8條f.1數學應用題.急!20 points

2011-02-10 6:07 am
all step&ans.
(some are Algebra)

18.There were n boys and n girls originally in a group of students. If 2 boys join the group and 40 girls leave the group, then 60% of the new group will be boys. Find the value of n.

19.Julia spent 10% of her savings on a belt and 20% of her savings on apair of trousers. She then spent 40% of her savings on a ring. If she had $600 remaining, what was the original amount of her savings?

20.A store originally had 190 cans of fish and 230 cans of pork. The store then bought x more cans of both items. Find x if the total number of cans of food has increased by 10%.

21.Amy's height and Bonnie's height is 80% of Cindy's height.What percentage of Cindy's height is Amy's height?

22.The base of a triangle is decreased by 10% to become 9cm but its height is unchanged. The new area of the triangle is 22.5c㎡
(a) Find the original area of the triangle.
(b) What is the percentage change in the area?

23.A toyshop sold a doll at $178 and lost 20%.
(a) Find the cost of the doll.
(b)If a 20% profit is to be made, how much should the selling price be?

24.If a suitcase is sold at $600, the seller will lose 20%. Find the profit percentage if the suitcase is sold at $690.


18,21,22,your answer is not correct. 18:124 20 i am correct. sorry.21 is not correct. 21. Amy's height is 80% of Bonnie's height and Bonnie's height is 80% of Cindy's height. What percentage of Cindy's height is Amy's height?


if you can,plz go to http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=7011020901950


email the answer to me?

回答 (1)

2011-02-10 4:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Question 18.

(n + 2)
------------------- x100 = 60
(2n + 2 - 40)

(n + 2)
--------------- = 0.6
(2n - 42)

n + 2 = 0.6(2n - 42)
n + 2 = 1.2n – 25.2
2 + 25.2 = 1.2n – n
27.2 = 0.2n
n = 27.2/0.2
n =136

Question 19.
(10% + 20% + 40%) = 70%
She spent 70% of her saving on buying things
She still had 30% of her saving left which is $600
Original amount of her saving = ($600/30) x 100
Original amount of her saving = $2000

Question 20. Typo error. Check all the numbers.

Question 21. Typo error. Please check the wording.
Amy is 80% of Cindy’s height. Cindy is taller than Amy.

Question 22.
Area of a triangle = ½ (base x height)
Height = 2 x area/base = 2 x 22.5c㎡/ 9cm = 5 cm
Original base = 9 cm/0.9 = 10 cm

(a) original area of the triangle = ½ (base x height) = ½ (10 cm x 5 cm)
Original area of the triangle =25 c㎡

(b) percentage change in the area = (change in area/original area)x 100%
percentage change in the area
= (22.5 – 25) /25 x 100% = -2.5/25 x 100% = -10%
Percentage change in the area = 10% (decreasing)

Question 23.
(a) The cost of doll = [$178/(100 -20) ]x 100 = [$178/80]x100
The cost of doll = $222.50

(b) Selling price =$222.50 + $222.50 x 20/100 = $222.50 + $44.50 = $267
Selling price should be $267

Question 24.
Cost of suitcase = $600/(100 – 20) x 100 = $750
If the suitcase sell at $690, it is still a loss.
Loss percentage = [(690 – 750)/750] x 100 = -8%
Negative sign indicates it is a loss.
8% loss if sold at $690

2011-02-10 10:23:50 補充:
Ques 18: (correction)
(n + 2)
------------------- x100 = 60
(2n + 2 - 40)

(n + 2)
--------------- = 0.6
(2n - 38)

n + 2 = 0.6(2n - 38)
n + 2 = 1.2n – 22.8
24.8 = 0.2n
n = 24.8/0.2
n =124

2011-02-10 10:43:38 補充:
Ques 21:

Bonnie’s height = h
Amy’s height = 0.8 h
Bonnie’s height/Cindy’s height = h/Cindy’s height = 80/100
Cindy’s height = h/0.8 = 1.25h
Amy’s height /Cindy’s height x 100% = (0.8h)/(1.25h) x 100% = 64%
Amy's height is 64% of Cindy’s height

2011-02-10 11:02:28 補充:
Ques 20:
x/(190 + 230) = 10/100
x = 42

If x cans pork and x cans fish
2x/(190 + 230) = 10/100
x = 21

2011-02-10 11:47:53 補充:
Email to you.

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