simple recipes of sweet<20>

2011-02-11 5:46 am
simple recipes of candy or chocolate(very simple)
need to have Chinese and English
Thank You

回答 (2)

2011-02-12 12:38 am
✔ 最佳答案

Ingredients拼料 · 1/2 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature (在室溫下的無鹽黃油半 杯)· 1/2 cup granulated sugar(淬糖粒半 杯)· 1/2 cup brown sugar(紅糖半 杯)· 1 large egg (大雞蛋1個)· 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract(純香草精 1 茶匙)· 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour(麵粉 1 杯半)· 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (無糖可可粉 1/4 杯)· 1/2 teaspoon baking soda (蘇打半 茶匙)· 1/2 teaspoon baking powder(發酵粉半茶匙)· 1/2 teaspoon salt(鹽半 茶匙)· 1/2 cup milk-chocolate chips牛奶巧克力片半 杯)· 1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chips (半甜巧克力半杯)
Directions做法說明 1. Heat oven to 350°F . Cream the butter and sugars in a large bowl with an electric mixer on high speed.

熱爐至 350 ° F在。大碗中高速攪拌黃油和糖。

Lower to medium speed and add the egg and vanilla.


Sift together the flour, cocoa, baking soda, baking powder, and salt.

麵粉、 可可粉、 蘇打、 發酵粉和鹽一起篩。

On low speed, add the dry mixture to the butter mixture.


Beat until fully incorporated. 打到成為一團。

Fold in the chocolate chips. 摻入巧克力片。

2. Form the dough into approximately 1 1/2-inch balls.形成大約 1吋半麵團球。

Place on parchment- or foil-lined baking sheets, 2 inches apart.

放置在黃油紙或烤箔內相距2 吋。

3. Bake until the centers are just set, about 12 minutes. 烤到中心固定,約 12 分鐘。

Let cool on sheets for 5 minutes.. 讓其冷卻5 分鐘。
2011-02-11 9:01 pm


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