body and soul. Stopped everything I did to be with him.
Always had high hopes for our future.
Used the bathroom in front of him.
Showed him all of my flaws.
never gave up on him.
I couldnt sleep without him.
Everyday after work I was excited to come home to cook for him and myself.
I blushed day after day, season after season and year after year.
My body trembled everytime we made love.
I never stopped praying for him.
I wasnt hungry if I wasnt with him.
I was empty when we broke up.
Im still empty today.
If thats not love then what is?
2011-02-22 4:27 pm
To me, i'm a huge fan of music.

If i can relate a song to a certain period of time, a certain person and a certain emotion and remember these 3 things throughout a song, i believe that is love in music.
2011-02-22 4:12 pm
To know when your in love you just have to trust yourself. Don't trust others because they will just make then twists and turns of your life even twistier.

Follow what you believe! Think for yourself don't let others make decisions or you'll be stuck on this question forever. If you think your in love your in love then your in love. Maybe your wrong maybe your in lust instead of love. But whatever you say is the right answer for you!

Worked really hard on it!
2011-02-22 3:58 pm
You will feel it
2011-02-22 3:41 pm
You are "in love" when you are not thinking about another person that you wish you could have. In love; that person you are with is the BEST thing on this earth. You only want him or her and no one else!
2011-02-22 3:40 pm
when you wake up in the morning and the first thing you want to do is call them to hear their voice
when you feel like your day isn't complete until you call them to say good night
when youre willing to sacrifice your time even though you are really busy and need to get your work done
when you care about their well being almost more than yours
2011-02-22 3:39 pm
It is proven that if a crush lasts more than 4 months, you are in love.

Trick question. You just thought of someone. That is how you know your in love.
2011-02-22 3:39 pm
when there are no more questions
2011-02-22 3:38 pm
When, for the first time in your life, you can't think of one question to post on yahoo for strangers to answer bc there's no confusion, no awkwardness, no suspense--everything is just clicking naturally.
參考: Finally found love :-)
2011-02-22 2:53 pm
He's a beautiful person; inside & out (Attraction)
I would put my life in his hands (Trust)
He's my best friend (Chemistry)
We can talk about absolutely anything (Communication)
Endless memories (History)

I could go on forever but I wont lol. These are the most important
2011-02-22 2:42 pm
when i feel blessed when around my guy, can't take off the smile :) , we talk forever and never get bored, we have similar basic characteristics :D i love him like my family, this instinct love that really gets strong in times of need :)
2011-02-22 2:41 pm
Greetings. You know you are in love when you care more for the other person than yourself.
You think of ways to improve the other persons life and forget about your own needs.
All your focus is on the other person. The rest of the world doesn't exist. It is like being a zombie.
You can't eat, sleep, work and go around in a daze. You exist to please them.

2011-02-22 2:05 pm
You just know :) You never have to ask your self again if you trust the person or if you can do that thing you used to be embarrassed around them. You always wanna spend all your time with the one you love :)
2011-02-22 1:33 pm
When i see earth above and sky below !!!
參考: Gravity
2011-02-22 1:26 pm
theres a huge diference between having a crush on someone and thinking their good looking to loving someone. If you love them, you can't go a day without thinking about them and everytime you think about them you smile and your heart beats fast when they talk to you.If they talk to you then you think about it all day. all these things mean your in love. You have to like their personality too and for a long time.
2011-02-22 1:21 pm
When your in love, its a feeling you get inside that just spins around, every-time you look at your crush or bf .. you just wont stop smiling and when he looks at you you just need to look back.. when your in love you just wanna do anything for the person , you tell everything to the guy, you just trust each other when your in love your gonna be happy and

your heart will beat fast your stomach will have better fly. when you touches you just feel like you want to kiss him.. love is wonder full thing you will discover..
2011-02-22 11:29 am
You can think of only them, you can find a way to link them to everything.
You can be yourself around them.
You get butterflies in your stomach.
You can only see them when you are talking to them.
They make you feel special.
You can't stop smiling.
參考: My Own Experience
2011-02-22 10:52 am
oooO.My GOD the answear for this question is quite complicated because love is an unexpresable
we only feel it simply when you came to know you cant live with that person then you surely have a love with him or her.but according to my own point of view love is a thing that when you want some thing very heartadly just go away from him or her because when you find the person you will surely forgot his or her value ..have a nice day
參考: my mind creation
2011-02-22 9:24 am
When ALL you can think about is them
When you get all excited to see them even though you've been together a while now.
When you don't see them it physically hurts.
When you laugh together and act silly, being yourself.
When you can sit quiet for ages and it's not awkward.
- yeah I think I'm in love :)
2011-02-22 8:52 am
everything is claustrophobic an unbearable
your heart is sunken an low
your throat gets a massive lump
an you tummy gets an knotted an twisted
... yep that's pretty accurate
2011-02-22 7:32 am
Love is something you feel like a lightning strike, so intense it washes out all the rest of the colors to life because you can barely stand to feel anything else at all.
2011-02-22 7:09 am
Honestly, im possible to answer. Everyone is different. You might fall in love with someone and act completely different than other people do when they are in love. Love is so tricky, and dangerous. It is rather easy to be compulsive when in love. witch is not always a good thing. You don't want to suffocate anyone. But hey, if you have to ask "how do you know if your in love" then you probably are not. If your in love i would think you would know. Becuase love is about being absolutely sure you want to be with someone and nothing anyone can say or do, even if it hurts, it wont change how you feel about them. If you were in love you wouldn't ask, because you would be so sure. True LOVE speaks for itself.
2011-02-22 6:26 am
When you hear their name you can't help but smile
You can be completly comfortable and honest with them
Their jokes make you laugh even if your not that funny
If you ever read quotes about love, you think about them
You think their beautiful every second
2011-02-22 6:15 am
You want to spend your future with them in it. They bring out the best in you. You don't go long without showing affection. You make each other happy.
2011-02-22 5:53 am
It is just a warm comfortable feeling that I get when I am with him and stays with me when we are apart.
2011-02-22 5:30 am
I can't seem to find the words to explain.
2011-02-22 5:22 am
i would say when you heart skips a beat then starts racing and you smile when you think about them. :)
2011-02-22 5:15 am
When your heart skips a beat every time u hear their voice or see their face
2011-02-22 5:10 am
I want to be with her all the time.
2011-02-22 4:31 am
You know you're in love when you realize that reality is finally better than your dreams. When that other person's happiness is more important than your own. When you see that the one you desire hurts you and breaks you and makes you burst into tears but at the end you have this feeling inside of you that will never change the way you feel about him or her.
2011-02-22 4:23 am
when you care so much about someone that you would give anything to see them happy even if it hurts you and when you think about them so much its a wonder you even have a brain
2011-02-22 4:23 am
i try everything to get back with my ex, dont even understand why we broke up
2011-02-22 4:15 am
參考: The bible
2011-02-22 4:04 am
When you cant sleep because reality is finally better then your dreams(:
2011-02-22 3:55 am
I know I'm in love when I stutter a lot, avoid eye contact with them to avoid blushing, smile whenever I think of that person or talk to that person, can't stop thinking of that person everyday, go on that person's online profile (i.e. Facebook) almost everyday (I'm restraining myself from stalking too much, eep!), and have romantic fantasies of hugging and kissing that person.
2011-02-22 3:45 am
My heart beats fast when l'm around that person
I don't start sweating
I get nervous sometimes
I'm not clumsy
2011-02-22 3:41 am
first to fall in love is not a feeling is a decision that takes time to realize it, love is not blind love sees everything and learn to live with them, love doesn't make suffer love is Corinthians 13 if you feel that then you are in love
2011-02-22 3:39 am
I get stupid..
2011-02-22 3:32 am
You just can't wait to see him, even if its just to watch him sleep because he just came off a long shift and has been awake for 36 hours. And you WANT to iron his shirts and its YOUR idea!
參考: IN LOVE !!!!!!
2011-02-22 3:30 am
When your brain enters a sufficiently high enough threshold of dopamine and a sufficiently low enough threshold of serotonin. But that surely isn't the prettiest answer, is it? ;)
2011-02-22 3:15 am
ha doufám, že vám to nevadí, ale potřebuji bodů, takže jsem nic vysílání ve vztahu k vaší otázce. Je nám líto = /
2011-02-22 3:08 am
when you feel like you wanna spend the rest of your life with the person
when you feel completely happy with them
when you feel like you can tell them absolutley anythingggg
when theyre always on your mind
when you dont want anyone else
when you always wanna be with them
2011-02-22 2:58 am
1. if you have herpes and he still has sex with you
2. he takes you from behind and cleans up the blood
3. he gives your fat rolls nicknames and plays with them
參考: my husband does all three of these. we have been married for two weeks and i love him so very much he is my shining light in armor.
2011-02-22 2:52 am
You look at the label of the tub your in. Sometimes the tub is labeled "Love", "Deep $#!@", "Trouble", "Hell"...
2011-02-22 2:51 am
when you are lying in bed at night after they leave and you're alone, staring into the ceiling with a smile on your face and you drift off into a deep satisfying sleep. awaking with that same huge smile feeling rejuvinated and truly happy knowing, dreaming that you want a future with him/her and that no matter what you know it will always be ok.
2011-02-22 2:29 am
-When you feel like your floating...because walking on earth isn't necessary

-When all you can think is how much you love the person...because hate is no where in your heart

-When your problems seem to disappear...because they are now the top of your concern

-When you know that you'll protect them no matter what...because they are now a part of you

-When you wish upon a star for the world to be in a slow-motion pace...because you want it to stay slow and never end


-When you feel that it is not just emotional, but physical pain that is triggered through you heart when they hurt you...because you want them to be happy,you let them go.
2011-02-22 2:23 am
when he is your world........and thats all you really know
2011-02-22 2:22 am
when you feel different with one person than others. (a really good feeling).
2011-02-22 2:11 am
when you realize there is no other person for you!
2011-02-22 2:10 am
You don't ever know if you're in love. It's impossible to be completely sure. There are no words that flow in front of you saying "this is what love is" when you finally meet the right person. You just know that you're happy and happiness is all that love gives.
2011-02-22 2:04 am
You feel like hugging them and kissing them when you see them. You feel you could die for them. You can't possibly tell them how much you love them because its to much. You feel like never letting them go. ITS A STRONG STRONG FEELING DUDE!
2011-02-22 1:54 am
u know when you are in love when the last person u think about before u go to bed is him/her or the first person u think about when u wake up is him/her.
參考: i jus know
2011-02-22 1:48 am
I smile. I do anything I can to be near them. I try to do things I know would make them happy. I talk to them a lot. My heart beats fast.
2011-02-22 1:46 am
Just Act normal if you fart your girl is gone,DUDE!
參考: hotmail
2011-02-22 1:15 am
Personally, my heart starts pounding when he enters the room and I start to breathe heavily. I have to struggle not to stare at him, I can't meet his eyes (I'm a shy one), and I usually try to be funny and end up failing pretty badly. The typical things you see in movies, really.
2011-02-22 1:13 am
Nobody else mattersz,
Theyy are alwaysz on your miind .
The thouqht of memoriies wiith themm makee you smiile .
You feel warmm whenn you are withh them .
Everythiinq remiinds\dsz you of themm .

It's not explainable . But i Triied !
2011-02-22 12:59 am
listen to the song by usher "you got it bad"
2011-02-22 12:58 am
As much as you KNOW your paramour and as much as you KNOW yourself, deciding you're in love is, by some degree, still a turkey shoot. Just remember, no matter how much your Sig. Other seems like THE ONE, never assume that you can relax and love will take care of itself. Each person has to treat every new morning as a day that you'll keep your partners welfare paramount in your attention and priorities. Men, you need to TELL, out loud, you partner that you love them. Women, you can tell him you love him, but showing him may be more important. Men and women ARE different.
2011-02-22 12:54 am
I'm single. And I miss holding hands. I miss heating up my phone’s battery for talking on the phone for too long. I miss my forehead leaning against someone else’s forehead, waiting for each other to make the first move. I miss going on dates and arguing about who’s gonna pay for the bill. I miss texting someone from the moment I wake up to the moment I enter a deep slumber. I miss quoting lyrics that relate to our relationship. I miss arguing with someone about jealousy or miscommunication. I miss having something to look forward to on the weekends. I miss being able to say, “Sorry. I’m taken.” I miss being teased by my friends and his friends. I miss those joy-stricken cheeks that hurt after smiling too much. I miss thinking about different ways to say, “I like you A LOT”. I miss a whole bunch of things. But most of all, I miss the belief that there’s actually someone out there compatible with me; an indecisive, insecure, complicated human being. I think THAT's how you know you're in love and I miss those feelings.
2011-02-22 12:40 am
you just know. You dont go onto yahoo answers and ask this question- if your in love.
2011-02-22 12:33 am
When you blush when that special guys walks by:)
2011-02-22 12:27 am
You just feel it.
參考: 2pts.
2011-02-22 12:23 am
When you're able to have no secrets. Everything comes naturally. You don't get embarrassed about anything. You're able to be comfortable and chill with the other person and know that person and what they would do in any situation.

~Fully a weirdo ;)
2011-02-22 12:20 am
your heart would beats fast when whenever you think of him. U feel warm and fuzzy inside. U FEEL SAFE WHENEVER YOUR W HIM. U FEEL LIKE U CN TRUST HIM, U WILL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YOU, ETCCC.....
2011-02-22 12:15 am
whens he all i ever think about
2011-02-22 12:08 am
I feel butterflies in my tummy and something inside my throat doesn´t let me talk..
2011-02-22 12:06 am
You have lasting chemistry and commitment between you and another person.You may even have butterflies and start blushing and smiling when you see them (in fresh and young love).You want to know everything about them and their ways from all angles.
You talk to them continually, share your ideas and your enjoyable times and events together.You want to introduce them to everyone and to show them what you have found and are developing together.
You always want to talk about them to your friends.
You have understanding for one another and know when something is wrong, like something pressing on the mind of the other.
You spend as much time as possible with each other, and don't want to be apart.
You want to do anything to make them happy
You get butterflies just hearing their name.
You feel like you're flying when he/she holds your hand.
You feel like you're in heaven when he/she kisses you.
You think to yourself "If no one is perfect, I'd like to know what his/her imperfections are!"
You don't care about the bad stuff about them.
You think about them and dream about them but can't explain to anyone how badly you feel about them.
You can't help but smile when you see him/her.
You don't feel embarrassed around them.
You're confident around them and not scared to talk to them.
You're not scared to admit you love them.
You smile every time you hear their name.
You get really excited when you talk to them and maybe you would't dare to look into their eyes.
You feel empty when they dont talk to you.
You'll desperately look around for him or her.
You'll do anything for them even if it takes your life away.
You become very happy when you found something similiar with him or her.
You'll treasure gift that he or her gave to you, even a very small gift.
You can take a trip together and wish it would never end.
You constantly want to be with him or her
2011-02-21 11:53 pm
You know you are in love when:
-All you can think about is your significant "other"
-You see their flaws but take nothing of it
-You see your life with this person

