ipad 可否運用Microsoft Office的軟件?

2011-02-17 1:32 am
例如 Powerpoint, Word

回答 (3)

2011-02-17 2:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
你只能夠用代替品(在app store 找 iwork,Quickoffice),MS 並沒有推出任何ipad版的office
2011-02-23 5:18 am
hi, you need to buy/download other apps to do that.
for the excel or words, I use the app "Office2 HD", around US$4.99-6.99, I forget the price.
for the powerpoint, I'm not sure.
參考: ipad user
2011-02-18 1:05 am
緊係唔得啦,ms同apple 跟本就係對敵.如要用...
就用唔係ms出既office. 可到yahoo,google 容易找得到.
參考: 比我做最佳!!

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