想問"哂氣" 的英文係咩?

2011-02-17 6:46 am
例如話用左好多時間, 好俾心機整一樣野出黎, 但係冇人欣賞, 真係哂氣。


回答 (5)

2011-02-17 11:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如話用左好多時間, 好俾心機整一樣野出黎, 但係冇人欣賞, 真係哂氣/ 。

It is so discoouraging that nobody appreciates what I have done and how much effort I have contributed.

It is wasting time = 晒時間
2011-02-18 6:30 am
這只是極普通的英語常識, 就是 It is a waste of time.
或 It's a waste of time. 就是如此簡單。
2011-02-18 2:11 am
用左好多時間, 好俾心機整一樣野出黎, 但係冇人欣賞, 真係哂氣。

A lot of time with the left, a good effort to serve the entire field come out and walk the same, but the Department of Nuisance people appreciate, really contempt gas.
2011-02-17 7:14 pm
waste gas ha ha 講笑....
應該可以這樣說 .....

1) wasting time
2) not appreciated
3) no one appreciated
4) depreciate
2011-02-17 5:36 pm
哂氣: wasting effort; wasting time

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