set off 同set out的意思 ?

2011-02-15 1:39 am
我本gramma話set off意思係引起事件,set out的意思係出發....
但我查字典係調返轉!甘set off 同set out的意思到底系咩 ?THX

回答 (2)

2011-02-15 4:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
set off 出發

We will set off to barbecue at 5pm = we will go to barbecue at 5pm

set out 開始

We set out to paint the wall this morning but only part of it is finished. =
We began to paint the wall this morning but parto f it is finished.

2011-02-14 20:05:05 補充:
parto f = 更
part of
2011-02-15 6:08 pm


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