(and all the more important)
-When you are happy for the person even if it means you can't be together :/
2011-02-21 11:40 pm
I know that when I'm in love: I can't stop thinking about that person, I day dream about that person, I get "butterflies" in my stomach, and I feel like I'm going to float away. If that makes sense. When I'm around that person, I get sweaty palms and nervousness because I want them to love me back. <33
參考: I'm in love.
2011-02-21 11:23 pm
It's simple: You know you're in love when you will put that person first, no matter what.
2011-02-21 11:23 pm
You can't explain it well in words.
Bassically, if you're in love, you'll feel...a sense of freedom.
You'd be willing to die for them.
You'd... do anything for them.
And whenever you see them, the knowledge that they are alive and breathing in the same world you are, will give you the strength to go on for weeks without food, water, or air.
When you're in'll know.
參考: personal experience
2011-02-21 10:56 pm
When your in love with someone you have this feeling in your stomach that is a good feeling when ever you guys talk also I think when your in love when your going to see your boyfriend or girlfriend you get really nervous on the way there.
2011-02-21 10:54 pm
when you're in love, you would never ever do anything to hurt that person. Love is each person thinking they're the LUCKY one!
2011-02-21 10:54 pm
I think you know that your in love when you don't have to ask yourself if your in love.
2011-02-21 10:48 pm
When you start seeing that person that you're with as the most beautiful creation that ever existence...
參考: I'm in <3....
2011-02-21 10:37 pm
The answer is different to everyone, some are in love at first sight. Some are after the first kiss. Some may never be in love.
I think that when you're in love you can be completely honest with her or him.
but if you're with someone and questioning if you're in love, it isn't love. Because this is the strongest emotion ever and everyone knows by the moment they are in love that they are. But sometimes you might not know you are, but everyone will find it and you'll know it when you feel it.
2011-02-21 10:27 pm
Simple. It's clear, no doubt, no confusion that you love this person. Love is not confusing nor complex. It should be simple. Good things do not cause confusion. It's the bad and negative things that cause confusion.
2011-02-21 10:23 pm
yes i did the same thing to this guy i recently met i fell in love with him after a week i kept always starring at him and he caught on now he got scared and ran away i moved on him to quickly after he just got out of a relationship i didnt take things slow now im the one hurt and i still have those feelings for him even after he disappeared
2011-02-21 10:19 pm
u will just know, its a feeling u can't mistake.
2011-02-21 10:03 pm
Stomach pains, chills, and ultimately improved mood are good signs. The true sign however, is this: That person you talk to constantly, the one that makes you smile when you're around them, the one you can't go a day without talking to, the one you can't go a minute without thinking about. If a name or face came to your mind after reading that, you're in love.
2011-02-21 9:56 pm
i think you know when you are in love when you ask yourself, if they became blind today or paralyzed from the neck down today, would you still want to be with them....i think true love is totally unconditional...
2011-02-21 9:31 pm
Infatuation last only for 4 months, if your feelings for that someone is over 4 months then your inlove
2011-02-21 9:26 pm
when u break up and u still think of them...
and worder why?
and everytime u look at them u want to cry.
and u think how lucky u were.
And how u do anythign for the to come back
and u just know that they didnt deserve u btu u say they didnt deserve you.
and so months go by,
you date new people,
and you still love them...
2011-02-21 9:22 pm
7. You'll read their txts over and over again
6. You'll walk really really slow while youre with them
5. They becomes all you think about
4. You'll get high just by their smell
3. You'll realize that you're always smiling, when you think about them
2. You'll do anything for them
1. While reading this, there was one person on your mind the whole time
2011-02-21 9:17 pm
You just know when your in love. When the relationship is going very well, and something inside of you just doesn't stop thinking of that special person. It's hard to explain, but im in love to, & it just feels right (:
2011-02-21 9:16 pm
I believe it's when, you look at someone and see who they are not who they are trying to be... u see them as themselves. Also when you can be flaming mad at someone.... you really hate them, then they pass you in the hallway make eye contact and bamm your not mad at all you loose your train of those Beautiful eyes.....and you realize you can never stay mad at this person, they truly complete you.....<3 and you miss them as they walk away.....;(
2011-02-21 8:39 pm
when you couldn't imagine life without that one person.
when you can't stand being away from them, even if it's for a day.
when you could spend all day everyday with them.
2011-02-21 8:38 pm
When everything about you is filled by that person. They fill your thoughts, breath, smell, vision, hearing and taste. they are all you can think about and If anyone ever hurt them, you would want to hurt that person twice as much. If they were ever hurt you wouldn't know what to do. You want to spend the rest of your life with them.
2011-02-21 8:35 pm
You love the person you want to spend all your time with them and you would do anything for them.
2011-02-21 8:27 pm
You get the jitters. You know you can't go to sleep because finally, reality is better

It’s easy to fall in love. The hard part is finding someone to catch you.
2011-02-21 8:18 pm
I know I'm in love when i can't stop thinking about him, and would do anything to make him happy.
2011-02-21 8:06 pm
When you cant get him/her off of your mind. You picture your self with them for ever. When you can act yourself when around them. And your nervous about telling them you love them. When the little things that used to bug you dont anymore.
參考: Ive been in love
2011-02-21 8:05 pm
I knew when I was in love because I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. I wanted to give him everything and tell him all my secrets and let him know that I wanted to be his girl and he was the 1 in 60 billion people that was made for me. He was my best friend, my protector, my 1 in 60 billion. He is... mine.
參考: Me, Myself, and my 1 in 60 billion
2011-02-21 8:01 pm
It's been different for every person. I've gotten butterflies in my stomach, wanted to be around them all the time, wanted to impress them, and flatter them. I guess it just depends on the other's personality.
2011-02-21 7:54 pm
When you can sit and have a conversation about anything, be completly yourself around them, dont care how you look around them. You cant really explain it you just feel it ((:
2011-02-21 7:46 pm
參考: like wtf. what kind of enviornment do you live in that you have your boyfriend take a grenade for you? stupid bruno mars
2011-02-21 7:46 pm
No one can tell you because every ones experience is different and everyone loves differently. Only you can tell if you are in love. Lust and love can be hard to differentiate at first but eventually after a while you'll probably figure it out all on your own :}
2011-02-21 7:45 pm
because you love the person your in love with... confusing but true!!! :)
2011-02-21 7:44 pm
It leaves you completely vulnerable and completely whole at the same time.

You feel like life has changed just knowing they exsist and yet everything seems the same.

It's confusing and yet you are sure of one thing, that you are madly and deeply in love.

And it doesnt make sence how, or why, nothing matters, you just feel invincible and exposed all at once.
2011-02-21 7:40 pm
You know your in love when after just seeing that special something you would do anything to be with them again.

You know your in love when your not without them you feel lost and like half of you is missing.
2011-02-21 7:39 pm
When you no longer have to ask whether you are or aren't. You know when you know.
參考: My personal experience.
2011-02-21 7:31 pm
when im in love u cant take away a smile on my face, i want to see and talk to him evryday.i want to be with him everyday like forever,like i wanted marry him right away..and like u cant sleep at night without thinking about him and you didnt realized that u look like crazy =)
2011-02-21 7:18 pm
When you feel that urge to unite with them, in body and in mind.

or, just you know.. stalk them on Facebook and click on every link that they like.. :)
2011-02-21 7:07 pm
its afeeling when all you think is that person
2011-02-21 6:44 pm
when your in love, you:
-know you can be yourself
-your always happy around them
-your alwasy smiling around them
-your heart races when they come around
-there all you think about them
-you can easily see them in your future
-you would do anything for them
-all you want to do is be with them
2011-02-21 6:43 pm
You can't stop thinking about him. You sing about him. You feel weird when your with him. You dream about him. You find yourself writing about him. Your constantly checking his facebook, Myspace ect.
2011-02-21 6:16 pm
When you know you'll feel the same way in 70 years when you look across to your love that now looks like a dried grape.

When you are willing to die for that person.
2011-02-21 6:03 pm
You know your in love, TRULY in love, when THEIR needs, wants, desires, and joys matter more then your own. When you want to be with them on every level and feel connected to them in indescribable ways. True love has no description really. Its 2 complete people feeling as though they are one. I never knew what true love was until I found my heart in only one mans eyes. Safety in only his arms and joy that reaches places in my soul I never knew were there. <3
2011-02-21 5:24 pm
I'll keep it plain and simple.

When you feel the same way when you first made eye contact with that person every subsequent day of your life.
2011-02-21 5:19 pm
I knew, when he went home, that I wanted to be with him all the time. He made me laugh, he was the funniest person I've ever met, It was like I just melted into him, like beyond happy, and wanted this to never go away for the rest of my life. When he opened up to me and told me all of his emotions and secrets that he never told anybody else. When he gave me compliments that really meant something to me. When we do goofy stuff and laugh and just enjoy eachothers company

But the greatest sign is, when I look into his eyes, There is this unexplained feeling, like you "get" eachother, like you exchanged souls, like you have this tremendous amount of respect for that person like it is gold and you cherish it.

But what happens when that person turns into a different one that you 100% sure never saw it coming, what if he starts acting hot and cold? When you were so sure. I'm not the type of person to commit myself to many boyfriends. I want one man. This was my first love and his.

answer my question about a love ;);_ylt=ApiHrwOGGzbVP0bUBua2rNLsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110221061007AAMbxiJ
2011-02-21 5:17 pm
You get butterflies in your stomach everytime you see the person..... you can't sleep.... you can't go one moment without thinking about them
2011-02-21 5:09 pm
according to science or whatever. a crush lasts 4 months if your not over them by 4 months your in love. but i think it is when you see he/she for the first time and you just know from the moment you look in their eyes. i know its quite sad but its true i think :/
2011-02-21 4:56 pm
you just know. You get the butterflys when you hear their name. They make you laugh, they are kind to you, and they would die for you. Vise versa.
2011-02-21 4:33 pm
My definition of love is giving him the last bite of my McDonald's ice cream cone, the warmest, most snuggliest blanket, and the last piece of my great-aunts amazing pumpkin pie. love is making him dinosaur-shaped peanut butter and nutella sandwiches. love is him giving me a t-shirt when im annoyed with the tank-top im wearing and love is him telling me not to change into jeans cuz i look cute in my jammies..that tingly feeling i get when he plays with my hair. love is when he hugs me from behind and makes a weird noise that we both find hilarious even if everyone around us thinks we're is forehead kisses.
Love is indescribable and the closest thing you will ever get to feeling infinite. When
you are able to say "I am in love" without being scared of what other people think or being
scared of feeling vulnerable, or thinking that you are too young, or that its too
soon. When you are able to say "I am in love" without caring about anything other than
the truth behind those words and the one person you feel those feelings for...that is when
you are in love.
2011-02-21 4:33 pm
Yes for all questions. If u love him/her u get butterflies, u argue sometimes but forgive him,and u care for him
2011-02-21 3:10 pm
When you cant get him out of your head & think about him day and night & want to be with him the rest of you life
2011-02-21 2:46 pm
You will know it when it happens you won't have to ask .
參考: experience.
2011-02-21 1:51 pm
the person is the only thing u think about everytime u think about them u end up smiling
you tingle inside wen you see them
your eye start to glow
you get butterfules wen they give u a complimet
they are the 1st thing u think about wen u get up
and they are the last thing u think about before goin sleep
if ur thinkin of someone all the way thought reading this.. then ur in love ;)
2011-02-21 1:12 pm
~You know you're in love when you don't have to ask the question am I in love???You just know! Its like you want to be with this person 24/7 their presence never gets old... when you can't see yourself being with anyone else but them.~
2011-02-21 11:54 am
when in every person you look at you will always see his face
2011-02-21 11:45 am
When all you want to do is be with them, when your with them you don't do anything, you just lie together and forget the world.
You can't stop thinking about them.
None stop talking to one another.
Start missing them only after a day!
2011-02-21 10:52 am
Nervouness around that person, and you watch just about their every move. You fantasize about doing alot of thing with them and hope they feel the same.
2011-02-21 10:44 am
You're in love, when this gal is more important to you than yourself.
2011-02-21 10:18 am
when you dont hesitate to consider for eachother and you feel mad if you dont see her for some days.
2011-02-21 10:13 am
You just know :)
plus, you get butterflies, looking at them makes you smile, you think about them A LOT, you are happy :)
2011-02-21 8:07 am
When you can't stop thinking about that special person ! When you care about what they think about you ! When you can't stand to see them hurt ! When you feel driven to be loyal to them even when they are not watching !

Love is more than just a feeling. It is a commitment to supportive, loyal, caring, action.
2011-02-21 8:02 am
when they mean more to you then life itself
2011-02-21 4:20 am
Just being with them is enough to make you happy. You miss them terribly when your away from them. Being held by them, creates a great feeling. You can't really explain it. You just know.
2011-02-21 4:18 am
I feel butterfly in my stomach o_o
2011-02-21 4:17 am
when you know you would do anything for that person and open up to them tell them anything there always there for you and they always understand you!
2011-02-21 3:45 am
can you see each other together at a church standing near an alter with familiar faces all around and a priest saying you may kiss the bride? that's how i can tell.
2011-02-21 3:40 am
When you see they person you like and just get butterflies in your tummy, And you know you would risk your life for them.
2011-02-21 3:29 am
yuo can tell him or her anything you cat help but to think about them and if you break up you cant get over it and your heart feels like it will exsplode whenyou think about a memory that you had with them it makes you cry when you listen to your song and when you see them you feel like you at are going to exsplode with little hearts
2011-02-21 3:24 am
When you look at someone and feel like your floating on clouds, when you find yourself glancing at that person every 5 seconds, and if you absolutley feel comfortable talking with that person, but there are times when you are speechless.
2011-02-21 3:13 am
I always look at him
2011-02-21 3:12 am
you start to feel very different and you only feel to do stuff for that person and you put them before yourself
2011-02-21 3:02 am
Love isn't always beautiful. You know when you're in love when you accept and love all the faults and the flaws, when you love every part of that person, warts and all.
2011-02-21 2:55 am
When you can't stop thinking about that person
2011-02-21 2:54 am
im not completely sure about real love...i know when your in false love...thats when you let your heart be in charge when you know your brain doesnt like it....your on cloud nine...i could only imagine that this "false love" would be close to real love because you think your happy when you know its not true..but i think real love is when you let your brain be in charge and your heart will follow.....and thats what i think you know your in love.
2011-02-21 2:48 am
it's a feeling not a thought

your willing to do ANYTHING for them

when you not with them you miss them in a way that it hurts

it's feels like chaos an pace at the same time

when you can't explain why you care for them
2011-02-21 2:47 am
You can always tell because even through the hardest time you always find a way around it,You can argue all day but you still can say I love you in the end,And even when your mind wants you to leave your heart is always the obstacle keeping you there with the person you love
2011-02-21 2:17 am
When u just cant breath when there not there u crave every moment with him and when ur with him u feel so overwhelmed u r bout to burst
參考: me
2011-02-21 2:13 am
when I cannot stop thinking about her, even when Im trying to ignore her. Whenever I see my selfphone, Im expecting some missed calls or message from her..
2011-02-21 2:13 am
- When you get those butterflies in your stomach as if your a teenager again
- When you can tell them anything and not feel embarrassed, scared or Insecure
- When your apart from them and can not get them off your mind off them
- When you are waiting anxiously for their call or text.
- When your skin cringes when they say your name or touch your skin!
參考: Been in love
2011-02-21 2:10 am
When you are 100% comfortable around the person, and when you simply smile when you think about them :)
2011-02-21 2:02 am
i think about him every moment of everyday.. not always consciously.. and yet he's there. it's obsessive almost! my heart swells when i think about his face. the way his eyes light up when he looks at me. i hang on his every word. i picture a future together. a text message from him is like a present.

