masturbate cat. Estrous Cycle?

2011-02-10 10:50 am
My little kitten(about 1 year old,female) now reaches her estrous cycle,she moans all the time and seems extremely horny.But I dont wish her to meet other cats in case of being preganent.Nor do I want to have her surgery. so now I'm asking for a method to masturbate her to release her eggs,
anyone have any propery and healthy way to masturbate a female cat?
Thanks a lot

回答 (7)

2011-02-10 3:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
As far as I know there is no artificial "tool" that you can stick inside your cat's vulva to simulate coitus with a male cat.

The only thing I have ever heard of is a "Teaser Tom". That is what breeders use to bring a female out of estrous. A "Teaser Tom" is a male cat that has had a vasectomy. It has NOT been neutered. Therefore, it still has the urge to mate.

A male cat has barbs on it's penis that scrape the walls of the females vagina upon withdrawal. It is widely believed that this "scraping" induces ovulation in the female.
But as I said before, I am not aware of any tool with which to do this.

Your only other option is to have her spayed. I assure you, it's the correct choice.
參考: Owner of 5 cats. (or do they own me? I never can be too sure.....)
2011-02-10 10:28 pm
You don't want her to have the surgery? If she continues to go in and out of heat she will
1. Loose condition and weight
2. start to spray and pee in the wrong places
3. get on your last nerve
4. develop uterine infection (costly to cure and could kill)
5. Mammary gland infection from hormones on the rampage

There are others but these are the ones to start with. Masturbate a cat, I wouldn't even try it. You are messing with a creatures systems and hormones.

2011-02-11 8:03 am
RP Cat is correct about the risks of not having the surgery.
There is a method of acupressure that doesn't involve actually inserting anything (I don't recommend using a Q Tip as you may injure her or cause infection.) But the only times I know of people using acupressure to induce ovulation instead of just have a cat de-sexed is if the cat is a pedigreed cat, an excellent example of the breed standard, who has been (or is currently being) shown and titled and is going to be later bred in a breeding program to preserve and improve a breed. If that were the case for your kitty, you could ask your breeding mentor about this.
But even then , breeders may do this a few times now and then in between breedings or to delay a first breeding if she is too young and having frequent cycles, but they get the queen spayed usually before age 6 or 7. They do not use this over and over and over for a cat's entire life putting her into one false pregnancy after another. that increases the risk of cystic endometrial hyperplasia.

Why not get her spayed ? This is a very common surgery. I think it would be best to just get some earplugs and telephone your veterinarian to make plans to get her spayed in the near future after this cycle. If your cat has some medical condition that makes it impossible to put her under anesthesia then you will have to discuss it with the vet. then maybe it is matter of choosing a lesser risk, and you can ask the vet if he knows about the acupressure technique.
2011-02-10 9:06 pm
get the cat fixed.
2011-02-10 8:50 pm
Get her fixed. Unless you are getting your kix this way I dont see a reason to molest your cat. Usually there will be a nice animal shelter in the city where you can fix your cat for a fair price . By the way they usually keep comming into heat until they have mated and she becomes pregnant. Masturbating your cat should havent even come up.
參考: common sense
2011-02-10 7:55 pm
Get the cat fixed, that is cruel!
2011-02-10 7:03 pm
find a way to get her fixed it is cruel to let her pop in and out of heat

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