
2011-02-15 7:47 am
What have you done/talked about?
What were you doing/talking about?

Which one is better?
Are they appropriate in different situation?

回答 (5)

2011-02-15 9:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
They are for different situations.

What have you done/talked about?

= What have you done/talked about over a period of time, or between the start of that period to this moment.

Example: What have you done since yesterday ?

What were you doing/talking about?

= What were you doing/talking about at that exact moment ?

Example: What were you doing/talking about at exactly 6 o'clock ?
參考: English teacher
2011-02-16 10:40 pm
What are you saying?
what are you doing?
2011-02-16 8:37 am
What have you done? - this could be used for about to have a go at someone. E.g. Your friend dropped something at your house...then you can say 'What have you done?' - Its like having a go at that person for breaking your stuff.

What have you talked about? - You are trying to find out about the conversation with a friend.

all 4 is fine. Doesnt matter.
參考: my brain
2011-02-15 8:11 pm
英文點問人岩岩講緊/做緊咩What have you done/talked about? = this one

What were you doing/talking about at the party last night/ yesterday? = ok

= it happened last night /yesterday --. not minutes ago.

2011-02-15 5:57 pm



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