i spend the day sighing happily, smiling to myself.
2011-02-21 1:54 am
I don't know.
2011-02-21 1:52 am
when you realize how much you care about someone when something bad/good happens to them. love isnt always romance, love is friendship and family ties.
2011-02-21 1:51 am
When all you think about is them and when you can't stop smiling because you're just that happy. When you can't picture your life without them because everything has become so much better. When you love them more than you have ever loved anything.
2011-02-21 1:47 am
you know for sure you're in love when:
-you can be yourself 24/7 around them
-you can talk to them about ANYthing
-every time you're around them you're always happy
-any time you're away from them makes you want them even more
-you love them no matter what flaws they have because to you, they aren't flaws--it's what makes them who they are
-you aren't embarrassed to show/tell people that you love them
-you'll do anything for them
2011-02-21 1:45 am
When you're in love there are NO DOUBTS. No doubts about anything. What to say, what to do, how to act, if you're in love, even if you should get married. There are no doubts that you want to spend the rest of your life with this person.
參考: Personal experience. ;D
2011-02-21 1:42 am
- when you can be youself around him/her
- when you can tell her/him anything
- when you hang out all the time
- when you know he/she is there for you
- when he/she is like a best friend to you
- when you are both into the same things
- when you can relate to eachother
2011-02-21 1:39 am
you DON'T know you're in love. you don't realize it until the person isn't there anymore.
參考: :)
2011-02-21 1:38 am
You know when your in love when you fall asleep and the first thing you see is that person. When you look into their eyes and see you two together forever. When you can introduce them to your friends and say, "this is the love of my life."
2011-02-21 1:37 am
When all you can think about is being with them, talking to them, and reading texts from them and you get this warm fuzzy feeling and you wear a big smile the entire day after seeing them. you trust him/her with all your heart and if someone messes with them you yell at them at automatically hate them. <3 i know the feeling
2011-02-21 1:36 am
When about that person all the time and you can't stand to be away from that person, you're in love.
2011-02-19 9:41 am
when you're in love, you are always thinking of the one you loved. that will make you not paying attention in class discussions because you're talking him/her on the phone....
you might think that love,which is your happiness, is far more important than education, which is your parents' happiness for you......
2011-02-19 9:39 am
when u cant stop thinking about him..
2011-02-19 8:59 am
1.You know, because you have been told by your significant other, that your deep feelings are returned in kind.
2.The object of your affections makes you feel special and good about yourself.
3.If/when you feel jealous it is always fleeting; you trust your partner not to betray you or hurt your relationship.
4.Nothing makes you feel as serene as when you and your partner are together.
5.When you fight with your partner you usually make up within a few hours and you always agree that nothing is more important than you both being able to express your true feelings (even if they sometimes cause conflict).
6.Your partner never asks you to choose between him/her and your loyalties to your family and friends - if you do choose him/her over them you always have a good reason and it is always YOUR decision, and your decision alone.
7.Neither you or your partner feel the need to test the other's loyalties or feelings.
8.You are more yourself when with your partner than you are with anybody else.
9.If sex is part of your relationship it is by mutual desire and agreement without the slightest hint of commitment testing or persuasion.
2011-02-19 8:59 am
I know I'm in love when I spend time with her and without entirely realizing it she makes me forget I even have emotional baggage.
參考: Me
2011-02-19 8:51 am
When I laugh at the silliest things....
When I remember the time I spent with Him and smile to myself
When I get that "feeling" in my stomach with Him around... <3
2011-02-19 8:44 am
You know you are in love when...
- No secrets
- You can't stop thinking about them
-You stare into blankness and wonder about them sometimes
2011-02-19 8:13 am
Okay, there's someone that said "you care very much about appearance." Ummm, that's definitely not being in love... you should be in love with your best friend, the man or woman who will love you no matter what. No matter what you look like, no matter if you're in a bad mood when you've had a bad day, when you can feel natual with each other.
2011-02-19 8:08 am
if you can be with a person cause she is 2 important for u - that s it!
2011-02-19 7:58 am
I dont think there is any words to describe it. Its a self feeling. Only you will know.
2011-02-19 7:30 am
you just feel it, i felt it tonight for the for the first time with him <3
2011-02-19 7:10 am
If you see the other,you are exciting
2011-02-19 7:09 am
you wanna barf, but when you do, rainbows come out and you hear birds singing. Also, the rainbows do NOT taste like bile.
2011-02-19 7:06 am
you know when your in love when your knees get weak when your around him and as much as you try to you cant focus on anything else but him and even if everyone tells you to stay away you only get closer and every cell in your body litteraly want to pull you toward him...hes the guy whos your best friend your family your heart your everything<3333 you just feel what youve never felt before...when you cant stop smiling at your phone or at memories with him<3 and its all so cheesy but you cant help it...
參考: expericene<33
2011-02-19 6:40 am
well i had a dream once that i was married to someone we were very happy and before that dream i felt in love but love is a street u gotta look out for the cars that want to run you over in otherwords love is an emotion full of hurt and i think your in love when you remember what they tell you notice everything new and treat so well that you dont give a **** what happens to you in the process
2011-02-19 6:39 am
You feel is, and when you can act yourself around him/her.

Answer mine please.;_ylt=AlBzDCtMyF0hWWjGq2Q66Xrty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110218223439AAGjQlq
2011-02-19 6:29 am
when you see yourself in the mirror.....and you imagine the one for whom you have feelings, along with you in your reflection.............
2011-02-19 6:23 am
I think my answer to this question would be if your in love you shouldn't have to question if you are or not. You will know if you are in love or if it is puppy love. That is my take.
2011-02-19 6:16 am
you don't
2011-02-19 6:09 am
When your significant other poops in the bathroom while you're taking a shower, and you don't care.
2016-05-26 2:14 am
when you love the person
2016-02-29 3:23 am
I could go on with more examples. For me being in love is wonderful and yet painful. The man I love doesn't know that I do love him. He is my friend and for now that is all he wants because he is about to be deployed. Because I love him I am going to wait. Love is worth any pain and wait.
2014-11-20 3:35 am
2011-02-23 8:50 pm
You'll know when you are in love! When you are truly in love there can be no mistaking it!
2011-02-23 8:11 pm
-heartbeats grows faster than usual when you see or think of that particular person
-will not be able to concentrate on other things if he/she is around
-calling several times or texting
2011-02-23 5:59 pm
According to the medevial code of love..

1.Marriage is no real excuse for not loving.
2.He who is not jealous cannot love.
3.No one can be bound by a double love.
4.It is well known that love is always increasing or decreasing.
5.That which a lover takes against the will of his beloved has no relish.
6.Boys do not love until they reach the age of maturity.
7.When one lover dies, a widowhood of two years is required of the survivor.
8.No one should be deprived of love without the very best of reasons.
9.No one can love unless he is propelled by the persuasion of love.
10.Love is always a stranger in the home of avarice.
11.It is not proper to love any woman whom one would be ashamed to seek to marry.
12.A true lover does not desire to embrace in love anyone except his beloved.
13.When made public love rarely endures.
14.The easy attainment of love makes it of little value: difficulty of attainment makes it prized.
15.Every lover regularly turns pale in the presence of his beloved.
16.When a lover suddenly catches sight of his beloved his heart palpitates.
17.A new love puts an old one to flight.
18.Good character alone makes any man worthy of love.
19.If love diminishes, it quickly fails and rarely revives.
20.A man in love is always apprehensive.
21.Real jealousy always increases the feeling of love.
22.Jealousy increases when one suspects his beloved.
23.He whom the thought of love vexes eats and sleeps very little.
24.Every act of a lover ends in the thought of his beloved.
25.A true lover considers nothing good except what he thinks will please his beloved.
26.Love can deny nothing to love.
27.A lover can never have enough of the solaces of his beloved.
28.A slight presumption causes a lover to suspect his beloved.
29.A man who is vexed by too much passion usually does not love.
30.A true lover is constantly and without intermission possessed by the thought of his beloved.
31.Nothing forbids one woman being loved by two men or one man by two women.

if you fall under these rules then you are indeed in love (:
2011-02-23 12:03 pm
How do you know? When there's nowhere else you'd rather be then right there with them in your arms. When you leave them the last pot sticker on the plate, when you can talk for 8 hrs on the phone & still listen to the same story again and again & enjoy it like it's the first time.

Then enjoy the 55 % percent divorce rate in America...

Oh, you oppose gay marriage? Lovely, lets just have the straights marry constantly & fu** it all up over and over... have another single mother go on welfare & legally battle a dead beat dad. All in the name of God.

Seriously, wtf?
參考: Life
2011-02-23 7:44 am
I haven't been in love in years. Really couldn't tell you the exact formula to know when you are in love, but it's mostly chemical and it eventually will go away.
2011-02-23 7:08 am
when stop looking at every other man (women) sometimes your friends might have to say did you see him. and you say who? only because you're happy then they will ell you that you're in love or your nose is wide open
參考: expericens
2011-02-23 5:21 am
you know you are in love when you become physically sick when they are not around, when you would rather watch a disney cartoon marathon with them than do anything else without them, and when all obstacles or difficulties become obsolete or take the backseat to this person.
2011-02-23 4:55 am
Love is like....I'm gonna find my baby gonna hold her tight gonna grab a some afternoon delight my mottos always been when its right its right etc...

Thats love if you disagree I will fight you
2011-02-23 4:55 am
When I know I'M in love would be when I'm very happy with a guy and no matter what I can't stop smiling when I'm with them. Also when they're always on my mind and they're the ONLY person on your mind. When you feel very comfortable around them, like you can look your worst but still feel comfortable around that person. And when you only want to be with that person, no body else just them and you want to ONLY talk to him, almost like you and that person are the last people on the planted. Also when you look into that person's eyes and see your future with that person. When you kiss them you get butterflies, even talking to them you get butterflies. That's how I feel with my boyfriend.♥
2011-02-23 3:51 am
I write 280 pages in my diary about them. I tell everyone who it is, even really popular people that would make fun of me. I dream about them, day and night. When they come near me I start laughing really loudly and get nervous and my voice gets shaky. I always try to get their attention and then once I got it I try to impress them, like by dancing or singing or doing something I am good at, usually I dance with a friend. I try to act really down-to-earth around them, and usually don't succeed. I write their name all over my journal with X's and O's. I skip studying and doing homework to find out more about them or look at their Facebook. I get really jealous when I see them talk or look at anyone else. I try to improve how I look and style my hair better, wash my face more often, and put more deodorant and perfume on. I try to start a conversation with them. When I have free time I make up plans with my friends to walk by him or do something so that he will notice me. When he flirts back at me my heart skips a beat. I make up excuses to have to stare at him just so I could see his face more. I get really mad when someone blackmails me by telling me they are going to tell him my secret, which happens a lot because I tell a lot of the wrong people who I am in love with. I try to act super popular around them, which can sometimes be hard because all my friends get mad at me when I act like the leader. When I am next to them I drop something by their feet "on accident" and pray that they pick it up, and when he gives it back to me I smile really big and say "thanks!" sometimes too loudly. I try to win the approval of his friends so they are okay with his decision if he ever decides to like me, and he's not embarrassed to be seen with me. This is kind of personal but I shave more often also when I am in love. I try to learn new more complex break dances and do my best to get them to see me do them. I set up my friend to stand next to him and I walk over there and say "You ready?" and she says "uh, yeah, sure. If you want to, I mean. Are you sure here is a good place?" and I say "Sure it is. Ok, I'll start." and we start singing a duet together and I sing extra good to impress him. I sometimes get one of my guy friends to act as an admirer and try to make him jealous if necessary.
參考: I am in love right now.
2011-02-23 1:44 am
you cant eat,,breath,you get nervous,you cant talk,or sleep
2011-02-22 11:42 pm
For me a quote from the Cold Mountain film always springs to mind

'To fall asleep thinking on someone so hard you wake up and your ribs are bruised.'
2011-02-22 10:28 pm
I get nervous or shy.
2011-02-22 10:26 pm
When you are able to **** on each others faces and think nothing of it (literally taking a dump).
2011-02-22 10:24 pm
2011-02-22 9:44 pm
you know you're in love when you feel it =)
2011-02-22 8:40 pm
I think it`s pretty obvious when you`re in love .__. I mean, u know it when you feel you`re in love.
2011-02-22 4:01 pm
you know your in love when you don't have to ask yourself,"am i really in love"
2011-02-22 1:51 pm
my insides feel all twisty and turny,big smile,huge eyes
2011-02-22 1:04 pm
Just by asking the question, you probably are,lol!!!
2011-02-22 12:53 pm
When you can share your food, farts, tears and laughs with your significant other.
2011-02-22 9:13 am
I'm kinda "scared" when I am around that person. Lol. xD
2011-02-22 8:00 am
When the songs make sense. ^^
2011-02-22 6:31 am
when you can hear your heart without touching it beats loud and fast and you dont get sleep easily
2011-02-22 5:53 am
When you feel the sparks.
2011-02-22 12:05 am
> w3ll first of all you r3ply all th3re3 t3xt
> you k33p r3ading th3m ov3r and 3ven k33p th3ir t3xt sp3cial in your phon3
> u s33m to think nothing mor3 but about th3m
> you don't know why wh3n you s33 him/h3r you g3t all scar3 and dizzy
> you k33ps admiring him with 3v3rything h3/sh3 do3s
> 3v3rything h3/sh3 do3s you ar3 pl3as3d with it 3v3n if its bad
> you f33l lall clumsy around th3m
> girls 3sp3cially tri3s to look mor3 b3autiful around him
> boys tri3s to look popular around h3r i.e. going around doing things to inte33st/impr3ss h3r
參考: I 3xp3ri3nc3 it alr3ady:]
2011-02-21 11:47 pm
When you don't have to ask questions like this, you just know.
2011-02-21 11:05 pm
You just do!
2011-02-21 9:58 pm
you just know.......
2011-02-21 9:54 pm
if u still get butterfly's when u see him then ur still n love!
2011-02-21 8:21 pm
Unfortunately I don't know. I've never been in love before :( *sigh***
2011-02-21 7:06 pm
WeLl fRum mY eXpEriEnc3 iSx wEn yU b qEttIn tHo$e bUtAfLieS
peace out ~
2011-02-21 6:43 pm
you shoot hot **** in their chests..
2011-02-21 5:22 pm
Sadly I don't know.
2011-02-21 9:58 am
Love doesn't exist.
2011-02-21 8:42 am
when every thing seems to bve wrong even it is not....when the bad comes to gud the good comes to means u r in love ......u feel vry insecure for ur loved once...!!!
2011-02-21 7:47 am
When you are willing to do anything for this person, you think about him/her all the time, you want to be with them, you want to spend time with them, you wonder what they are up too, the thought of them just races through your mind all day, you just want them to always be happy. You miss him/her more often.
2011-02-21 7:41 am
I constantly think about this person , and i get butterflies when he's around , calls , or texts me lol . I do get super nervous and start to panic , but in the end i know everything is going to be fine .
2011-02-21 7:31 am
When you think their flaws are perfect for them.
2011-02-21 7:15 am
Well, it's been 5 years and he's still the one that puts a smile on my face and a tear in my eye even though he's nowhere near...
2011-02-21 7:14 am
WHEN: there all thats on your mind.

