
2011-02-12 5:27 pm
已知过原点o的一条直线与函数y=log(8)x的图像交于A.B两点, 分别过这两点作y轴的平行线与函数y=log(2)x的图像交于C.D两点.

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2011-02-13 5:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Let the x - coordinate of A and B be a and b respectively. Since they are on curve y = log (8)x [ to the base 8], their y - coordinates are log(8)a and log (8)b respectively.
log (8)x = log (2)x/log (2)8 = log(2)x/log(2)(2^3) = log(2)x/3,
so A is [a, (log a)/3] and B is [b ,(log b)/3]. [Note : log is understood to be base 2 from now on.]
Since OAB is a straight line, slope of A is the same as slope of B, that is
(log a)/3a = (log b)/3b, or (log a)/a = (log b)/b........................(1)
Since C and D are vertically above A and B, their x - coordinates are the same, so x - coordinates of C and D are a and b respectively.
Since C and D are on curve y = log(2)x = log x, so the coordinates of C is (a, log a) and D is (b, log b)
Slope of OC = (log a)/a, slope of OD = (log b)/b, by result of (1), they are the same, so OCD is a straight line.
Since BC is horizontal, that means their y - coordinates are the same,
so (log b)/3 = log a, or log b = 3 log a and b = a^3
Sub. these results into (1), we get
(log a)/a = (3 log a)/a^3
1 = 3/a^2
a^2 = 3
a = sqrt 3 (- sqrt 3 is reject since a must be +ve.)
So the coordinates of A is [ sqrt 3, log(sqrt 3)/3] = [sqrt 3, (log 3)/6].

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