
2011-02-16 1:20 am
首先,宜家追求以合理且經濟的方式,開發並製造自己的產品,以減低物料 的浪費。宜家的設計理念是〃同樣價格的產品誰的設計成本更低〃。它用〃簡單〃來降低顧客讓渡成本,用〃美〃來提高顧客讓渡價值。採用以〃模組〃為導向的研發設計體系,把低成本與高效率結為一體。這樣不僅設計的成本和產品的成本都能得到降低。

回答 (3)

2011-02-16 2:53 am
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Firstly, IKEA aims for a suitable and economical way to develop and manufacture its own products, and to reduce material waste. IKEA's principles are various: "Whoever designs the product the cheapest", "Simplicity" to reduce expenditure, "Esthetics" to raise customer value, and "Enhancement of delivery". It uses modules to develop design-oriented systems, where low cost and high efficiency works hand in hand. Not only their design costs but also their production costs are lowered.
Secondly, IKEA uses large scale global manufacturing outsourcing and bulk purchase to minimize manufacturing expenditure. It encourages a wide range of free competition among its suppliers. Competitive pressure that forces the suppliers to participate in the pursuit of this "minimum price maximum quality" ethos. In addition, IKEA annually proposes to its own suppliers a target production cost index, aiming to lower manufacturing expenditure towards a downward trend. In turn, IKEA is able to offer consumers lower prices making its products even more competitive in the market place.
Furthermore, IKEA and its IT technology, well-designed logistics, and the use of flat packs, will not only save storage space and transport tariff, but also dramatically reduce the overall cost, without compromising product quality.
Finally, IKEA lets its customers self-assemble their furniture and choose their own delivery options, thus significantly saving its operating costs, and giving the customers freedom of choice.
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參考: English teacher
2011-02-16 9:22 pm


2011-02-16 1:26 am
First, IKEA pursue reasonable and economical way to develop and manufacture their own products, to reduce material waste. IKEA's design philosophy is the same price 〃 who design the products cheaper 〃. It is simple to use 〃 〃 to reduce the cost of customer alienation by the United States 〃 〃 to enhance customer delivered value. 〃 〃 modules used to develop design-oriented system, the low cost and high efficiency became one. Not only the design costs and production costs can be reduced.
Second, the IKEA global scale manufacturing outsourcing, bulk purchase, to minimize manufacturing costs. It encourages the widest range of free competition among suppliers, competitive pressures that forced the suppliers to participate in the pursuit of this 〃 〃 low price high quality to the race. In addition, IKEA suppliers each year to its fixed costs of production index down, making the manufacturing costs continue to decline to enter a virtuous circle. So IKEA able to offer consumers low prices in the market more competitive.
Again, IKEA IT technology support, well-designed logistics system, the use of flat packaging 〃 〃 way transport goods. This will not only save storage and transport costs, dramatically reducing the cost, and does not affect product quality.
Finally, the IKEA furniture for customers to assemble their own hands, you can choose delivery or pay-it-yourself way to save money. Not only significant savings in operating costs, and gave the customer a free space.聆聽以拼音方式閱讀字典 - 檢視詳細字典字典 - 檢視詳細字典

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