you love not just the good things about them but you love the bad to

everytime you look at them you love them more

you would give your life for them

they are your life
2011-02-21 6:48 am
I feel its when that certain someone comes into the room and a smile comes on your face, just by seeing them. When that person hugs or kisses you and your heart begins to pound out of your chest. When all you can do is think of that person 24/7. When every waking minute you want to tell that person how much you love them. When you feel you cant go on without them.
2011-02-21 6:43 am
I think that being in love is an extended infatuation.
2011-02-21 6:35 am
Love is like.. Gunna find my baby gunna hold her tight gunna grab some afternoon delight, my mottos always been when its right its right, when everythings a littler clearer in the light of day and we know the night is always gunna be there anyway.
2011-02-21 5:05 am
2011-02-21 5:02 am
When you know you can be your true self around this person without being judged.
參考: Personal Experience
2011-02-21 4:56 am
If you're thinking of a certain person when asking/answering this question.
2011-02-21 4:33 am
When your in love you know that he is the one for you. You can say or do whatever in front of that person because you love them and know that they won't care. When your in love you can't stop thinking about that person and sometimes your stomach might even hurt.
2011-02-21 4:09 am
When you both just know that the other person loves you without saying words. =)
2011-02-21 3:37 am
when you feel it.its like you stepping out of your own body and looking at yourself
2011-02-21 3:33 am
when you're doing stupid things..
2011-02-21 3:02 am
My heart beats faster around them, sometimes they don't have to say a word, and I am totally in love!!!
2011-02-21 2:33 am
2011-02-21 2:03 am
Simple...... you just know :)
2011-02-21 1:58 am
Love is when a puppy licks your face, even when you left it home alone all day.♥
2011-02-21 1:29 am
The Person is the First Thing you Think about in the Morning and The Last Thing At Night And you Never Get Bored Of talking with them and Everything Feels like a new experence with them
2011-02-21 1:23 am
you know.. when your heart aches when your not with them.. you would do anything for them, they can make you smile by doing the littlest things.. you find yourself dreaming about them alot.. you imagine a future.. its almost real you think about it so hard, seeing their face brightens your day up.. you could be with the person every minute of the day.. if they do something to upset you.. it hurts alot because you cant imagine the person ever doing anything wrong.. they are perfect to you. you feel a warm feeling.. just from the touch of their skin on yours, their breath on yours makes you want to stay in the same postition you are in, you could be in a room with them and one million more people.. and would still find your way to that person.. they complete you.. you just know:)
2011-02-21 1:14 am
when you feel like nothing is stopping you from being yourself around the person you like. when you feel like your a kid in a candy store everytime your with the guy you love.
參考: me
2011-02-21 1:14 am
Everyone experiences it differently, you be the judge. If you have to ask though, then your probably not.
2011-02-21 1:13 am
I just get a strange feeling and then can't get that girl out of my head :/ Like now for example
2011-02-21 1:12 am
You know when you're in love when you have respect for the person, you enjoy being around them, you can be yourself when you're around them and you care for them enough that you are willing to do whatever you can to make this person happy. Sometimes love can be confused with an infatuation or lust, though.
2011-02-21 1:07 am
You are really happy and all you can do is think about them and yeah..
2011-02-20 12:52 pm
It comes in unlikely forms and you've struck a good balance between lust and friendship.
2011-02-20 3:28 am
You never know when you're in love. It's not something you can just fall into. It takes time and you will get nervous, because your afraid of how the relationship will go. Love is pure and love is amazing. If it does happen, there will be a spark, and the flame of the relationship will be so incredible, it will almost be like a hot passionate moment.
2011-02-20 3:15 am
First, we should distinguish love with like. Enjoying watching beautiful girls is a common ill among boys. We feel exciting, lose our sights, want to have the relationship with the beautiful girls. However, love is not like that. We want to see the dream one again, but we don't know what to say when meet him or her. I always tried not to express my feelings, but the more I pretended, the more clumsy I was.
2011-02-20 3:11 am
i think youre in love when you can talk to that one special person for hours with no awkwardness. and two people can get threw anything no matter what it is. and you know each other so well that you know what theyre thinking and you know what they want. being in love you know that you dont want to do anything just being with that person makes you happy. but thats just me.
2011-02-20 2:48 am
When you stare into the other persons eyes and see your future together.
When you laugh and smile just from thinking about him/her.
When your heart and your stomach feel overwhelmed with a fuzzy feeling.
When you want to spend all of your time with them.
Everyday you like them more and more.
Thats when you love them (:
2011-02-20 2:33 am
"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."
Dr. Seuss
2011-02-20 12:58 am
When you don't know if your staring at the girl or the moon
or when you feel that you got hit on the head (That feeling you might feel after you try doing something stupid to that girl so she hits you so hard on the head)
2011-02-20 12:54 am
You forget everything else, apart from being with your loved one, forever.
2011-02-20 12:48 am
---> When you like someone... u want to see them around u , u feel good to talk to them , u can trust them , u care for them , u respect their feelings ................
---> u feel that he/she is a marvellous addition to ur life.... u think that u love them :)
2011-02-20 12:34 am
You don't care about anything else as long as you're with them. You always feel sparks when you're with them. You have butterflies when you're with them. You feel happy around them. You can't get them off your mind. :)<3
2011-02-20 12:25 am
When their all you can think about. When you text them, and they don't text back you get depressed. When your around them you can be your total self and don't have to pretend to be anything your not. When you two kiss, and you can feel the other person smiling(: When your in love... you'll know.
2011-02-20 12:23 am
when you see them it's just the 2 of you
you get butterflies in your stomach when you see them
their all you think about
it always feels like the first time when you're with them
you miss them even when your with them
they make you smile all the time
2011-02-19 11:53 pm
For me, I would look at her face for over 5 minutes without moving, sometimes, my heart would really pumps faster than normal speed. And if I'm walking, I may accidentally got hit on the wall or fell down from the stairs lol...
2011-02-19 11:33 pm
When you are in love, all you think about is the other person. Nothing else seems to matter. You look forward to them, if they do something gross/weird/awkward, you don't care; you just love them even more. When I am in love, I get sweaty palms; when I talk to the person, I get kind of nervous, but I have an urge to just tell them everything. Its the best feeling ever.
2011-02-19 7:55 pm
It is when you know that you could let go of the person that you love if it is what she wants or if it is what she needs and yet the feelings you have don't subside.
2011-02-19 7:46 pm
Your heart just tells you, you are.
2011-02-19 7:31 pm
when you feel good about them and not only be liking how they look, but also who they are!
Plus when you are in love you do feel better and you feel warmer and feel like the world is nicer and brighter and you are happier too!
2011-02-19 7:19 pm
Your heart races when u think about the person
you miss them intensly when they're not around
you can't picture yourself without them
you constantly smile out of nowhere
2011-02-19 6:27 pm
-when you cant stop thinking about them
-when you completely trust them
-when you can forgive them
-when you can be comfortable around you and vice versa
-when do anything to make them happy
-when you cant stop smiling when they're around
-when you miss them if you dont see them for a short while
-when you always wanna be with them
etc etc etc lol
2011-02-19 6:16 pm
when you cant stop thinking about them, not their body, but them.

can someone answer my question?!?!;_ylt=AlYKi5IwKp9uPhpMUHHuBs3ty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110218160904AAhlBBW
參考: my pancake mind
2011-02-19 5:51 pm
When you still stalk them even though you have had a restraining order placed on you.
參考: Real Life (TM)
2011-02-19 5:49 pm
you should be comfortable with him/her
2011-02-19 5:11 pm
When you can't live without him
2011-02-19 5:10 pm
in brief:-

When she calls, your heart beat goes enormously fast.
When she says I love you and you resist to hear that again.
When she fights with her parents for me
When she calls me at night and tell me that she is missing me
When she laughs and everyone just begin to see her throughout
When you feel like crying and she smiles at you to make it better
When she says she will be with me forever
When she give me flying kisses.
May be i m a dumb lover..
but i love my girlfriend so much..
2011-02-19 5:04 pm
When you'd throw yourself in front of a bullet for that person.
2011-02-19 5:03 pm
There's really not a way to answer that question.... but when you're INLOVE, its not like oh I really love him, but he doesn't love me. That's not it. You love her, and he loves you. That makes one. One true love, and you're inlove. When you know that you don't need anyone besides them, and that you can see yourself with that person when your old, and ugly. lol. :)
2011-02-19 4:48 pm
when u start thinking about a person more and more time every where and every time.
2011-02-19 3:59 pm
Haha, I've got the only non-scientific answer. When you're in love, you'll just know it.
2011-02-19 3:40 pm
Well even when they are driving you crazy you still want to spend the rest of your life with them.
Hes the only person i can spend all day with and look forward to the next. Missing him hurts.
Hes my best friend and understanding him makes me love him more.
He lights up my insides. And after a year and half his smile and eyes still make me weak at the knees.
參考: Being in love
2011-02-19 3:36 pm
im going crazy thinking of he/she,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2011-02-19 3:34 pm
For me, it is like two puzzle pieces that were made to fit together perfectly. I have often led myself astray by not following my instinct which I know is right and becoming interested in perfectly nice and interesting girls, but who aren't that perfectly-fitting piece.

Some people really like a partner who is very different from them but I don't. I have to have a considerable amount in common with someone, including entertainment tastes, lifestyle, belief system, energy level, sobriety, and a healthy way of living. They have to want to live an active lifestyle but also be able to enjoy the finer things in life.

To reiterate my answer briefly, for me, it is an instinctual thing, to know who is right. Most people these days ignore their inner-common sense and instincts, which can lead to misguided decisions.

Neat question; I'll look forward to the next! ;)
2011-02-19 3:32 pm
it is hard to distinguish between love and infatuation. love can only come once infatuation wares off. love is a genuine feeling that lasts with a person after everything else has faded. in the end love is all that can last in someones life!
參考: exp.
2011-02-19 3:07 pm
I think its when you've just seen that person yet those 2 minutes without them feels like forever.
Its when you can't stand the thought of having to live without them.
Its when they completely and utterly understand you and they know there's something wrong even if you're smiling.
Its when they make you laugh when your whole world is falling to pieces
Its when, even though you have your whole life ahead of you, all you want is to spend it with them.
2011-02-19 3:03 pm
You know your in love when he/she is the one that gets you up in the morning, and when you think about him/her at night to help you fall asleep. Every time you hear a love song, you think about him/her. When he/she looks, talks or even smiles at you, your stomach is instantly filled with butterflies. Every word thought and action you do is with him/her in mind, and in an opposite world with out him/her, your heart would shatter.
參考: My life story.
2011-02-19 2:42 pm
I think you know your in love when you put that persons feelings ahead of your own and you care about them so much that you want them to be happy... Love is strong feelings of another person... You love being with them and hate being away from them, but you grow from what your missing
參考: my life experiences
2011-02-19 1:45 pm
Considering I have never been in love I cannot say I actually know. Although I would assume, you could just be yourself; not worry about what you say; and cannot function without that special someone. The word "love" is often thrown about very often today; however very seldom is it actually true. Too all those in love - congratulations, and I hope it lasts a lifetime :)
2011-02-19 1:29 pm
You dont, a connection between a couple is more than saying the L word its how you both connect in all the ways u can think possable.
2011-02-19 1:22 pm
butterflies in stomach.
2011-02-19 1:22 pm
U get that weird feeling inside . ps please keep on asking questions cuz theyr so fun
2011-02-19 12:53 pm
For most of us, we only know that we were TRULY in love, when we lost it. Infatuation and lust are easy to get over, but love.....well that's an entirely different story, that's when you realize that you were in love.
2011-02-19 12:40 pm
when you could see yourself spending the rest of your life with that person, and your willing to do anything to achieve that future.

--best of luck
2011-02-19 12:37 pm
When you care about another person more than yourself, their needs, happiness, everything. You can be your complete self around them. They accept your flaws, and you accept theres and you still love them. You think about them constantly. You cannot see yourself without them.
2011-02-19 12:35 pm
-If you act yourself around the boy
-If you dont have to pretend to be something else
-if he loves you for who you are.
If you have liked this lad for over 4 months then u are in love if you have been with this lad over a year your deaply in love.
2011-02-19 12:29 pm
everythings seems good and lovely.
2011-02-19 12:22 pm
Its all about attraction. You find someone more attractive you flip to love them.
2011-02-19 11:09 am
The symptoms of being in love are clammy hands sweating blabbering tongue tied u feel like ur going to puke.
2011-02-19 10:58 am
* When this person Smiles, you can't not Smile Back
* It's Always different if you get a compliment from Him/her
* You Like to talk and be with Him/Her
* You might try to cover His/Her Mistakes
* You prefer to be alone with Him/Her
* You think about Him/Her a lot
* You really care about him/her
* If he/she got mad at you, everyone notices that you aren't feeling well
2011-02-19 10:56 am
you think about the person all the time..
2011-02-19 10:30 am
You know when you're in love when
1)The otherwise frustrating things in life seem tolerable and even worth a laugh.
2)When you are in the presence of that special person... you feel complete and fulfilled...she/he takes your breath away.
3)You don't have to hide anything from him/her cause you know that you don't want to hide anything... you can't.... even if you wanted to think that way.
4)You want to keep him/her happy at al times at all costs. You feel an urge to protect her/him.
5)Soon it becomes your life's mission.
6) Soon.... you can't stop thinking about her/him....... you don't want to stop thinking about her/him.
7) You wake up every day and the first thought in your mind is that of that special someone.
8)He/She can make you lauugh out loud or even burst out in tears..... by just saying something so simple that it doesn't even mean much.
9)You love her for what she/he is from the small things to the big ones... you don't want her/he to be a supermodel or an F1 driver..... She/he is perfect in all aspects... and more.
2011-02-19 9:51 am
when u dont know why u feel WEIRD when they r gone ..
2011-02-19 9:36 am
When you love the smell of his/her farts...
2011-02-19 6:55 am
When your thingie gets stiff just thinking about em.
2011-02-19 6:23 am
you just ...know.....
2011-02-19 6:09 am
Love is a feeling.

When I like someone, I'll usually become anxious. I fidget around ... it's a stereotypical sign, but it's what I do.
2011-02-19 5:51 am
It's not a tangible thing... And you can't dissect it based on thoughts and actions. It's just something you understand if it's true. You'll never doubt the thought if it's true.
2011-02-19 5:38 am
its not a feeling, its a state of being.
its when you put their happiness before your own, always.
its not something you can 'fall out of," once you're in love, real love, you love that person forever
2011-02-19 5:35 am
For me, I know when I'm in love when I avoid the person I love and act mean and brush them off. But I feel really guilty and depressed afterwards, and my relationship with them begins to deteriorate with them. Even worse, the person I love starts to avoid me because he thinks he is making my life worse. I guess it's cause I'm super shy in front of him.

I know, I'm so weird/sad. I guess I'll never have a relationship with anyone, especially him. T__T.
2011-02-19 5:29 am
-when you always think of them
-you always want to be with them
-you don't know what to do or be depressed without them
-you want it to last forever
2011-02-19 5:20 am
when all u want to do is be around that one persone. whenever the phine rings u hope it is that person. when u go to sleep thinking of them and wake up thinkin about them
2011-02-19 5:09 am
when you trust each other,
don't lie to each other,
unspeakable felling,
can't stop looking at them,
enjoy talking to them,
care for each other,
do things for each other,
no awkward moments,

I just need the courage to say Would you like to go out with me... and to say I love you...
2011-02-19 5:07 am
It's a slow creeping feeling, until suddenly it's there and you can't deny it.

Being in love is like fishing: When you think you have a bite it's just rock or a branch, but when you know you have a bite it's a bite.

