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2011-02-18 02:22:08 補充:
雖然我唔知道自己翻譯得是否準確, 但見你咁急, 試下幫幫你啦:
A 清拆工程 (clearance works) 清拆會議室及清走舊地毯(*註:走廊通道除外) [clearance of conference room and clearance of old carpets (*remarks: apart from the corridor)] B 油漆工程(連工包料) [painting works (service including material)] 翻油全層牆身油漆 [ re-painting the wall of the whole floor] C 天花工程(連工包料) [ceiling works (service including material)] 新造及安裝假天花(原本會議室位置) [making and installation of the disguised ceiling (at the original location of the conference room)] 新造6個燈盤(原本會議室位置) [making of six lamp trays(at the original location of the conference room)] D 地台工程(連工包料) [ground stage (service including material)] 新鋪地毯 (carpeting) *註:走廊通道除外 (*remarks: apart from the corridor) E 電力工程(連工包料) [electrical works (service including material)] 新加電制箱[=fuse]及連60個電制位 (newly-added electric box/ fuse box, including 60 components/socketing) *註:電制位實做實計 (*remarks: quotation of the cost of the components/socketing depends on the actual needs ) F 什項工程 (miscellaneous works) 搬移舊傢俬,工作枱及清走什物 (moving away of old furniture and desks/tables, and clearance of things) 備註: (Remarks) *以上報價連1張平面圖 (* pls find attached a floor plan with the quotation) *以上工程報價不包括新加工作枱/椅等傢俬 (*the above works do not include new desks/tables, chairs or other furniture) *另加電制位每個$xxx (* for each extra components/socketing @$xxx )
*所有後加或更改工程項目之費用,雙方再商議 (* if there is any newly-added or amendment of works later, the extra expenses will have to be negotiated and confirmed again.) 付款方法: (payment method)1 工程訂金50%於簽署訂單時支付。 (50% deposit to be paid upon confirmation of the order)2 工程費用30%於工程第二期時支付。 (30% deposit to be paid at the second phase of the works)3 工程餘款20%於工程第三期時支 (20% balance to be paid at the third phase of the works) 雙方簽署或公司蓋章確認作實 (to be signed and chopped by both parties for confirmation)