其實新一輩好多都已經唔識漢字了, 舊一輩都有一部份人係識得睇漢字, 以前學校都要求學生要上漢字堂。始終有好多韓文都係由漢字引申出來的。
你以前係韓國街道見到漢字係一d都唔出奇, 因為以前韓國係會印晒韓文同漢字的。不過, 前幾年, 韓國政府已經抽起呢個rule,所以而家基本上係韓國街道上都唔會出現漢字。
仲有佢地以前身分證都好似要印埋中文名, 不過而家好似無喇! (呢方面, 我唔係100%肯定)
新一輩的韓國人, 簡單的中文係OK識既, 好似:大, 一, 金,水,....真係好簡單既字, 深少少既真係好多都唔識喇!
參考: 韓國朋友
yes,,,,,they do know chinese words but in fact.....most of them are less than 100 words vocabulary,,unless their major is chinese,or relative to chinese,,say:chinese medicine,,LAW,,etc,,,,then they must forced to study chinese words .
chinese words are not allowed to be used in public by Law since 1970,,,,,and also chinese words study is not a must subject for korea people to learn n study....
2011-02-19 12:24:50 補充:
crazy,,,,anything wrong with yahoo??????
how come my answer is not in the selecting list??
date n time is a good proof!!
have a nice day!
參考: my korean knowledge