There a plenty of times when you think you're in love. There's only a few when you know.
參考: I love fishing and I've been in love.
2011-02-19 5:06 am
When everything just feels right, and happiness consumes you.
參考: Experience.
2011-02-19 4:53 am
When you find yourself following that special someone around, or repeatedly look at her while talking to your friends then try to distract her when she notices, you're in love.
2011-02-19 4:50 am
Yor heart always pounding near them u cant stop thinkin about that person the world just seems happier when ur wit that person u feel like yall are the only peolpe in the world u cant sleep at night cuz ur judt thinkin bout that person everywhere u see a person u see the persons headd on there body
參考: mmmmeeeeeeeeeeeee
2011-02-19 4:15 am
In my opinion you just know. You can't stop thinking about them, you miss them when you are not around them even if you were just with them a few hours ago, you get excited when you talk to them, you just want to spend your life with them. That is what I think of when I'm in love.
2011-02-19 4:08 am
-When you care more about their happiness than your own.

-When their smile automatically brings a smile to your face.

-When you recognize their faults and still love them.
2011-02-19 3:56 am
You know when you are in love when you can be yourself around someone and not worry about them criticizing you. When you care about someone more than yourself, you are in love. When someone can make you laugh, when you don't even want to smile, that shows that you love them.
2011-02-19 3:28 am
you start loving everything
2011-02-19 3:25 am
I know I'm in love when I never feel lonely when he is around. My face would break into a smile at the very mention of his name, or even seeing his text. The first person I think of when I get up in the morning is him. And whenever he smiles, I smile.
2011-02-19 3:19 am
When I look at someone so perfect, perfect hair, face, body, and sense of style.
And when I talk to them their voices are velvety and they say funny or nice words to me...
I didn't say a name, but you were thinking about him/her weren't you??
2011-02-19 3:07 am
For me, i get those weird butterflies in my stomach and my heart kind of beats fast and i get kind of excited... Oh and don't forget that i always think about her ;)
2011-02-19 3:02 am
When you know you have delt with the world together, and experienced it. When you know that they are there for you.
2011-02-19 2:39 am
You'll get this feeling that you can see yourself with that person in the future. You'll find yourself thinking of that person constantly and you'll probably not consider anyone else over that person.
2011-02-19 2:28 am
you can't eat, concentrate, worry
2011-02-19 2:25 am
i dont really wanted to watch on the link lol... maybe when i cant take my eyes off of someone i am inlove with
2011-02-19 2:24 am
When you're throwing a birthday party for your boyfriend and bake him a cake that's candles set the fire alarm off, and yet he tells you it was the best party he's ever had, you know you're in love :3
2011-02-19 1:07 am
when you have your heart beat gets faster when he or she comes around
or when your all tongue tied
and when you can't get them off your mind
and get sad when there not around.
Best of all they feel the same
2011-02-19 1:06 am
Well, I've never been in love but I know its a feeling science can't prove wrong. Its what separates us from animals and an example of God's perfect love towards us. I think its when your just really happy with that person and all you want to do is be by their side. With a crush, all you really care about is being with them but I think when your in love all you want to do is make them happy and you'll do crazy things just to see them smile :)
2011-02-19 1:02 am
well every time am not around that person i feel like my world is about to end and when am with the person i feel like the world is perfect and nothing could destroy my love for that person
2011-02-19 12:55 am
When you can't imagine your life with out that person
You get huge butterflys around that person
You two have absolutly no secret between eachother
You always want to be with them
2011-02-19 12:50 am
When their all you think about, when you imagine your future with them, you cant get angry at them even if they did the worst possible
2011-02-19 12:46 am
I get nervous and shy, blush severely around him, and can't even speak. Also, I start to notice little things he does, like how he pushes up his glasses with his pointer finger or what kind of snack he gets at the vening machine. :3
2011-02-19 12:40 am
When you start to take the other person`s crap, let him destroy ur self esteeeme, and loweryourself in such a way that u give him entire control over ur life and beliefs and feelings, and let him treat u with disrespect...
2011-02-19 12:19 am
You shouldn't even have to ask if your in love. You just know it, like something in your brain clicks and you realize that this is real, and that you want to be with this person forever and a day.
2011-02-19 12:16 am
When I'm in love with someone,

1. I get this great sense of euphoria before and after I see her.

2. Whenever we are talking, I remember every conversation that we have discussed.

3. I think about her 24/7.

4. I give her just enough attention to be around her (never too much).

5. I feel like I'm on cloud 9 whenever I make her laugh or smile.

6. I get jealous whenever another guy talks to her but hide it very well and roll with it (this kind of trick always gets the girl I like cause it shows that I'm sure of myself).

I generally don't get shy or nervous.
2011-02-19 12:07 am
when you can't go to sleep because reality is better than your dreams.
參考: dr.suesse
2011-02-18 11:58 pm
love is not a emotional bond love is a choice. when you love someone you are willing to do any and everything for them. if you think you are in love with someone ask yourself this. would you die for them
2011-02-18 11:57 pm
Get super-nervous !!! Wen u think about the little talks u have wid'em , jst makes u fall in love wid'em all over again !!! Its wen u wanna make memories wid him,,, or her ... spend ur life wid him , grow old wid him .... be near him/her every second of ur life... give up all ur joys for him/her... get hurt wen u see him/her sad .... tell'em to shout at u if we make mistake, instead of gettin sad .... It feels like letting urself float in air ( not fly :P) !! Its an amazing feeling !!!! which i cant describe no matter hw hard i try... there wud jst soo much more left !!! <3 !!!
2011-02-18 11:56 pm
If you have to ask the question 'How do you know when you're in love?' on Yahoo Answers, you probley aren't in love. When your in love you will know. How? Because of that feeling in your heart that goes thump thump thump when you see that special someone. Not because of some yahoo answerer!
2011-02-18 11:54 pm
You just know :) Your so comfortable with them, you want to spend every moment of your life with them. You trust the fully. You'll also know when they love you back. Nothing ever awkward. even after years of being together you still love being in there arms and gives you butterflies when they kiss your head. The feeling is just undesirable, your nervous but your not. You love every aspect of them, there nerdy, dorky, jerk, nice, girly, teasing, *** whole, drunken, loving and amazing sides. <3 It takes time to realize this but when you do you'll know.
參考: personal experience <3
2011-02-18 11:41 pm
coincidentally today i told that special person that i'm falling in love with her. and i've been in love once least i thought i was, thats how i know that this is real. *i dont what to say when i'm with her.
*when i hold her i hold her like she is the last white gold ring with the last tear drop cut diamond in the world.
*when i catch myself staring at her beautiful face in class and then she catches me too i look down and then look back to see if shes staring at me too
*i love when she touches my face even when her hands are as cold as ice.
love is a weird feeling but it is thrown around and abused alot. love is when you see her in her sexy underwear then in the morning you see her in your shirt and sweats and think "she is beautiful" :)
2011-02-18 11:11 pm
When you get that surge of excitement when you think about that and that weird tingly feeling. And you can't stop thinking about them.
參考: Me being in love!
2011-02-18 11:01 pm
you just get that know it deep down feeling. and when you always think about them and want to be with them. and when you are willing to put up with stupid stuff for them and deal with negative things about them because you realize that being with them is worth it. and when you realize that you are a better person with them and that they truly make you happy. and when no matter what happens between you 2 you know that you will get through it because thats what you want, you want to get through it because you just want to be with them. and when the little wuirks about them just really dont bother you as much anymore. <3
2011-02-18 11:00 pm
You want to spend every second with that person.
You smile when you think of them.
Your time apart from her or him is torture
You love everything about them
You feel like you're perfect when you're with them
They're easy to talk to
They become closer than your best friend
When you see them your heart skips a beat
You aren't scared to admit that you love them
2011-02-18 10:51 pm
you can't sleep and you can only think of him or her
2011-02-18 10:27 pm
You know when your in love when you can run to that person for anything , when you wantnto be around that person allnthe time and that person is your everything. That person makes you smile no matter what has you down . That person that you die to be in their arms nd most important someone that tells you they love you during the day every day . Never let's you forget it .
參考: My heart
2011-02-18 10:24 pm
I get really nervous when he walks past me. After he looks at me, I run to the bathroom to check if I looked pretty. I dream of HIM all night and think of him all the time.
2011-02-18 10:23 pm
Suddenly, your heels have an unhealthy tendency to fly over your head.
2011-02-18 10:21 pm
If you have to ask this question you are not. It's that simple and there's no reasonable explanation to describe the "How do you know". It's just a feeling and everyone feels different when in love.
2011-02-18 10:07 pm
You just do. Maybe not at first, but you do.

At that point... everything feels so easy, but you don't know what do tod.
You feel completely free, but like your trapped.
2011-02-18 10:03 pm
I got another chance with a girl i love and i keep getting butterflies in my stomach, then when it pops up that she has signed into messenger my heart starts beating fast and i get more butterflies and it feels awful but great too.

I guess thats how i feel in love.

2011-02-18 9:31 pm
when you wonder who she/he is really, and you can't figure it out. they're a maze, and you're spending your whole life trying to figure it out. always wanting more and more of them. has nothing to do with looks. nothing to do with having things in common. nothing to do with age. nothing to do with how you met. it's one thing that has no rules. no matter what obstacles, it will work out through mutual love and wonder. ---> Love is the biggest mystery in the world, therefore your love should be the biggest mystery in the world... <----
2011-02-18 9:22 pm
If your a guy you get hard in the pants.
The girls they get these mini hot flashes and look like they're always blushing.
2011-02-18 8:38 pm
I cannot stop thinking about him. my heart starts beating really fast when I hear his name or when he texts me. I can't wait to see him everyday. I would do anything for him and I know he would do the same. he's the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about when I go to sleep.
2011-02-18 8:35 pm
If you forget what you were doing after thinking them, you are so in love.
2011-02-18 8:29 pm
You just know(: you get all excited when theyre around and you dont know what to say. youll do absolutely anything to keep them in your life and keep them happy, which is what love is all about<3 i love being in love(:
2011-02-18 8:26 pm
When you're stomach does little jumps no matter how long you're with them and you can't stop smiling. :)
2011-02-18 8:25 pm
you just know it !!
2011-02-18 8:13 pm
You just want to spend a lot of time with the person you're in love with and you feel really happy whenever you're with them.
2011-02-18 7:33 pm
my heart beats really fast when i see the person im in love with and i have a really big smile on my face
2011-02-18 7:27 pm
When you can't imagine your life without him/her.
2011-02-18 7:15 pm
when every time you see or talk to him/her you get those butterflies in your stomach,and all kinds of emotions run through your body and mind
2011-02-18 7:15 pm
You know your in love for ever when,

The thing that makes you so attracted to the other person

is the same thing that bugs you the most about them.
2011-02-18 7:08 pm
When giving to your beloved feels like getting.
2011-02-18 7:00 pm
- We just think on the loved person all the time;
- We wanna do everthing for that person
- We don't wanna miss a sec without her
- We wanna do everything to please the other...
2011-02-18 6:55 pm
When you get that fight or flight response, palms sweaty, heart rate increases, mouth feels dry, and the butterflies in the stomach. That's a pretty good indicator at the start of a relationship.
2011-02-18 6:24 pm
i only go for the nice looking girls with manner's and are polite and nice ... aka the non smokers the non scum bags lmao! the ones that don't dress like muck-scum like crap clothes tattoo's and loads of rings ear rings e.g.

"""""kinda like me xD i don't smoke/drink wear crap clothes with many logos what ever on details or long legged jeans what ever xD or have crappy so called trying to look COOL around people hair styles...""""""""

i find people who need attention are most people who smoke and try to act hard and COOL by lifting up shirts e.g and being like hey wanna smoke or what ever or look i drink woo..

and i know nearly all you girls out there date guys like that nearly all you girls do or should i say {MOST or SOME} anyway i hope people getting my point

--advice to people-- -also what i sometimes do-
anyway i know when im in love when a girl is single/taken and im single and we are friends we are nice to each other and stuff we make each other laugh e.g then couple weeks/months later then comes to question then blah blah...

or when a girl comes up and says stuff about her bf and that she hates him and then listen to her and stuff and then she feels loved and cared about...

or you just act your normal nice funny self and let the girl come to you :)

-word advice-
don't act cool and wear crap clothes that you think make you look cool and make someone want to date you just act your self ;D that's what my gf did and does and she came to me because i also acted my self and i was never trying to be hard or kool and be like i can deck him i can kill him e.g
basics act your self okay? don't be someone your not

also try to think to your do you really love and care about this person or love them because you get to kiss them and hug them and stuff...

or do you really care and love them for who they are??
2011-02-18 6:19 pm
because there sparks a flying. there all you can think about. & you just want to spend time with them. & you can look into there eye & see that they feel the same way about you.
2011-02-18 6:16 pm
I feel super nervous, shy and a longing to be by his side ALL at the same time
2011-02-18 6:00 pm
you can't stop thinking about that person, it's like breathing, just something you do.
2011-02-18 5:31 pm
nervous at 1st of course, but after a long time, i'm startin' to get use to it
but, there's this one time when i accidently touched her hand, it felt like.. electricity flow through my hand? idk, but it feel real great
2011-02-18 5:15 pm
when you've been struck by the thunderbolt.
參考: the godfather.
2011-02-18 5:03 pm
TO be honest, the way I fell in love is like when I straight away finds something a lot in common about that guy. But most importantly, I would only fell in love with a guy if this guy has been good friends with me for years cuz I wouldn't wanna look for another hot one, it's so hard so I'd rather be with this close bestfriend guy who has good heart :)
2011-02-18 5:00 pm
When I know that I don't want him to leave.
When I imagine growing old and hobbling down the steps together.
When the very thought of being apart makes me sad.
When I start buying food that he likes, without even realizing it.
2011-02-18 4:58 pm
its different for every single person. but the signs are how you look at him and how he looks at you, butterflies, how you kiss, and you can be yourself around him and not be affraid of judgement.
2011-02-18 4:54 pm
my girl friend is my company staff
2011-02-18 3:58 pm
it's the feeling you get, and you can't imagine this person not being in your life.
2011-02-18 3:44 pm
when you are able to tell that special person all of your deep, dark secrets, without fear of being judged or condemned for them.
2011-02-18 3:16 pm
you cant stop thinking about him or her. you do get nervous but also you get nervous in a excited way. your stomach flips and you want to smile and laugh although you dont know why....
2011-02-18 3:05 pm
You'll just know. You won't even have to think about it; it'll be perfectly clear.

