What is your greatest pet peeve with OTHER dog owners?

2011-02-13 7:44 pm
Just curious how many of you feel the same way I do. Can you list them in order of annoyance, and possibly give an example?
My number one ....people who let their dog run up in your dog's face as they are asking, "Is your dog friendly". C'mon people..can't you ask from a few feet away and then wait for the OK!!??
Number two....people who don't pick up their dog's poop! Especially when we discreetly sneak into a dog restricted area to let the dog's have some fun...Don't people realize they could ruin it for everyone!?
Okay, I have let off some steam....how about you?

After reading your answers I have to say that I have NO third or fourth in order of annoyance! EVERYTHING here is first and second!!!! If I had made up a list from 1 to 25 (or more), all your answers would be on it! Too bad we can't make up a book of dog owner etiquette and have every owner read it and act accordingly!

回答 (20)

2011-02-13 7:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
People who don't pick up after their dogs ESPECIALLY in winter, stepping in snow covered **** is not fun.

people who humanize their pets

People who refuse to admit their dog's poor behavior are not cute or something to be encouraged. This applies to dog who just let their dogs run up on random people/dogs.

People who refuse to train their pets.

People who try and sneak dogs into apartments when they shouldn't have them.

People shouldn't have dogs period
2011-02-13 7:53 pm
People who let their obviously unfriendly dog off leash in public. Very irritating.... AND don't pick up after them.

For instance... at the park last time, (not really supposed to have dogs off leash) but anyway, there was a daschund having fun chasing a soccer ball in circles, and some punk kids get out with this lab that jumps out of the car with it's hackles up and starts going after the daschund.... if it wasn't for the fence dividing the parking lot from the baseball feild it would have been on that daschund.

Little kids being dragged down the street by big powerful dogs (like GSD's for instance) and admitting that they aren't friendly. Sorry, some random kid shouldn't be alone walking a dog they can't even make walk beside them.
2011-02-13 8:05 pm
i can not stand the owners let their dogs run up to mine ... and i can't stand people who whine about my dog being off leash ... i took time off work, five levels of obedience, and my dog is impeccably trained so just mind your own business ... i could see if my dog was bothering anyone or was out of control, but she is not ... i think most of the complainers are just jealous they do not have a dog so easily trainable ...
2011-02-13 7:56 pm
1. When they breed their PETS. And any BYB or puppy mills. Maybe, just maybe think before you breed? What about that puppy in the shelter that is dead because your buyer came to you instead of adopting that puppy? I have nothing against reputable breeders that understand this and take it seriously.

2. When they don't take their dog to the vets because they can't be bothered or don't have any money. Really, I understand that these days are rough and you can't afford things, but to bring a dog into this mess? In the end, the dog suffers. It has a seizure and you have no money set aside, so you ignore it against your will. A few days later the dog dies because of something you could have prevented by not buying the dog while you have no money to provide valuable care. And when they can't be bothered, well that is just pure ignorance.

3. And the poo left on the floor by stupid owners. Disgusting? Yes. Smelly? Yes. Irresponsible? Yes. Avoidable? YES. Think before getting a dog. I know picking it up is disgusting and carrying it home for miles is too. But then again what about all the other people that have to walk on the pathway? Maybe they don't want brown smelly shyt on their shoes either.


4. And who couldn't forget? Just got reminded by a clueless person asking a question about their month old puppy.
I hate it, I really hate it when people buy 3-6 week old puppies. They have NO socialization with their family before being shoved into a human family. I won't go on and on about it. End of story.
2011-02-13 7:51 pm
I agree with lorraine and you think like me Look no laughing matter
But what i hate is when some ones dog who's out of control shouts from a distance as the dog runs up to my dogs and then shouts its ok he just wants to play as the dog is trying to rip my dogs heads off literally and then they blame me for picking my dogs up
2011-02-13 7:46 pm
ha ha---- that could be me asking this question ...

so you have my No. 1 & No. 2.

Totally agree.
2011-02-13 7:46 pm
people who leave their dog outside in the cold. i feel so bad for my neighbors dog
2011-02-13 7:57 pm
- People who treat their dogs like little children and don't discipline or train them. This especially applies to people who own little yappy dogs that bite. Were little Prissy a Doberman, he would have been trained and disciplined.

- People who make their dogs wear costumes and clothes.

