我有幾題CHEM 的題目唔懂點做
1) 1.2 g of a gaseous hydrocarbon Z are burnt competely in excess of dry oxygen in a suitable appartus , and the resultingb gas is led through concentrated sulphuric acid. The acid increases in mass by 1.86 g . Calculate the empirical formula of Z.
2.0 dm3 of Z, when measured at s.t.p. , weight 5.178g.Deduce the molecular formula of Z.
2) 1.200g of a compound containing only Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen gave on complete combustion 1.173g carbon dioxide and 0.24g water. Vapour density of the compound was 45. Find the empirical and molecular formula of the compound.
3)Complete combustion of 1.86g of an organic compund gave 2.64g of C02 and 1.62g of H20 as the only products.
If the density of the compound at s.t.p. was 2.77 g dm-3
, Find its molecular formula.