I realized I was in love with my now-husband while having dinner with a friend at Red Lobster. It just made sense, and I said, "Oh." It was a very calm, rational realization. The sweat palms, nervousness, butterflies in your stomach thing is lust. Love is deeper than that.
2011-02-18 2:58 pm
Romantic love is too volatile & painful so I've decided not to suffer from this self inflicted condition anymore. The last time I fell in love, I expected a fairy tale romance not cold reality. Reality sucks sometimes and so does love.
2011-02-18 1:45 pm
You feel that the person you like is different from the others thinking is he/she is the one you've been looking for, when that happens I just shut down, not thinking of anything but that single person
2011-02-18 1:35 pm
You know that feeling where everything feels right? Where you don't have to worry about tomorrow or yesterday, where you feel safe and know you're doing the best you can? There's a word for that, it's called love.
參考: Akeelah and the Bee
2011-02-18 1:34 pm
It's a matter of your own opinion..if you believe your in love you are!
參考: every person's world is a matter of their own opinion
2011-02-18 11:34 am
When the whole world stops.. its not gravity holding you to the planet.. its that person. nothing else matters... <3
2011-02-18 2:17 am
For me:

I can't help but smile when I think about/see or talk to my boyfriend
he gets a grin on his face, I can't help but smile
I picture my future with him
I don't care what we do, I just love spending time with him
I feel safe in his arms
I miss him as soon as he leaves
2011-02-23 3:11 pm
many types of the love
1 baby teeth love
2girlfriend or boy friend love or Attraction
3love is an Attraction for mail and fem ail
love is an Attraction article or a place of land or any nation
finally money
how sepal the love in all these
thank you.
2011-02-23 3:09 pm
when you go great lengths like this guy..

the car was for his lover..
2011-02-23 6:22 am
When you get that tingling feeling
2011-02-23 2:30 am
Yay I never answsered one of these before. :D
2011-02-23 2:03 am
When your money starts getting lower..and lower...and lower....and none.
2011-02-23 12:26 am
easy you get horny when you see her
參考: easy you get horny when you see her
2011-02-22 11:40 pm
You know your in love when:
- You've liked the person for over 4 months
- You think about them 24/7
- Every time they pass you, you smile
- You think about the future with them in it
- You help them with anything they need help with
- You get jealous when they tell you they like someone else
- You get upset when the tell you your just a friend
- You cry when he's in a relationship
- You regret not telling him the way you feel
參考: My experience, unfortunately this was the first time I fell in love.
2011-02-22 10:48 pm
you just know!
2011-02-22 7:28 pm
you know when youre in love when they suck your penis
2011-02-22 12:13 pm
You sweat a lot and starts to get ultra nervous
2011-02-22 10:06 am
all of that
2011-02-22 6:24 am
meh, these answers are all so corny.

I think I just lol'd
參考: I ponder, this is the result.
2011-02-22 6:02 am
If your commenting on this, then you don't know what love is. Oh wait, I'm commenting on it. OH NOOO!!! I thought I was gonna be real witty there.
2011-02-22 2:20 am
You just know you love them!!
2011-02-22 1:35 am
WHEN YOU GET A *****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2011-02-22 1:30 am
When you can say it/
2011-02-21 9:26 pm
When your dick gets hard and noticeably larger
2011-02-21 7:51 am
Its a feeling to be felt, can not be explained :)
2011-02-21 7:19 am
I feel all Yummy like im on some good Chocolate Rush
2011-02-21 7:12 am
You just know. It's different for everyone.
2011-02-21 7:11 am
I become consumed with thoughts of the object of my desire.
2011-02-21 7:10 am
You know you're in love if, Your partner lets go a fart in the car or bed, stinky enough to make your eyes water, and it does not bother you.
參考: me 40years of dating.
2011-02-21 6:50 am
oh... youll know
2011-02-21 6:03 am
In my opinion if my hearts says that i don't want to far from her keep in touch then i fall in love
2011-02-21 5:21 am
When you are, you just know it.

And, you're thinking of them right now. (;
2011-02-21 4:54 am
When u feel butter fly's in ur stomach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2011-02-21 4:52 am
2011-02-21 4:33 am
You just know
2011-02-21 4:27 am
You know you're in love when you see your love interest in the shower with you in your dreams and in your toilet.
參考: Personal Experience
2011-02-21 2:41 am
when you get wood
2011-02-21 2:36 am
She's completely ****ed you over, AND YOU'RE STILL THERE.
2011-02-21 1:11 am
It's just a feeling like no other. You can't explain it.
2011-02-21 1:04 am
When you use a condom with the other girls ;)
2011-02-21 1:04 am
when you don't have to ask urself this question
2011-02-21 1:00 am
When i know im in love,
I never stop thinking about him
I always miss him
I always want to talk to him
I get butterflys in my stomach
I write songs about him
I'm always happy
I wait for his name to pop up on my phone
and my heart skips a beat when i see him<3
2011-02-21 12:52 am
that when you're near that person your heart beats a thousand beats an hour, and even when he looks at you, you blush and smile uncontrollably. even if you see them for just a minute, it makes your day. you want to be around them all the time. and they never leave your mind.<3
2011-02-21 12:47 am
When every part of you wants to be with that person, all the time. When you come to the point where you would do anything just to be with them. When the simplest things they do make you smile. When no one else even matters no matter what they look like because nothing they could ever say or do could be as amazing as that person.
2011-02-21 12:43 am
Love is holding the Oscar in one hand,and giving the bird to everyone at the academy at the same time.... Ah memory's.
2011-02-21 12:38 am
You can't get the person off of your mind. you think only about them. you only talk about them, and you never wish them harm.
2011-02-21 12:36 am
When you're in love you know the faults of the other person and are willing to overlook them. You care for them, spend time with them, make an effort to love them, and you tell them that you love them....Love, i think it's subjective to some extent
2011-02-21 12:36 am
-can't get them out of your head
-your heart beats loud everytime you see them
-you hate being away from them
-you tolerate the things you wouldnt usually
-those annoying antics they have makes you smile
-you hate to hurt them
-you can't imagine yourself without them
2011-02-21 12:22 am
You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams
-Dr. Seuss
2011-02-21 12:22 am
You dnt know it just happens love is not intentional its accidental
2011-02-21 12:20 am
when you don't know what to say! I've been in love with this guy since 4th grade <3 and everyday I see him I get all happy and get those fuzzy wuzzy feelings! Whatever the case is, he always makes me smile :)
參考: my heart
2011-02-21 12:08 am
You know that your in love when you feel like that person is your best friend and you can tell them anything without being afraid that they will judge you or think any less of you. When you're around that person you don't have to try to act a certain way, you can just be yourself.
2011-02-20 11:49 pm
When you would do absolutely anything for them. You would pretty much die for them. Your whole world revolves around them and you want nothing but that person. Every time you think about them, your heart beats faster and you get butterflies and they never stop. When you go to bed at night and you dream about them. Or when you get that "good morning beautiful" text in the morning and takes you back to those butterflies you can't get rid of. When you see them your heart stops and they take your breath away. When he holds you in his arms and never lets go of you and says he wants you forever and could never picture his life without you. When you can't think of anything else but him and you fall behind in your work or even school just because you only have him on your mind. Or when you hold his hand and you feel like his hands were made to be there and you old on tight to them because you never want to let go. When you kiss and the whole world stops and your only focus is him and you want to be with no one but him. That is the moment you know you're in love. <3
2011-02-20 11:35 pm
if u both like each other and u know u should tell him or her u like him or her if he or she likes u back then that's love
2011-02-20 11:28 pm
When you can be your true self and not be categorized as weird by them.
When you always want to talk to the person.
When you think about them all them timeee!
參考: ...experience<3
2011-02-20 11:24 pm
-When you can reveal your true self to that person, no matter what annoying traits or habits that you have
-no matter what they look like, their class, or how hard the fight is to keep your relationship, you will keep fighting for your love
-you care more about this person than anyone else
-you can forgive them for their faults
-you do not see them to be flawed
-you do not abandon them in your time of need
-when they are distressed or happy, you are affected by their emotions as well
-commitment, trust, and loyalty
2011-02-20 11:10 pm
i'm in love, have been for over 5 years and am an 18 year old guy
i am:
- clumsy around her
- feel a strong pull in my hart
- cant think clearly': she's a remote of switch for my brain: it happens whenever i think about her, talk to her, see her, am close to her
-do just plain dumb things: can't help myself (like stalking her)
-i feel more complete when i'm with her and broken when i'm not
but to be honest: i feel a lot more for her but i can't describe the rest

if you don't mind helping me: pleas answer my questions, i really need advice.
參考: me, HELP ME i need advice
2011-02-20 11:03 pm
Does your heart ache and break when they`re sad?
Do you cry for their pain, even when they`re strong?
Do their eyes see your true heart, and touch your soul so deeply it hurts?
Do you stay because a blinding, incomprehensible mix of pain and
relation pulls you close and holds you there?
Do you accept their faults because they`re a part of who they are?
Are you attracted to others, but stay with them faithfully without regret?

Would you give them your heart, your life, your death??

That's how you know
2011-02-20 10:52 pm
When you are ready to do anything for the concerned person.
And you feel high,all the time,feel good,even when you got problems all the time.
2011-02-20 10:38 pm
A number of things of happen in the process...

- You can't stop thinking about them
- You miss them as soon you leave them
- You defend them when they are in trouble
- All you want to do is be with them every single day
- Your heart smiles every time you see them because you are in love!
參考: Me
2011-02-20 10:32 pm
You feel like the person is there even when they aren't
You never want the person to leave your side when you ARE with them.
You have no secrets.
You doubt your love at times. This is only natural.
A single touch from them gives you butterflies in your stomach.
參考: This is how it was for me <3
2011-02-20 10:30 pm
When you get that feeling in your gut, it's kind of like getting the butterflies, but instead you don't want this to go away.
2011-02-20 10:15 pm
-When you both feel like your talking to a best friend.
-When he/she doesn't want to change you
-When you don't try to change him/her
-When you both feel like if him/her died tomorrow, you would too.
-When you both don't care if others don't think your right for each other
-When him/her still makes you nervous even when your dating, in a good way.
-When you feel like you could fly when you kiss.
2011-02-20 10:12 pm
you know when you're in love when you cant fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams
2011-02-20 10:10 pm
I know I am in love when I still cannot stop thinking about the person even after being with them for a long time.

I know when I am so happy to see that person, even if I'm mad at them.

I know when I can act like a complete nerd/fool and know that person accepts me and will laugh with me, not at me.
參考: Experience
2011-02-20 10:09 pm
"Love" is different for everyone. Some people think love is when you think about someone all the time. Other people think love is protecting someone, or doing anything for them, even if it means going against their own morals. Others think love means giving up their own identity. It isn't one thing that tells you it might be love, it's a combination of feelings and what is in your heart.
2011-02-20 10:06 pm
You never really know .
2011-02-20 9:58 pm
You wake up in the morning and think how nice it would be if they were next to you

You find yourself smiling like an idiot

You can be yourself

You cant explain love, but if you have doubt your not in love
2011-02-20 9:56 pm
-you know your in love when all of the things that you seen in corny movies happens to you
-you can act like little kids around each other
-theres things that you want to change about the person you love but you wouldnt dare change them because that just makes them even better
-you cant admit to yourself or your friends that you have actually found someone that fits your description of the perfect person
2011-02-20 9:50 pm
You're in love when you have total respect for someone, when you love both their faults and strengths, and when youd be willing to make a fool of yourself for them. I'd say sweating and getting nervous and being clumsy happens when you're infatuated, not in love. You're in love when you can be your real self around that person and they make your comfortable, not scared.
2011-02-20 9:38 pm
you just get that weird feeling in your stomach that you wish would go away. and you have it for lond periods of time. and you are always trying to be around that person, cannot smiling while looking or thinking about them. and you would feel like you would do anything for that person. and no matter what you are doing YOU WILL ALWAYS BE THINKING ABOUT THEM!!!
參考: i am getting that feeling alot over the past weekadn a half. i am in love with this boy!!! <3
2011-02-20 9:27 pm
Well.. There's really no feeling whenever your in love, You just know it.
But some signs of being in love are that you always think that that person, you'd do anything for them, etc.. Love is a very good feeling, and I'm happy that I'm in love.
2011-02-20 9:25 pm
You know you're in love when the person's face floats around in your head all day
You can trust that person with anything
You still get butterflies... even 6 months- 1 year later
You don't feel trapped around that person
The only thing you think about is him.
2011-02-20 9:24 pm
-They are the first thing on you mind when you wake up
-They are the last thing on your mind before you go to sleep
-Your heart hurts when your away from them
-Everything about them is perfect
-You get that good feeling when your with them
-You smile when thinking about them
2011-02-20 9:10 pm
The feeling of love is a very individual thing. what may feel like love to one person may just be mild attraction to another. arguably Lust is the most common feeling which is mistaken for love which is a very powerful and often overwhelming emotion more-often than not of a physical attraction to another person which may or may not be sexual, obviously this is not Love, in my mind love resides on a mutual feeling of trust and loyalty between two people where there is both a physical and emotional attachment. What is love? The truth is this question can only be answered by the individual.
2011-02-20 8:59 pm
well first off u just feel different about the person than any1 else... u will do anyting 2 keep them happy and u love them for who they are, dont try and change them and u dont need 2 change for them if they truely love u bak, ive fallen in love with this girl and we have been dating for 3 months, but now we screwed it up and got caught at school... we now may b expelled and never able 2 c eachother again! it kills both of us inside and our lives r a disastor rite now... my whole family looks at me differently and it suckssss, ik this isnt truely answering ur question but if ur under 18 and do fall in love and ur happy with the person dont do anything 2 drastic at school cuz it screws u over :( i miss her so much rite now
參考: me and my life
2011-02-20 8:57 pm
i feel this sensation...

deeper than the giddyness of a crush...

i want to comfort him

take care of him

be the one he needs

2011-02-20 8:52 pm
Those are hormone reactions. Real love is when you have the others best interests in mind; when you care about them as a person, that they are important in your life and you are important in their life.
2011-02-20 8:43 pm
When you can act your complete self around that person and not be embarrassed about anything in front of them, and when you miss them right after they leave and the little things that they can do that don't annoy you, but would if someone else did them.
2011-02-20 1:01 pm
How do you know you're in love?

When you're in love, the world will come to a halt, all yours fears and worries will vanish for a while, nothing else matters more than being with that one person, when you feel down or sad just a few minutes in their presence would lift your spirit into the clouds, they are your first thought when you open your eyes and your last one when you go to sleep and every one in between, your world evolves around them and being without that person for one single day feels like a life time.
2011-02-20 12:47 pm
when your heart beats so fast that you don't know how to express feeling in words.
when you want time to stop so your wouldn't let go.
when seeing him/her, everything that bothers you would fade away and all you want is to make that person happy no matter what you put yourself in.
2011-02-20 12:34 pm
The day you think there is someone for in the world is the day you are in love
2011-02-20 12:29 pm
its when you cannot find a reason why you smile whenever your around that person or even hear his name.It is when you cannot stop thinking about him. It is when you get butterflies every time you go and meet him. It is something you cannot control you just fall in it.
2011-02-20 11:53 am
Love is only a feeling that can only be felt, not even a million words can describe love.
2011-02-20 11:21 am
i had a big crush a while ago but now i don't care about her. then, i found this new girl at church. I'm actually in the same situation as you? i thought i used to know love when i got nervous from seeing some girl, but now I'm not sure. This girl isn't the prettiest girl I've seen. she's not even that pretty, but cute. very fashionable. i don't think she's interested in me, but all my interest goes to her. Why am i feeling like this? she's not even that pretty? is pretty really that attractive? am i attracted to cute rather than pretty? I don't know if it's love. damn, but what if she's better than me at everything. I would be rather jealous lol. anyways, I dunno, but i'm with you with this
2011-02-20 10:00 am
When their voice makes your heart smile. When you can be yourself around them. When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth. When you can't stand being away from someone, even when you know everything about each other.
2011-02-20 9:42 am
-When all you can think about is that person
-When you go all warm inside just thinking about them.
-You smile whenever you think about them, or when you see them.
-When you're around that person you go all nervous.
2011-02-20 9:36 am
i know i am very happy everytime i am with her.......

only that i realize that i am in love...

from: jason, a filipino, ym: [email protected]
2011-02-20 9:36 am
When you don't have to worry about what they'll think about you if you ask them a question or have an opinion.

