active and passive voice

2011-02-12 7:21 pm
Change the following sentences into the opposite voice.

8 My house was broken into by a thief last night.
9 The typhoon has destoryed many houses.
10 The gate will be closed by an old man at midnight.
11 Have the results been heard by you yet?
12 Betty will be forgiven by her mother.
13 Peter must hand in the application form before the deadline.
14 A chicken was being roasted by the cook.
15 A speech has been delivered by the Governor at the opening ceremony of our school.

回答 (3)

2011-02-12 8:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
8.A thief broke into my house last night.

9.Many housee have been destroyed by the typhoon.

10.An old man will close the gate at midnight.

11.Have you heard the result yet?

12.Her mother will forgive Betty.

13.The application form must be handed in by Peter before the deadline.

14.The cook was roasting a chicken.

15.The Governor has delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of our school.
參考: 自己
2011-02-13 2:59 am

2011-02-12 10:39 pm
8 My house was broken into by a thief last night.
A thief broke into my house last night.

9 The typhoon has destoryed many houses.
Many houses have been destroyed by the typhoon..

10 The gate will be closed by an old man at midnight.
An old man will close the gate at midnight.

11 Have the results been heard by you yet?
Have you heard the results yet?

12 Betty will be forgiven by her mother.
Her mother will forgive Betty.
Betty's mother will forgive her.

13 Peter must hand in the application form before the deadline.
The application form must be handed in by Peter before the dealine.

14 A chicken was being roasted by the cook.
The cook was roasting a chicken.

15 A speech has been delivered by the Governor at the opening ceremony of our school.
The Governor has delivere a speech at the opening ceremony of our school

2011-02-12 14:40:15 補充:
The Governor has deliverED.........

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