Pronounciation questions, please help, thanks!?

2011-02-09 4:42 am
How do you pronounce the word "quesTion"?
[ˋkwesʃən] or [ˋkwestʃən]
In other words, ques Shon or ques TCHon (where TCH sounds like the one in maTCH)
It seems to me that, I often hear people pronounce the first one, rather than the second one.
Am I correct or am I wrong? Thanks.

Also, when you pronounce "G, J, Jack, maTCH" (letters in capitals), does the tip of your tongue touch the upper part? Thanks.
or does it go down

回答 (1)

2011-02-09 5:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am a dialectician...and have worked in broadcast radio, so I know whereof I speak. "Question" is pronounced [ˋkwesʃən]. I.e., no "t!"

In "match," one's tongue does touch the hard palate...not in the other items.

Incidentally, there are a number of words which are NOT pronounced the way they are shown in the dictionary (in terms of Standard American English, as is used in broadcasting, e.g,). One example is "important."

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