When you can spend every day together and at some point understand they everybody needs their own space

When the over protectiveness stops

When nothing is awkward anymore

When you look into their eyes and you know that you love them
2011-02-20 8:51 am
Being in love does not cause sweating, nervousness, or clumsiness. Serotonin does. Being in love actually inspires confidence and security, if it is true love. It is accepting and appreciating each other exactly how you are.
2011-02-20 8:45 am
when you meet your lover
the heart will open freely and then your emotion will react
lol then just be yourself if they dont except who you are then you are not meant to be
2011-02-20 8:44 am
When they are the only thing on your mind. They are the last thing you think of before you go to sleep and the first thing when you wake up.
參考: Me
2011-02-20 8:08 am
When I am in love I am in pain nearly all the time.
Mainly because I over think the situation.
- Does he still like me?
- What is he doing?
- Is he cheating on me?
- Who is talking to?
2011-02-20 7:55 am
you know when you are in live when you and your partner are so addicted to one another to the point to were they are just madly in love with each other and you cant just help to be around them
2011-02-20 7:48 am
love is not when you find the perfect person. but when you accept a peson by their imperfections. then you learn to love.
2011-02-20 6:57 am
when ur willing to sacrifice, and give up stuff for them.
2011-02-20 6:54 am
-When all you do is think about her/him
-When everytime u see them u just feel different
-When you are with them you feel like a different person inside
-When you just get soo happy when you r with them
-When you you hear/think/see them you feel like you never have before inside
2011-02-20 3:38 am
You get this feeling like your comfertable around that person like nothing and no one else matters and if something happens that could be good bad or sad that person will stay by your side and either comfert you or congradulate u or hold you when your about to cry. Also when you feel completly comfertable around that person and you can trust them enough to kno anything. And when that person can teach you new things and even when you mess up or feel like you cant do anything that person doesnt give up. Im in love and i feel all of that i may be just 15 years old but i have the biggest heart and the bestest bf ever. nothing can change that :)
參考: my mind and my feelings :)
2011-02-20 3:35 am
you know when your in love when you can be completely yourself with the person and not be afraid of them judging you thats when you know lol and i think its when you just want to be with that person and feel that you need them in your life and you can't live without them<3333
2011-02-20 2:39 am
When you smile on the inside & when you get real bad butterflies. When you have the strongest urge to kiss that person. ;)
2011-02-20 2:29 am
you can feel it in your heart. you cant really describe the feeling but you know when you are. and no i dont sweat or no i dont get super nervius and nyes i am clumsy but not when im in love
2011-02-20 2:27 am
Simple Answer - "When you can't love any other thing in this world except your girl/boy" - this is the time you should know you are in love.
參考: personal
2011-02-20 1:54 am
When you're a girl, your body wants his intimate touch and unexplained longing closeness, always ready to be flagged down at anytime in bed with complete surrender.
When you're a boy, your head is under spell with the small head down underneath bragging like a warrior ready to smash out of control and defeat any frontier line barrier.
2011-02-20 1:45 am
When you look at the person and you smile and he or she makes you feel happy all the time. You just can't stop looking at that person!
2011-02-20 1:40 am
You just know. It's an indescribable feeling. It's comfort, total comfort in knowing this person and being with them forever. Nothing else matters as much as they do.
2011-02-20 1:20 am
When you don't care . there is no north,south,east or west.
2011-02-20 1:06 am
When you think someone is cute and you wanna kiss them. <3
2011-02-20 12:44 am
When you decide you are. Seriously everyone has different definitions of love. It's not a universal concept. People change their definitions too. If you decide you're "in love" whatever YOU mean, then you're in love. Done. Just a semantics thing for one of the most subjective and varied connotation out there.
2011-02-20 12:42 am
When sex is the last thing on your mind.
2011-02-20 12:24 am
You just know! :)
2011-02-19 11:55 pm
Well, to tell if you're in Love.... It would be if you're all like, OMG! OMG!, You know like a major freak out. Technically, there's to kinds of falling in love, just like there are viruses: Hidden and Active. (or so we learned in Science. And besides, Love is kind of like a virus. It infects you, but the effects can be good or bad!) If you have Active Love, the effects are immediate. Right away, you realize that something is there. If you have Hidden Love, you don't feel the effects until your days as friends suddenly become a life of love. Yep, I love my way with analogies.
參考: My Brain
2011-02-19 11:35 pm
you get butterflies when thinking of them :)
2011-02-19 11:21 pm
When you love everything about them.
When their flaws become beautiful.
When you look at them and can't help but smile.
That's when you know you're in love.
2011-02-19 11:03 pm
When you put that special person becomes number one in your priorities.
2011-02-19 10:58 pm
When my stomach twists into knots, or when my heart wants to beat through my chest when ever I'm with or around that person, when being away from that person even for a single day is like torture, and when thinking of that person keeps me up every night.
2011-02-19 10:57 pm
Now I'm talking about how I feel when I'm in love.

- You think about them constantly, you wonder what the person is doing, and you wonder if the person is thinking about you too
- You get butterflies in your stomach every time you see them/talk to them
- You can't stop smiling when thinking of them
- You don't care about their flaws, and you love them no matter what
2011-02-19 10:51 pm
When you can't fall asleep because reality is now better than your dreams <3
2011-02-19 10:25 pm
When reality is better than dreaming.
2011-02-19 10:22 pm
When you can't possibly explain what you feel for them .
2011-02-19 10:21 pm
Simple answer: When you put their needs and their feelings before your own, and you plan on doing that for the rest of your lives.
2011-02-19 10:07 pm
To some people love is a creature of pure evil eating away at them. It causes them bitter jealous feelings and desires with which they cannot control. They want it and yet do not want it. It makes them vulnerable and open to a pain which scratches away at the soul. A pain which as hard as you fight to get away from, you never want to leave. So you know you're in love when that tempting pain comes back. Some people are masochists lol

To others it's a safe haven. They have that person in their life and always will. their two souls are not separate or bound together. It is now one single soul. They aren't in love because of physical attraction, although they may enjoy their partner's physical features as well. But they are in love because of something deeper. Were the two bodies that make up that one soul to be pushed away, it would not break. It would simply become bigger. No distance, not even the vast universe itself could separate it.

How do you know you're in love? Well to be honest love is the kinda thing where you never "know" but you always know ;) it just isn't something you can put on paper.
2011-02-19 10:06 pm
When you can't go a minute without think about him or her and when you're with them, it doesnt matter what the weather is or what the song on the radio is.
2011-02-19 10:02 pm
You're in love when:
You can't stop thinking about the other person.
You get little butterflies when you talk to them.
You find your self staring at them.
You'd give anything to be with them.
2011-02-19 10:01 pm
First, when u see the person u like u feel something in ur heart. when they smile ur heart flips over. when u dont seem him u feel bad n the most important way if knowing in ur love or not is when u see them with another person u get jealous.
2011-02-19 10:00 pm
When you would die for them.
When you are their best friend.
When you know them better than yourself.
When they mean the world to you.
When you care more about their personality then their body.
When they know immediately when somethings wrong and vice versa.
When you can picture spending the rest of your life with them.
When you have gone through fights but can work through it and become better.
When you almost lose them and it feels like you'll die.
When they have changed your life forever.
2011-02-19 9:55 pm
I love this question :)
You know you're in love when you smile every time you see the person's face. You know you're in love when the person makes you nervous, when they make you laugh, when the make you speechless. You know you're in love when it's like the movies :)
2011-02-19 9:32 pm
your heart will start panting and u will get a bit clumsy because your looking at him all the time.
2011-02-19 9:20 pm
You know your in love when you completely trust that person and feel completely comfortable with him/her and can tell them anything and everything.
2011-02-19 9:14 pm
-when you get a lil nervous
-feeling his heart pulse wondering if that's your love flowing thru his blood stream
-seeing each other all the time
-staring into each others eyes while he/she whispers I love you
-telling him/her that your going to kill yourself; walk on the road a car comes and he quickly grabs you by the hand
-daydream about the future with him/her in it
-wrestle with each other && it ends with a romantic dessert towards the end ;)
-feeling very sick and he/she knows your condition (am anemic) and quickly gets you something to eat
-knowing that you have no food at the house and rushes to the store to get you something to eat
-walks to your house in the rain,lightning,and a very hot day
-getting mad at him/her while she/he comes back to you to apologies
-dedicating songs to each other
-phones not paid; so they get on,aim,fb,or their email just to talk to you
-thinks about you 24/7
-being together for a long period of time
-amusement parks
-cracking on each other
-breaking up and she/he ends up at your doorstep with a lame excuse just to see you again
-claims you
-&& wears or hangs the bracelet you made for him/her
-Feb.14 a huge teddy bear w. a huge chocolate heart && funspot towards the end :)
參考: I'm definitly in love !
2011-02-19 9:01 pm
When you can love the bad bits about your partner as well as the good. I love my boyfriend to bits even though we had an argument last night (which we rarely do) we just talk it through. We are best friends, soul mates and the loves of each other life. We understand each other completely. There is nothing more important in our relationship than the just being together. I feel his hurt an he feels mine if i'm hurt. We have both had grief from tragic deaths in each of our immediate families and we were each others rock and still are.
2011-02-19 8:47 pm
its just something different inno wat i mean cant really explain it wenever you see dat person u spark off and dey usually do the same. You cant describe the feeling people YOU JUST CANNOT ....instead you just know the difference in this L.O.V.E
參考: your welcome
2011-02-19 8:43 pm
They are the first thing you think of when you wake up. The first person you want to see. You become willing to take the risk & let yourself become vulnerable just for this one person.

You catch yourself smiling & thinking about the person at random times of the day w/o realizing. You ask yourself "Can I live without this person?" & your answer is "No."
2011-02-19 8:41 pm
When your in love, you smile, blush, and think about them all the time. When your with them, you have lost what to say because you are too busy thinking about how awesome it is just to be around them.
2011-02-19 8:19 pm
I glow all over.
2011-02-19 8:12 pm
You smell his or her butt and when you smell it you can feel the click of love or nothing at all.
參考: MY BUTT!
2011-02-19 8:10 pm
When you guys fart in front of each other like its no big deal at all
2011-02-19 8:04 pm
you just know :D x
2011-02-19 7:02 pm
to easy to know if you're in <3
2011-02-19 5:33 pm
I guess its just when you know, and you always want to be around him! :)
2011-02-19 4:23 pm
When you look at them,
And you feel as if they are the only human being left in the world
This proves the statement "My one and only"
They are the most important thing in the wirks to you
They are you're missing puzzle peice
The decimal in your pi
The ketchup in your French fries
The pair for your heart

When I fall in love, I focus all my attention on them. I feel happy
Just simply happy
2011-02-19 4:01 pm
When you are in love:
1) You don't care about the other person's physical appearance, but for who there are on the inside (their total personality).
2) You can resolve arguments with actual talks rather than settle it by physical contact.
3) You take time to know the person, perhaps months or years, instead of "love at first sight".
4) You have an "unselfish caring for the interest of the other" instead of always asking, "What can they do for me?"
5) They make you a better person instead of ruining your good traits.
6) They may have faults, but you love them anyway instead of thinking them as "perfect" even though serious flaws may be present
6) You want to give and share with the other person, instead of always asking and getting physical contact.
2011-02-19 2:41 pm
when they leave someone , he wakes up all night crying and trembling with pain :(
2011-02-19 1:20 pm
When i picture myself with them in a romance movie snuggling...i know sounds cheesy but feel so good!
2011-02-19 1:10 pm
when you only ythink of them. . .
2011-02-19 6:07 am
when you don't have sex anymore
2011-02-19 4:08 am
I know when I'm in love when i am just happy all the time. i laugh at the stupidest things and especial when the boy is around. My tummy get butterflies and i feel as if i need to use the restroom (yeah, weird right). My cheeks start to hurt because i cant stop smiling and i get real jealous when ppl talk to the guy, or i laugh if its like a 6th grader like last year! HA!
yeah, idk if that's really what you wanted but ya know.
2011-02-19 3:39 am
Your heart tells you. We just have to shut up and listen to it..
2011-02-19 1:29 am
You get this feeling that you can't explain♥
And you can't stop thinking about them♥
2011-02-19 12:53 am
you will no it will hit you
2011-02-19 12:44 am
I don't know what love is until it's gone. :(
2011-02-18 11:14 pm
when someone stares at u, and always wants to talk to u.
2011-02-18 11:14 pm
You wouldn't be asking this
2011-02-18 10:41 pm
I smile will appear in your face and your heart will feel like its having sex with your lungs
2011-02-18 10:09 pm
When your in love you will know :3
2011-02-18 9:00 pm
you dont sleep in night... always feel alone and always feel she/he is with you.
2011-02-18 8:19 pm
When you absolutely cannot stop thinking about someone and you get butterflies in your stomach when you're with them.
2011-02-18 8:10 pm
when he or she is the first person that you think of when you wake up n the last person that u think of before u sleep.

when you loss ur breath each n every time u see the person.

when u day dream of him or her...

when he begins to mean the world to u
2011-02-18 7:58 pm
You get this indescribable feeling that comes in your heart & when that right moment comes, then you know that you're in love.
2011-02-18 7:40 pm
You just know. in your heart.
2011-02-18 7:22 pm
you Just Get That Feeling
2011-02-18 6:12 pm
when you get your heartbroken. Reality check!
2011-02-18 5:18 pm
when that person is all u can think about but its not always wanting them to be with u but wanting them to be happy and u want them to be happy when theyre with u
2011-02-18 4:51 pm
When you are i love, you will know it for sure :)
2011-02-18 4:25 pm
When all you want to tell them is I LOVE YOU! :)
2011-02-18 3:32 pm
" So far , I haven 't been

so fortunate . I always

consider Love to be an

action , not a reaction . "

" I have no insight , as to

what emotional problems

being ' in Love ' can solve . "
參考: _______________________ " As far as I do understand about being ' in Love ' , ( by Listening to superficial song Lyrics and watching fictional acting scenes ) , the reaction is physically noticeable , also proven as needed attachment . " _________________________
2011-02-18 2:24 pm
you dont question it
2011-02-18 1:48 pm
i start to blush and get nervous. i never really get clumsy
2011-02-18 1:31 pm
I asked my bf this question and he said.. "I think you just know"
2011-02-18 12:54 pm
when all you see are rainbows and butterflies =P
2011-02-18 12:53 pm
simply,you just know........
2011-02-18 12:28 pm
You just know the feeling.
2011-02-18 12:15 pm
I fell very nervous ,And so i just speak with him with mobile or fb chat . I saw him 5 times ( I am from windows when he is at road).But we r very much romantic.Pray for us.....................
2011-02-18 11:20 am
For me it's when I feel comfortable to cry around them share by deepest feelings (as a guy we don't show them normally) but to the ones we love, to be able to express them and get support and care and loving thats when i know i'm in love.
2011-02-18 11:06 am
You can't stop thinking about them and you want to be with them.
2011-02-18 9:35 am
You know you're in love when you've only been with them a short time and then when they have to leave your world crashes down. Nothing feels the same anymore. Even the ground beneath your feet feels hollow. Then, when you hear from them, you jump right back up there. You want to be a better person for YOURSELF, not for them. They make you want to be a better person for you. They make you want to take care of yourself because you know they would want you to. When you are together you move, live, laugh, and breathe as one. You touch each other whenever you can. Even when touching is inappropriate you find a way to be close to them. You move as one, physically, emotionally, spiritually. You feel so comfortable around them that even though you may have only known each other a short time they have become your best friend, and over become each other.
2011-02-18 9:01 am
I found out when I saw the world rotating around another being rather than myself.
2011-02-18 5:41 am
you feel that you can't talk to him/her that easily (young relationships), you want to impress them, you try and do anything for them (would you die for love)
2011-02-18 5:32 am
You know that you're in love when ; You can't go 5 minutes without thinking about this person. When you are texting this person 24/7. When you are always thinking about this person. When you smile whenever you recieve a text from this person. When every time you hangout with this person, you are always happy, and you just feel free when you are with this person.
參考: From my own experiences
2011-02-18 5:14 am
-when you hear their name, you feel all fuzzy.
-when you see them, your eyes drop
-when you taste them in your love, you blush
-when you feel them, you know their sorrow
-when you smell their presence, you know your in love.

