what is close to the speed of light that we can see in daily life?

2011-02-16 4:33 am

回答 (13)

2011-02-16 10:11 pm
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Are you old enough to remember CRT monitors and CRT television screens? (A.k.a., "tube TVs?")

The electrons that fly from the electron gun at the back of the tube to paint the image on the screen travel at very close to the speed of light.

But, you can't see an electron. Too small, for one thing. Not just too small to see with your naked eye, but actually so small that they can not be "seen" with any kind of light. It takes an immense energy to accelerate any massive object to near light speed. The only objects that we can get up to such speeds are, like electrons, too small to be seen.

But then there's the other problem. If a bullet from a high-powered rifle flew past your face, would you be able to see it? How about something that was going four hundred thousand times _faster_ than a rifle bullet? You might see something, like the trail of incandescent gas it would leave in its wake, but you would never see the object itself.
2011-02-16 4:39 am
Sorry to say this, but the only thing we encounter in our normal lives that approaches the speed of light is... light.

Electrical transmissions through wires are probably the next closest; but they really don't even come close. We are talking about something that travels at three hundred million meters a second.
2011-02-16 4:53 am
It would be so fast, you couldn't see it.

At lightspeed, you could go around the track at your local high school in a microsecond. That's a much smaller interval of time than you can possibly perceive.

To the moon in under 3 seconds.
2011-02-16 4:43 am
Light. We see it happen everyday.

This light has to come all the way from the Sun to Earth at the speed of light.

(Assuming we're talking about sunlight)
參考: Prior Knowledge
2011-02-16 10:05 am
The more earlier bodies on TV screen the closer they to speed of light. It is for your common life vail.
2011-02-16 6:14 am
Other than light, nothing. Not even close. The fastest thing we see in everyday life is a passenger airliner, and light is more than a MILLION times faster. Think of it this way: imagine a bird flying 50 feet above the ground, and imagine you could shoot it. While normally a bird would travel about 50 feet before hitting the ground, this light-speed-capable bird would go 54,000 miles before it hit the ground. It's a kind of speed that can't even be processed.
2011-02-16 5:50 am
2011-02-19 8:38 pm
The particles in a hadron collider. They go 99.999% the speed of light
2011-02-16 7:50 pm
Radio (Microwave) Communications travelling from Earth station to satellite and back. Radio waves travel at the speed of light.
Rather it is the other way round and light waves travel at the speed of radio waves in free space.
James Clerk Maxwell who derived the speed of Electromagnetic waves (Radio waves are Electromagnetic) that were launched by Hertz and then others like Marconi, had a speed of 299792.5 km/s and he added as a comment that " light might also travel at this speed". It took quite a while for engineers to see the electromagnetic nature of light and that the difference between radio waves and light is in the wavelengths. Radio waves are any where between a million (shortest Microwaves) to trillion times ('medium-wave band' in olden days with transmitting masts of height of a few hundred metres even) in wavelength.
2011-02-16 8:13 am
That would be the speed of Dark.

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