- People who are either ignorant about basic dog care or refuse to do it. Stuff like getting their dog shots, taking it in for yearly physicals, having the animal fixed, and taking it to the vet when it's sick.
2011-02-13 7:47 pm
I hate it when people let their dogs off leash in public. i don't care how well trained your dog may be. If it sees a cat or a squirrel or something, instincts kick in and it can take off after it. And if you're on a sidewalk, what are you gonna do if a car veers off the road? For the dog's own safety, keep it on a leash please.
2011-02-13 8:06 pm
I hate both of those too! when I was walking my adult german shepherd at the park these stupid people let their little beagle come up to him and it started snappin at my dog and bit him in the face so my dog tried to tear it up and im holding him back and they still dont put their dog on a leash.. and it wasnt even an off leash park! Pisses me off.

Lol thanks people for giving me thumbs down.
2011-02-13 7:53 pm
both of yours are good ones... but... the top of the list... are the people who say (online or in-person)

and others I see as answers are also very good!

My top of the list worst is:

"My dog _____________________ (fill in blank with problem or symptom) and I am afraid they are so very sick & going to die.... what do I do? how do I help my poor dog? I love them so much & don't want them to die, can't you tell me what to do?"

But when you say "Have you called your vet"... or "Your dog needs a vet immediately" or anything that indicates using the services of the veterinarian, they refuse......
2011-02-13 7:55 pm
I hate people who have money for there computers, tv's and internet but are just SO poor they canot get medical care for there dog.

I hate people who do not spay and neuter then come on here and complain about not knowing what to do when there female starts to whelp.

I hate people who buy designer mongrels then whine about the over population of pets and how sad they are that millions of animals get put to sleep every year in shelters.

I hate people who take 6 week and younger pups from there mothers and complain that they have behavior problems.

I hate people who cannot get off there fat a.s.ses and actually train there dog but instead come on here and whine about it.

I hate people who give there dogs away for BS reasons. (Sometimes there are legit reason why you have to re-home a dog)

and lastly I f**king hate when people come on here and ask: What do I do about my girl dog? She is having here period and bleeding everywhere!!!!!
Its a f**king heat cycle not a damn period!!!!!!!!!

So those are my pet peeves.
2011-02-14 3:09 am
I agree with both of the things you listed. I'll also add:
- People who come up to pet my dog, usually ignoring me. Even worse is when they try to give my dog commands as they approach, when I'm standing right there, with her on leash.
- Other dog owners who want to interject their opinion on how I train my dog, while their dog is busy straining at the end of its leash.
- People who don't understand "I'm TRAINING, please leave us alone". Even worse is when it's other dog owners.
- People who don't train their CHILDREN on how to approach dogs/how to ASK owners before touching dogs. Especially annoying are the children who think small dogs are cuddly little play things for them to pick up and hold.
2011-02-13 9:14 pm
ya I hate the ones you mentioned too. However, being a volunteer at my local shelter has give me a whole list of new hates. A number one is breeding their dogs. 5 million unwanted dogs and cats are euthanized every year in this country. number two is abusing their dogs. Starving, striking, burning, fighting and totally abandoning them and moving away. 4 is leaving them in yards or in the hands of someone who can't handle them while on vacation which leads to them getting out, run over, or into the shelter. 5th would be inadequate training. Take a good obedience class for heaven sakes!
2011-02-13 8:28 pm
People who have no clue about their dog's behaviour. They say oh my dog is just super friendly and playfull. But really they have no manners and start jumping all over my dog and getting in her face. Then when my dog has enough of it she barks at them so they leave her alone. Then they think my dog is the one with the problem.
2011-02-13 8:23 pm
When i go to the dog park and some little dog starts barking and bitting my rottie and shepherd and they think it is cute and all like they always do when their little dog is bad. But when my rottie mistakenly scares or steps on them they freak just because his breed
People who let there dogs dominate my dog in the dog park and wont stop their dog and get mad when i push it off.
And thirdly when people come up not asking to pet my shepherd who is verbally protective of me and growls at them and then they threaten to get him thrown out of the park or put down.
2011-02-13 8:09 pm
My number one is people reaching out to pet my dog without asking permission. They do not know if my dog(Andy) is friendly or not and if he bites someone then it is my fault. People need to think about what they are doing around someone's pet.

My number 2 is when people let their dogs use my yard for their bathroom. They have a yard use it and not mine
2011-02-13 11:28 pm
ignorant people getting dogs and not knowing what it takes to own it.
2011-02-13 7:48 pm
when they scoff when you ask if you could pet them
when they think they're dogs are the best in training class and think they're angles
2016-02-27 9:32 am
i hate when i got to a store and see a poor dog sitting in a car with the windows barely rolled down or anything... that poor thing could very well die of heat stroke and the owner doesn't care. i've gone into a store before and did some shopping and about 45 minutes later i come out and the dog is still alone in a car on a hot summer day... who the heck does that. like it probably doesn't even have water to drink and if it does the water is probably hot.

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