Transitive verb

2011-02-09 6:42 am
Transitive verb 入面要有 noun and pronoun

and i want to ask that what is this sentence noun and pronoun?

Beautiful coloured illustrations enhanced the book.

回答 (3)

2011-02-11 4:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Transitive verbs require an object to complete their meaning.
Intransitive verbs do not require an object.

The object can be a noun, pronoun, noun phrase or noun clause.

Transitive verb 後面要有 object (賓語)
嚴格地說, Object可以是 noun, 或 pronoun, 或 noun phrase 或 noun clause.

In your sentence,
“Beautiful coloured illustrations enhanced the book.”

“enhanced” is a transitive verb. (in past tense) It requires an object.
“the book”, a noun phrase, is the object of the transitive verb, “enhanced”.
“Beautiful coloured illustrations”, a noun phrase, is the subject of the sentence.

Be careful with pronoun;- object pronoun must be used for transitive verb..
Subject – Object:
I – me, You – you, We – us, They – them, He – him, She – her, It – it

He loves her.
(loves - transitive verb. her– object pronoun)
2011-02-10 12:49 am

2011-02-09 10:40 am
你句句子只有一個動詞, 就係 enhance. enhance 係一個 transitive verb (及物動詞), 所以佢一定需要一個名詞 (noun) 作 object 緊接其後. 而緊接其後的 the book, 就係0個個名詞喇.

要提一點係 pronoun (代名詞), he, she, it, they, him, her, them 等都係名詞的一種. 所以你應該理解為, "transitive verb 緊接之後係一個名詞組 (或一個代名詞)", 而不應理解為 "transitive verb 入面有 noun 與及 pronoun".

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