英文grammar 問題

2011-02-13 10:31 pm
問題1: at any _______ age 係唔係應該用given而唔係certain?
問題2 All these rules are invented by the religious leaders,who all are illiterate.點解用who all就錯?

回答 (5)

2011-02-13 11:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. at any certain age
2. To keep your original meaning, you should put "all" after "are".

-- All these rules are invented by the religious leaders,who are all illiterate.

If you take away " all ",the meaning of the sentence will be totally different.

Hope you find it useful.
2011-02-15 12:46 am
at any age =任何年齡
at any certain age or at any age = 任何指定的年齡

問題2 All these rules are invented by the religious leaders,who all are illiterate.. All is to emphasis and should be moved after are or all can be deleted.

English writing does not say - who all.= all of them

問題2 All these rules are invented by the religious leaders. All of them are illiterate.= exactly what you mean.
2011-02-14 8:05 pm


2011-02-13 11:31 pm
1. at any certain age
2. To keep your original meaning, you should put "all" after "are".
2011-02-13 10:39 pm

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