what kind of paint can i use for my car? i want to paint it like a hippie van?

2011-02-15 8:02 pm
i really want to paint my car, just to make it something really unique and my own. what kind of paint can i use for this, and where can i get it? i figured if the hippies found awesome paint that stuck to the car well, i should be able to find good paint too. thanks!

回答 (2)

2011-02-15 9:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案

I am assuming that you want some paint on that car that will actually last fo a while. If you are on a budget I recommend an Acrylic enamel single stage paint. If you have a little more money... Then go with your basecoat clearcoat paints, which is a two stage paint.

The single stage paint should run you about $150 for material.

The base clear should run about 250-400 depending on colors, quality etc...

I say, for a hippy van you should go with an Enamel system. It's easy and you only need to put a few coats on. No clear because it dries glossy. You can spray it on or paint it with a brush.

for more info on how to paint your car check out learnautobodyandpaint.com

Good luck!
2016-11-30 12:00 am
I asssume which you're conversing approximately portray it your self. i could discourage you from doing this. Take it to a sort of low value physique shops and enable them to color it for you. in line with possibility you propose to color over dents, and so on. and of path i might desire to understand that if the motor vehicle is in undesirable shape. save your funds for a whilst and function it painted by potential of a expert and function something which you will possibly be proud to rigidity. you will possibly be able to desire to do a splash artwork on it your self, like sanding and so on. and in line with possibility even knock out some dents. basically my opinion....Nomadic

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