Poll: Who's your favorite superhero?

2011-02-11 7:20 am

回答 (18)

2011-02-11 10:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Heart of Valor;)
2011-02-11 3:24 pm
My mom. She had to put up with me for 18.5 years now.
2011-02-11 3:26 pm
I like villains..
2011-02-11 3:24 pm
My grandfather:)
2011-02-11 3:24 pm
I'm Batman.

Because all his "superpower" relies on awesome technology that is quite sexy.
2011-02-11 3:23 pm
2011-02-11 3:22 pm
Batman because he doesn't have super powers. Plus his alter ego is pretty awesome, and his costume design isn't nearly as weak as most other super heroes.
2011-02-11 3:23 pm
Captain Underpants FTW!!!
參考: The books are awesome!!!
2011-02-11 3:40 pm
X-23 - a female clone of wolverine but she is more his Daughter than a clone.
2011-02-11 3:39 pm
2011-02-11 3:36 pm
2011-02-11 3:35 pm
tazmanian devil because his a devilishly cute!? :p
2011-02-11 3:31 pm
參考: Hahahahahaha!
2011-02-11 3:29 pm
I'm with lifetimegaruntee even though they can't spell guarantee... ;)
2011-02-11 3:27 pm
2011-02-11 3:26 pm
2011-02-11 3:25 pm
2011-02-11 3:25 pm

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