Breathing System (Biology)

2011-02-11 1:37 am
I have questions regarding the HKCEE Human Biology 2005 II Q2:
If a person were infected by the SARS virus, the mucus layer would become much thicker. What would be the effect of this on the person?
The answer is B: His blood oxygen content would decrease.

But WHY??
Please explain to me!
Thank you

回答 (2)

2011-02-15 2:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
The mucus layer in the nose is used to secret mucus which is for filering dust & wetting the incoming air . It also contains some enzymes to kill bacteria . However when the underlining get swollen , it simply broads the amount of air passing through , more severely you breath with no air , since amount of air decreased , there will be less oxygen diffused into the blood in the lung not in the mucus layer which is in the nose .
2011-02-11 4:44 am
mucus layer would become much thicker -> Diffusion Distance for Oxygen in the air sac INCREASES -> Rate of Diffusion of Oxygen Decrease -> Less Oxygen replenish
參考: myself

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