我有科學唔識,plz help me! ,英文嚟咖

2011-02-12 11:16 pm
1. Name TWO substances which pass through

2. In which of the above structures does the embryo develop?

which of the following is NOT a part of the female reproductive system?

a. vagina
b. uterus
c. bladder
d. ovary

回答 (2)

2011-02-13 12:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. pass through.... (some words are missed)

2. placenta

3. C because bladder is stored in liver.

2011-02-13 11:36:56 補充:
yeah.. but when i first saw the word bladder, what i can firstly think about is the gall bladder in liver.
參考: Knowledge is power.
2011-02-13 11:06 am
can't it be urinary bladder? XD
either way, it's not related to reproduction.

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