可以幫忙轉返唔係亂碼嗎? 求救!! 急

2011-02-11 9:41 am


係email來的~~ 試左~~唔得呀!

回答 (2)

2011-02-21 3:36 am
✔ 最佳答案

I understand your problem.

If the incoming e-mail ( not those hyperlinks ) have coding problems, it has due to the sender himself / herself in edition. You can do nothing except asking him / her to resend for you, but asking him / her to change the code to UNICODE first before sending out.

This is the only way you can do now.

Hope I can help you.

參考: Mathematics Teacher Mr. Ip
2011-02-12 8:59 am
你係唔係收E-Mail時啲資料變咗亂碼?如是,你入番E-Mail嘅收件箱然後在工具列按檢視,再按編碼,跟住按住其他,就會出現一堆類似語言的選項,你就揀 Unicode(UTF-8) 或 (UTF-7) 之後篇資料就會變回中文。希望幫到你 !
參考: 自己的經驗

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