How your work is done ?

2011-02-13 1:05 pm
My main job duty is to take the food and pass my customer. How is it done?
Firstly, The food is ordered from the phonecall and the invoice must have been written address for accuracy. Secondly, the food is delivered to arrive destination safely. After then, the food is gone hard upstairs. Lastly the food
is handed my customer politely. if no problems are found, the food can be
returned for later order.

1. pass 之前要不要加 is
2. 用 must be written 還是用上面這個..
3. 如果 study hard 可以用 ( go hard 是否也可以用 )
4. upstair 是否要加 s
5. 整段文章有沒有錯漏
6. 先謝謝各位回答者

回答 (2)

2011-02-13 3:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My main job duty is to take the food and pass my customer. How is it done?
My main job duty is to take the order and pass the food to my customer. How is it done?

Firstly, The food is ordered from the phonecall and the invoice must have been written address for accuracy.
Firstly, the food order is taken by phone, and the address is written on the invoice for accuracy.

Secondly, the food is delivered to arrive destination safely. After then, the food is gone hard upstairs.
Secondly, the food is delivered to the destination safely, then hard work is required to carry it upstairs.

Lastly the food is handed my customer politely. if no problems are found, the food can be returned for later order.
Lastly, the food is handed to my customer politely. If no problems are found, the customer will return to order food later.
參考: my past learning
2011-02-13 7:29 pm


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