the five senses...of true love.
2011-02-18 5:13 am
When you don't even get bored with them, and you're just happy being with them. When you're having a bad day, but there automatically able to cheer you up, Just the fact that you have them. When they make you feel pure happiness and feelings you never felt before. When there always on you're mind, even when you have 20 million other things to worry about. When you're able to go through anything with them.
2011-02-18 4:56 am
Well, I think there aren't specific guidelines. You are the one who can tell. You should just know.
2011-02-18 4:21 am
im only on level 1 so i cant put a thumbs up but i compleatly agree with ^^
2011-02-18 4:09 am
When your in love your not yourself, your completely unaware of everything/anyone else except for the person your in love with. You have butterflies in your stomache when you think of him/her and your heart skips (what it seems like) a million beats. And yes you do get sweaty and completely nervous. Love is something almost everyone wants but we dont even think about the side effects
2011-02-18 4:07 am
You should just do the yahoo search on this question it is always asked lol. You know your in love when you meet someone who makes you feel the way no one else does/has. You find it very hard to be with out that person and they who makes you feel complete and worth fighting for to be with them everyday and every noght for the rest of your life you cannot be without them!
2011-02-18 4:03 am
When everytime he's there you don't want him to be, but when he's away, you want him and long for him. When your heart beats so fast if he's around you.
When he talks to you, you can't say big words but hi or little words you can.
When you keep on dreaming about him.
When you're world is not perfect without him.
You know you're inlove when you see him.
2011-02-18 4:00 am
When its real love you wont have to ask.
2011-02-18 3:45 am
When you can't stop thinking in the other person, you dream that you're happy together, you want to hug and hold their hand, you try to always be near and you want to be all the time with them
參考: personal experience
2011-02-18 3:37 am
when you realize that you wwould do anything for them and wish you could spend eternity together
2011-02-18 3:32 am
when you cant go almost an hour without thinking about them..
and you wouldnt be thinking about any other guy/girl except them
when you dont wanna spend one day without seeing them
and exspecilly when you feel it in your heart.. not just ur head<3
please help me:;_ylt=AsWm98RvsRrm9tH5pS0Xvc_ty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110216132029AAioM0X
2011-02-18 3:25 am
When you act completely yourself around somebody, the person knows how to make you smile and laugh. When you have the feeling that everything is right and where it should be. Knowing that the prson truly loves you for who you are, and when you can truly accept someone for who they are. And become confident when being with them.
2011-02-18 3:10 am
I think that you know you are in love when that person can be away from you , and you are completely okay with it because you know they will be back by your side soon, and when they are by your side you are happy to just sit in silence with them. There is no such thing as an awkward silence, Just a comfortable one. Its not obsessive. Its not never fighting, but only fighting about things that are important. Love is when you can wake up every morning for the rest of your life and smile through the bad breath and morning hair. The awkward personal habits may irritate you but you put up with them because you know that they put up with yours. Its not the jumping in front of bullets and i would die with out you stuff that makes love, but the everyday smiles, laughter, and tears.
參考: real life / opinion
2011-02-18 3:09 am
When you get those butterfly feelings in your stomach everytime your around him or her....

answer mine please:;_ylt=AmQglQlqNAF.JWu5xfU51_Lsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110217190333AAcBn4c
2011-02-18 3:05 am
I can relate to it quite well using the following quote:

"It's like being "inside" joy... like it's a warm blanket-- tangible, that you can wrap yourself up in."
參考: Whoopi Goldberg as Guinan in Star Trek: Generations.
2011-02-18 2:56 am
o yes you do know it, first you loosing sleep and thinning ,second you are wandering for the out come of the Next day wat you are going to do and if she let you have it, then acting like a not,in frond of you Friends, and you keep very quite when you are alon like you are in the deep sleep, all you Friends thing is something wrong with you like drugs or Smoke Fanny cigarettes all thous symptoms and changes make you a loony, a Krazy
2011-02-18 2:50 am
When i feel really close to him
2011-02-18 2:35 am
You just feel that feeling inside your soul that that person is amazing and u love them
2011-02-18 2:06 am
when the world no longer seems too large or impassable. when oceans seem like mere puddles and you could move mountains to be with them.

when you miss them so bad it hurts,

when they are never far from your thoughts

you would do anything to keep them safe and happy

a lifetime with them doesn't feel like enough

when you feel as if you would melt when they look at/ kiss/ hug you

your stomach feels all wobbly when you see them

you dream about them constantly

nothing is too hard too much, too far for them

you are completely comforatble around them in all respects, you are accepted entirely as you are

there is so much more, but these are many of the signs i have experienced :)
2011-02-18 2:05 am
When a hamster starts asking questions about Singles & Dating.
2011-02-18 1:55 am
when you think about them all the time,
you can be yourself around them,
you feel so happy when your with them.
and you know you'd do anything for them :)
2011-02-18 1:54 am
When your decisions and thoughts become less revolved around the "I", and more about the "We". Your decisions in life now are thought out for two. You cant see your future without them, and you're glad that they're in your present. You're no longer searching, because you're complete. They're the cheese to your macaroni, the icing to your cake!
2011-02-18 1:48 am
i know when i'm in love when i still get butterflies in my stomach after months of him putting his arm around me. i know when i'm in love when he looks into my eyes and i'm seeing more than just him. i know when i'm in love because i feel a need to be with him (not obsecive just wanting to see his face)
2011-02-18 1:41 am
you cant stop thinking about them, you get nervouse when you talk to them, you sometimes get clumsy
2011-02-18 1:38 am
when your heart starts to beat really fast and all you think about is that emotion, nothing else but that person. And you start to see life differently. moonlight and life. Ancient vows of love and heart. love sometimes is a meaning less word when you use it to much. Hold it sacred until you find the TRUE one. good luck! bye.
2011-02-18 1:38 am
When your willing to die for the person to prevent them from getting critically injured or dying themselves.
2011-02-18 1:37 am
you just no...
but if they never leave your mind
youd do anything for them
their happiness is most important to you
youve had a thing for them for a long time
you get butterflies when you see them or if they text you
your heart beats fast when you talk to them

its love
2011-02-18 1:34 am
You just know. It's something that just happens, I'd say. Granted, I'd never been "in love". I've been infatuated with people, and that just "happens"--like a transition between consciousness and unconsciousness.
2011-02-18 1:30 am
knowing that if the occasion called for it you'd give everything just to see that one person smile again
2011-02-18 1:27 am
When you first see the person it's like getting hit by a train. After that you're afraid to look them in the eye because you think they'll know how you feel. And no matter where you are in relativity to where they are, when you think about them your heart will beat faster your body will heat up and you will grin uncontrollably. But the major factor is that you'll go out of your way to be with them. I remember like a year and a half a go, i was in love. And I will not approach a boy I like no matter how much I like him and it takes months for me to warm up to a person. But for some reason that summer, I wanted to be with him and my anxiety or stutter didn't matter. I went out of my way to be with the person no one wanted to interact with and for once in my life I was the normal one and I was reaching out to the loner.
Oh and it rips your heart when you just THINK of not being with them. Took me over a year to get over him.
參考: Personal Experience
2011-02-18 1:20 am
when you get a warm feeling everytime you think about the person you love
when you lose your breath when they text or call or say something cute
when you don't feel like looking for other people to date
when you refuse to date others
when you have mutual respect for each other
2011-02-23 2:47 pm
When you could share a toothbrush with them.
2011-02-23 2:36 pm
2011-02-23 3:21 am
idk :>?
2011-02-22 10:37 pm
you fart real hard when you see him/her.
2011-02-21 1:26 am
you become fearless
2011-02-21 1:13 am
if you have to ask then your not.
2011-02-21 12:48 am
When u see that person smile and get happy inside.
2011-02-20 10:35 pm
2011-02-20 10:15 pm
If you were in love you wouldn't be asking this, you would just know.
2011-02-20 9:19 pm
people still believe in love? interesting, I thought it was extinct
2011-02-20 12:38 pm
ask who do you think in a minute with you're eyes close at somewhere quite. Do you wanna see, be with him or her?
2011-02-20 12:01 pm
when we are ready to sacrifice anything even though she had no more feeling to us.
2011-02-20 11:05 am
when someone tells you
2011-02-20 10:33 am
There are a lot of dumb questions on here but this is the worst
2011-02-20 7:36 am
When you think to yourself ''What have I gotten myself into?''
2011-02-20 3:36 am
You know your in love when you realize your dreams would be crushed alone.
2011-02-20 2:20 am
what a stupid freakin question to try and get peoples answers. wow. in the gaming world, we would call this staff member a "try hard" NOW THUMBS DOWN THIS PEOPLE
2011-02-19 10:52 pm
When reality is better than your dreams:)
2011-02-19 9:21 pm
when you yourself can answer this question!
2011-02-19 8:19 pm
Why does yahoo answers post these questions?
2011-02-19 8:17 pm
2011-02-19 7:33 pm
when she laps your bare bum and says your in love!
2011-02-19 6:52 pm
it depend on you.its when they want to have SEX.
2011-02-19 4:50 pm
You just.. know! <3
2011-02-19 4:33 pm
If u like them for more than four mom
Mtgs then ulove them :D
2011-02-19 3:01 pm
When your manhood starts to rise, that's when.
2011-02-19 2:46 pm
2011-02-19 2:40 pm
When you don't even have to ask.
2011-02-19 3:40 am
you would just feel it
2011-02-18 10:07 pm
when ur ding dong starts to rise!
2011-02-18 9:46 pm
You get a *****.
2011-02-18 4:17 pm
What is love?
2011-02-18 10:45 am
---- when you see the person and you blush
--- when you think about them all the time
---- when you smile for no reason after thinking about them
--- when you get all excited when they text or message you.
2011-02-18 8:41 am
You know when they're happiness is more important than your own. You will do anything to make them happy, even if it means hurting yourself. Even if it means losing them. You are willing to be friends with them if you ever broke up just because you need them in your life. You are yourself 100% with them. You trust them with your life. You can spend hours in their arms, with your head on their chest, listening to their heartbeat; knowing that they are what makes your own heart beat.
2011-02-18 8:28 am
I go bright red uncontrollably but apparently your pupils ar supposed to dilate without the need of less light because your so drawn to them that your pupils get bigger to allow more light in...
2011-02-18 6:21 am
When you say i love you and when you really no
2011-02-18 6:14 am
likeness(personality), attraction(physical), n being(commitment)
2011-02-18 3:42 am
I think this answer varies majorly from person to person.

Personally, I know that I am in love because when I'm not with her (we broke up), there's just this feeling of absolute panic for what is to be. I would be more than willing to give my life to protect her and whenever I'm near her, it feels like I'm on top of the world and that I can do anything. There's also this primal gut instinct(primal instincts are 100% accurate, for me at least) that she is without a doubt the one I am meant to be with and the only person in the whole world that I will ever truly be ultimately happy with. I would devote my life to her, and I would do anything that she wanted me to.
2011-02-18 3:03 am
You know right away. Well, atleast if your a girl. You get giddy inside, you smile alot, you become a different person around them. You struggle on words, try to act cool, try to laugh alot. But, the truth is.. guys do the same. And their just as nervous as you are. You just know when your in love. It's an instinct sort of thing :)
2011-02-18 2:56 am
When you don't question if you are, you just know. duhh.
2011-02-18 2:51 am
You just know, you know? :)
2011-02-18 2:01 am
You just know. Simple as that.
2011-02-20 11:43 pm
You'll know.. :)
2011-02-20 9:43 pm
i dont know :/
2011-02-20 9:22 pm
when your dick is hard
2011-02-20 3:27 am
We are the lab rat of the great mouse of Yahoo Answers.

Love is when you care about someone else... I guess.
2011-02-20 2:46 am
There is no such thing as love.
2011-02-20 2:42 am
You feel like you have known them forever :)
2011-02-20 2:10 am
Valentine’s Day is gay for gay people
2011-02-19 9:23 pm
When the brain releases the neurotransmitter dopamine, stimulated by the mammalian hormone oxytocin.
2011-02-19 1:36 pm
When you ALWAYS use a condom.
2011-02-18 8:56 pm
math gas.
2011-02-18 9:42 am
if I'm daydreaming ... :))
2011-02-18 9:04 am
when you feel shy to talk with that person or when you are in-front of him,then always one thing spin around your head that are you looking good if you are in front of him.every moments you get that feeling that you need to here his voice you have to see him now..& does he love you or get jealous when that person talk with your other friends or hang out who's are opposite gender of him...when you really care about that person
2011-02-18 5:11 am
yes all three of those and more...... u always get nervous by herbut it can also be that ur comfortable around her
2011-02-18 12:55 am
Well... it's kinda like...

Gonna find my baby, gonna hold her tight- gonna grab some afternoon delight.
2011-02-18 12:52 am
you just love... everything is real. like your emotions and the way you look at eachother. there would be nothing to keep the two of you apart. you tell them everything about you and vice versa. there is nothing that can change your mind or feelings for them because you LOVE them. you know that you are in love when you feel it when you say it. :)
2011-02-21 11:54 pm
2011-02-18 11:03 am
When you know that the person you think you feel in love has then become your utmost best friend. Cindy Stiz
2011-02-18 6:00 am
2011-02-18 4:35 am
Of Course this is a sponserd question
2011-02-18 12:04 am
If you don't know, who does?? It's your call.
參考: My own (60) years of marriage.....experience...
2011-02-18 10:45 am
I was with a girl for eight years, We spent as much time together and never got sick of eachother. We loved all the same things and were never paranoid of what the other was doing when we were away from eachother, though we did cheat on eachother but it didn't effect our love for eachother. We only slowly grew apart and we don't hate eachother we just grew apart. I've never found another girl that real. It seems the only girls I meet now just want to see how deep my pockets are, and since I'm the type who only gives things to the girl I love they think I'm broke or cheap. I don't even think a girls knows what it's like to be with someone purely out of love anymore.
2011-02-17 11:42 pm
hmmmm i dont know

mabye when it changes you?
參考: :)
2011-02-20 2:45 am
i really think u guys suck sometimes! and ur website should be much better than this!
2011-02-18 7:23 am
Love is just a form of attachment towards a person and isn't really a feeling. You get very attached to someone whom you don't want to lose. So when you get to the point where you worry about the person being in dangerous places or think you would be unbelievably sad if the person passed away, consider yourself in love because of the attachment. Its nice to be in love though, helps with boredom ;)
2011-02-17 2:31 am
When they give first blood and feed and you still enjoy playing with them anyway.

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