
2011-02-15 11:13 pm

1) 我是來參加XXX展覽會
2) 我住在XXX的XXX酒店
3) 請問你想了解什麼系列的資料呢
4) 請問有什麼可以幫到你呢

回答 (8)

2011-02-16 12:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) I am here to attend the xxx exhabition

2) I am staying at xxx hotel in xxx.

3) Which series of information would you like to know more about?

4) Excuse me, is there anything I could help?
2011-02-25 7:35 am
1) I am attend XXX exposition
2) I to live in XXX hotel
3) do ask that you want to understand any series the material
4) what can i help you
2011-02-19 9:03 pm
1) I have come to participate in exhibitions XXX
2) I live in XXX of the XXX hotel
3) What do you want to know what information series
4) Is there anything I can help you do聆聽以拼音方式閱讀 字典 - 檢視詳細字典
2011-02-17 12:18 am
1) 我是來參加XXX展覽會
I am exhibiting at xxxxx fair.

2) 我住在XXX的XXX酒店
I stay at xxxx hotel.

3) 請問你想了解什麼系列的資料呢
May I know which series you are interested in?

4) 請問有什麼可以幫到你呢
What can I do for you?


May I help you?
2011-02-16 9:41 pm


2011-02-16 6:48 am
1. I come to join the XXX exhibition.
2. I am going to stay in XXX Hotel in XXX.
3. May I ask which series of information do you want to know more?
4. May I help you for anythin?
(Sorry for my informal language)

2011-02-15 22:50:04 補充:
4. May I help you for anythin'g'?
(Sorry for my mistake!)
2011-02-15 11:29 pm
I am here for the XXX Conference (or exhibition).I stay in the XXX HotelMay I know which area you would like to know more? (或 May I know which collection you are interested about?)May I help you? (或 How may I assist you?)
2011-02-15 11:18 pm
1) I am attend XXX exposition
2) I to live in XXX hotel
3) do ask that you want to understand any series the material
4) ask has anything to be possible to help you

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