i'm looking to let my property out and wondering which agent should i go for?

2011-02-09 6:59 pm
my property is in portsmouth northend and i have 2 agents in my mind which are jeffries or beals.
does anyone have any experience with them or any other suggestion?
please leave me some tips on letting coz this is my 1st time!!!!

thank you very much!

Does tenant usually stay for another contract?


回答 (3)

2011-02-09 7:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Firstly, you do not HAVE to use an agent - although a good one will make sure you are kept on the right side of the law and that your rights are respected. The problem is, agents don't need any qualifications, there is no specific experience needed and there is no-one to 'police' them, other than civil law.

If you find an agent who is a member of ARLA, NALS or subscribes to TPOS, then that is a start - but it ISN'T a guarantee that they will be any good. You could see if there is a local landlords association - and phone their chairman/secretary - he will know if any local agents have a 'reputation'. Even better, attend a meeting and meet some local landlords.

Finally, see how he agent responds to these reasonably simple questions:

1) Who is responsible if the tenant breaks the loo (you have to fix it - but if you can prove it was tenants fault, you can bill them)

2) If they stop paying, how long will it take to get them out (4-5 months from first missed payment to bailiffs - but only for major arrears)

3) How long do I have to sign for, and can I have the house back at the end of the tenancy? (6 or 12 months is usual - but to evict, you need a court order that would add at least 2 months to that.)
2011-02-11 1:30 am
I've used an ARLA agent for the last seven years. This means they won't/can't run off with the deposit, even if they go bust, and they are also liable if they cost you money by messing up the lease.

neither of these things have happened to me and they have found me good tenants who stayed a long time. However the management service is a joke, they often ignore emails, miss inspections and so on; basically you end up doing it all yourself. The agent changed a couple of years ago but the new lot are just the same.

I would use them for tenant finding, drawing up leases and referencing, but expect no service once the tenant is in, then you won't be disappointed. Read up about it all and become your own expert.

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