What should I do???????

2011-02-15 6:00 am


回答 (4)

2011-02-16 12:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It depends on what "creative" you are talking about. If you are talking about your writing is not creative enough, then the best way is to read more books. It should be a proper book obviously, otherwise there will be no use. Fictions are quite good as it requires creativity.

I am not sure what "creative" you are talking about, but hope I did help you =)
2011-02-15 8:13 pm
What should I do???????我個Miss話我唔夠creative,我應該點做

You should think about this when she siad this.

It does not matter. Just try to do everything to your best. She will change and appreciate your effort in the future
2011-02-15 5:58 pm


2011-02-15 6:11 am
其實老師話你冇咩創意xD`` 如果你唔識得變有創意啲的話,就主動D`幫老C手xD``
佢就會對你好感多D @@
參考: ME

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